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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

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Weekly newsletters

Friday 12th July 2024

***Important date for Your Diary***

Friday 12th July 1P swimming

Tuesday 16th FoFs Great British Bake Sale

Tuesday 16th July end of year reports 

Friday 19th July 1K swimming

Friday 19th July - Church for Year 6 Leavers - all welcome but priority will be given to Year 6 parents- bring tissues if you are one of those Y6 parents 

Friday 19th July - End of term & school year

Tuesday 3rd September start of school year where I will see you in Y2! Summer uniform 

Please click here for all term dates for the upcoming year  


So, here we are, the penultimate Friday of Term 6 and the end of the school year. I can't quite believe we're here after a fantastic year of learning! And what a record you have of their learning with all the weekly newsletters and photos which you can visit and revisit at your leisure. 


Last week, was transition. The children have all coped marvellously with their classroom visit, and this week, some children went along to see their classroom for reassurance. They asked questions and walked around to get a feel for their new learning space. We have spent time in RHE discussing changes which we hope has also helped those who are moving house. 


This week, the children had the fantastic chance to see the Year 6 production, seeing their brothers and sisters perform. I'm sure it's a memory that will stay with them for a long time. 


Next week, the children will be going home with some of their exercise books. Please could we ask that you bring in a sturdy plastic bag with your child's name on it. 


Please make sure you have read the email sent out today regarding RHE which will be taught next week. 


All that remains is to say a huge thank you to our wonderful parents for helping with swimming, forest school and reading as well as our successful school trip. 


Have a super weekend!

The Year 1 Team 



Friday 5th July 2024

***Important date for Your Diary***

Friday 5th July 1K swimming

Friday 12th July 1P swimming

Friday 19th July - Church Year 6 Leavers 

Friday 19th July - End of term & school year



Apologies for the lack of newsletter last week. The trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre was perfect! The day was filled with excited children from start to finish, impeccably behaved and thoroughly engaged with all the activities on offer. They learnt so much about space, blasting off into space, Tim Peake and the ISS. It couldn't have gone ahead without our wonderful parent volunteers of which we extend a huge, 'THANK YOU!!!!'


This week, the children visited their new classroom and new teacher for next year in Year 2. The transition went very well for both classes who came back to Year 1 full of beans and chatter about their morning. In RHE, we discussed the challenges of moving up and the feelings involved as well as the positives that came out of transition morning. Children have also had the opportunity to chat 1:1 if they feel the need, and some will visit their classroom throughout the rest of the term during play and lunchtimes to get a feel for their new space. And of course there will be a familiar face going up with them. smiley


Next week, the school has been invited to watch the Year 6 dress rehearsal for their end of year performance. Year 1 will be watching this annual treat on Wednesday afternoon.


In Maths, we have introduced money; recognising coins and their value as well as notes. We have also spoken about the use of cards and bank accounts as well as savings. Please visit the our homework page and click on maths for some free games based on money. 


In English, we have written recounts from our trip and sports day and continued without space poetry. Next week, they will be writing a letter to their new teacher to share some information about themselves.  


Thank you for all your support and kind words over transition. The last few weeks will be jam-packed fun as we count down to summer. 


Have a super weekend,

The Year 1 Team





Friday 21st June 2024

***Important dates for your Diary***

Friday 21st June - Frozen Friday returns- FoFs selling ice-creams at the end of the day

Saturday 22nd June - SHF Summer fair -11AM - 2PM

Thursday 27th June Y1 trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre

Friday 28th June - 1P swimming


It has been a FAB-U-LOUS week of sports! the children have been beaming from ear to ear. The photos say it all.


Please visit our Maths homework page where you'll find some revision questions from the term so far. 


Thank you for the fun space facts the children are bringing in. we are all learning so much when they are shared. 


