Welcome to the Maths homework page. In Year 2 we will set a termly Maths challenge which can be completed at any point during the term. . Please make sure this is returned by the last week of term.
We have included spread this unit of Maths over two terms as pre-teaching if you do it Term 4 or consolidating if you do it Term 5. This unit of work is fractions which we will cover early in Term 5.
This term's homework the children will be looking at problem solving with position and direction. They may need support reading the questions. This term in class we will be looking at money so if you have not completed term 2's homework there is still time to complete this during this term.
This term's Maths challenge is money. Some of this work they will not have completed in class yet so they will need adult support.
Extension exercise: When they write their letter to Father Christmas could they estimate how much each item will cost? Would they be able to add up how much this costs altogether!?
This term's challenge is related to telling the time. Please click on the icon below.
Position and direction
The children will be covering this unit later in term 4 so please use the attached sheets to either consolidate on their learning or to pre-teach any misconceptions.
Thank you for all your support with your children's Maths homework.
The children have just completed a unit on shapes. Please can they complete the attached assessment sheet on the link below. Where possible can they complete this independently but please help them to read any of the trickier words. This is due on the final week of term (week commencing 6th February).
Money! Please click on the links below for a variety of worksheets for the chlldren to work through.