Welcome to day one of our Year 3 unscheduled home learning page.
If you are reading this, it means that we cannot complete our learning at school today. However, we have put together below a range of learning resources and activities for you to complete at home
Today, we recommend you try to keep to a school schedule - this helps you stay in the swing of things! We've set out the work to help you with this, though the work can be done in any order you wish.
Be sure to stay hydrated and take movement breaks through the day.
Spend some timing reading and listening to your favourite books today:
1) Read aloud to someone of your choice for at least 10 minutes
2) Read to yourself, in your head for at least 20 minutes and chat to someone about what you have enjoyed reading
3) Ask an adult/older sibling to read to you or listen to an online story being read to you for at least 20 mins
Happy reading!
Please follow this link to your spellings for the week.
Don't forget that the best method is regular revisiting - Look, cover, write, check and using them in a sentence, verbally and written.
Please complete the activity below. If you are not able to print it out, please just write it on to some paper to bring in to school on the next open day.
Continue to practise your times tables on your Times Tables Rockstars account. Speak to your teacher if you do not know your login details.
Please complete the activity below using knowledge of your times tables or drawings to work out the answers.
Physical Education (PE)
It is really important to exercise, get the blood pumping around your body and expand your lungs fully. You can choose your own activity or pick one from the suggested list below, but whichever you choose be sure to stretch, warm up and gently cool down. You might also like to take your pulse (beats per minute) before you start, in the middle of the exercise and when you are cooling down.
Have fun!
1) Access one of our PE lessons on our website video resource centre here
2) In your room, work out with sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges and circling arms. Can you time yourself to see how many you can do in a minute?