Have a super weekend,


The Year 1 Team

Friday 14th June 2024

***Important Dates for Your Diary***

Friday 14th June - 1K swimming

Friday 14th June - FoFs dress down day- summer wear (apart from shoes which have to be closed toe shoes) Y1 to donate something yellow

WK beginning 17th June- Sports Week- Children to wear sports wear all week - PE kits for Wednesday

Wednesday 19th June AM KS1 Sports Day- PE kits to be worn 

Friday 21st June - Swimming cancelled for 1P due to KS2 Aquathlon

Saturday 22nd June - SHF Summer fair

Thursday 27th June Y1 trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre

Friday 28th June - 1P swimming

Please can PE kits be in school for Monday morning, ready for Sports Day

It's done! Phonics is done. We are all extremely proud of the children for their hard work and enthusiasm! Of course, reading will still be a focus as will Phase 5 phonics. We will also be introducing Comprehension where they will read a text and record their answers. 

Next week is Sports Week and the children are required to wear sports wear every day! We will be sending PE kits home today so the children can come to school wearing their kit ready for Sports Day on Wednesday morning. There will be ice-creams for sale during the picnic lunch and this will continue on Fridays as Frozen Friday returns. not being funny but it feels like frozen Friday today! Summer needs to hurry up and join us. 

Thank you to our wonderful parents who have volunteered for reading, swimming and the trip. All these essential activities could not go ahead without your valued support. 

Have a super weekend and we will see you Monday morning raring to go for sports!

Best wishes,

The year 1 Team

PS: many of you have asked about Phonics results; they will be in with your school reports. 

Friday 7th June 2024

***Important Dates for Your Diary***

Friday 7th June - 1P swimming

WK beginning 10th - 14th June Phonics Screening Check

Monday 10th June - Class photos

Wednesday 12th June - EYFS church service

Friday 14th June - 1K swimming

Friday 14th June - FoFs dress down day- summer wear (apart from shoes which have to be closed toe shoes) Y1 to donate something yellow

Friday 21st June 1P swimming

Saturday 22nd June - SHF Summer fair

Thursday 27th June Y1 trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre

Friday 28th June - 1K swimming

Please can PE kits be in school for Monday morning, ready for Sports Day practise

Welcome back to the last term in Year 1. It's zooming by! 

Next week is the Phonics screening test which is a statutory requirement for Year 1. Please make sure your child is in school everyday next week so they can take the test.  

The children have all been involved in mock tests which is administered 1:1 in a quiet space so they know what to expect and have been very calm about it. There will be opportunities for some to take breaks during the test so it is not demanding or stressful. Without breaks, it takes about ten minutes for a fluent reader to read the forty real and nonsense words. The results will be with your child's school report. There are mock tests available online if you wish to take a look to see the expectations of which the children are very familiar with so please do not worry. 

Your child has got this!

For your information, please visit this gov website and doc which will give you all the parental information you need. Also, please visit SHF Phonics curriculum page for support and how to say the sounds. You can also speak with us if you have any questions about the test. 

The children have worked really hard on their phonics in various interventions during school and after as well as in their phonics lessons. The progression is astounding! We are all very proud of their hard work, positive attitude and dedication. 

Please have a relaxing weekend  and we will see you bright-eyed and bushy- tailed Monday morning. 

Best wishes

The Year 1 Team 


Friday 24th May 2024

***Important Dates for Your Diary***

Monday 3rd June - First day of Term 6

Friday 7th June - 1P swimming

WK beginning 10th - 14th June Phonics Screening Check

Monday 10th June - Class photos

Wednesday 12th June - EYFS church service

Friday 14th June - 1K swimming

Wow! What a Fabulous Finish to our term and Traditional Tales. The costumes were amazing and such a wide variety too; very creative and imaginative! The children enjoyed DT; making their smoothies and evaluating their product, using a wonderful array of vocabulary. 

National Numeracy Day was a great success too; another day of dressing up where creativity was front and centre; rulers on headbands, walking calculators as well as the many, many jobs being displayed in costume that use maths. The day was spent sharing their costumes as well as many maths games linked to their learning; arrays, addition and multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s. We have now introduced 'Doubles and Doubling' of which a few children talked about the pattern when doubling odd numbers. This can be an investigation they can carry out to see if their statement was true - when you double two odd numbers, you get an even number. 

