
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Year 6 – 6F and 6JP

Welcome to our Year 6 information page

 If you would like read more about our class news, review the current home learning or view the content we cover in Year 6, please also visit our class or curriculum pages.


Year 6 teachers are:



6F are taught by Miss Fuller    6JP are taught by Miss Jarvis and Mrs Price


Our teaching assistants are:



                         Mrs Levett                                                        Mr Russell



Year 6 Timetable


What to bring to school:

  • P.E. sessions are on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
  • Children must have a PE kit in school containing the appropriate house colour top, plain blue shorts, plain blue or black jogging trousers and plain trainers for PE.
  • We will have lessons outside when possible so you may wish to provide a zip-up top or jumper.  Please ensure all kit is named clearly. 


  • More information will follow when available about Forest School.


  • Children should also bring to school a filled water bottle (water only please),and a fruit or vegetable snack for break-time.


  • Children are able to have a packed lunch if they wish in Key Stage 2 which should include a balanced range of healthy choices.  Please speak to us individually if your child has dietary requirements or for extra guidance. If having a school dinner, please ensure that these are booked and paid for via Parent Pay.


  • Children should bring into school each day their Contact book, Reading book and Reading Record. The Contact Book will be used for any home/school communication.  Please read with your child regularly and record this in their Reading Record. Reading is absolutely key to improving your child's Literacy skills. We will be encouraging the children to write down what they have read in class also.


In Year 6 (as in other years), we aim to make each day an enjoyable learning experience, and to guide the children to have high expectations of themselves, their peers and their teachers. We always strive to reinforce and extend their learning and help them to develop their growth mind-set. The children in year 6 are given every possible opportunity to reflect on their own learning and to grow their confidence in what they know and what they need to do, in order to succeed. There is a real emphasis on being independent learners and for the children to feel proud about their achievements.

We aim for every child to have a positive attitude to school and to flourish given the extra responsibilites they may wish to take on in Year 6.


Within Year 6 our class values are Gentleness and Self-Control.






























