In RHE, we have been looking at how to be physically healthy and who helps us with physical health. Linked into PE and learning breaks, this has been a fun and active topic. Through this topic, the children have recognised walking to school, emptying the dishwasher, tidying up and playing are all physical activities. 

In History, we looked at Royalty in their lifetime, using historical language- succession, monarchy, democracy and constitutional. They have worked really hard to provide a unit of work which shows their understanding of how Royalty works and all the special objects used during a coronation. Next term, we will spend a lesson revisiting Royalty for June's Trooping the Colour; the Monarch's official birthday. 

Well, the sun is shining and long may it last for our week of rest, fun, family and friends. 

Have a super week in whatever it is you get up to. Upon returning, we will be writing a recount of our week away from school. 

Thank you again to all our wonderful helpers and the organisation behind the swimming! You are amazing!!!

The Year 1 Team




Friday 18th May 2024


***Important Dates for your Diary***

Friday 17th May - 1P swimming

Tuesday 18th May- Fairy Tale Day

Wednesday 22nd May - Numeracy Day

Friday 24th May - Church service for Founders Day

Friday 24th May - swimming 1K

Friday 24th May - Last day of term

Monday 3rd June - First day of Term 6

Friday 7th June - 1P swimming

WK beginning 10th - 14th June Phonics Screening Check

Monday 10th June - Class photos

Wednesday 12th June - EYFS church service

Friday 14th June - 1K swimming

Next Tuesday is our Fairy Tale Afternoon Tea, a celebration of our fairy tale work in English, where the children will be making smoothies as part of the Year 1 DT curriculum. Children can come dressed up as their favourite fairy tale character. We do have plenty of dressing up clothes so please don't feel you have to go out and buy a costume. 

The fairy tale writing is fabulous! At present, we are working on a tale set in India called Cinnamon, a beautifully illustrated story about a a girl - Cinnamon - and a tiger who came to help . . .    



In Maths, we have introduced the concept of equal groups and arrays with repeated addition calculations; the first stepping stone to multiplication. It is important the children know how to count in multiples of twos, fives and tens to support the learning. Please look at our Maths Homework Page where you will find materials to support. 

As the end of term approaches, the Phonics Screening grows ever closer. It is important to keep up the momentum over the next few weeks in reading and other activities you may have been given as well as the links and games which can be accessed on our Phonics Homework Page .

Thank you for all the Royal Charters that have come in. We have all had fun listening to them. Quite a few have stirred some serious discussions and plenty of cheers!

Some of you have enquired into a school trip for Year One next term. We are in the process of locking in a date with the coach firm and the venue. All will be revealed as soon as all is confirmed. 

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers for swimming and reading. As you know, swimming couldn't go ahead without you, and we are seeing amazing progress in all of our children with reading and their sounds. 

Have a super weekend in all that you do. 

Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team 

Friday 10th May 2024

***Important Dates for your Diary***

Friday 17th May - 1P swimming

Wednesday 22nd May - Numeracy Day

Friday 24th May - Church service for Founders Day

Friday 24th May - swimming 1K

Friday 24th May - Last day of term

Monday 3rd June - First day of Term 6

Friday 7th June - 1P swimming

WK beginning 10th - 14th June Phonics Screening Check

Monday 10th June - Class photos

Wednesday 12th June - EYFS church service

Friday 14th June - 1K swimming


As you have seen from the photos, there has been plenty of opportunity to enjoy the glorious sunshine with some outdoor learning. In maths, the children have been introduced to counting in twos and fives. We used wellies to count in twos. The children had to sort them into their pairs first. There is a useful link to support counting in twos and fives on our maths homework page. 

In Science, the children planted seeds, flowers and veggies, discussing what we would all do to look after them. If you have any seeds/pots/compost/plants you would like to donate to our outside learning, we would love to make good use of them. 

Now the sun has joined us for spring, could we ask that your child brings in a sunhat as there is limited shade on the playground and field (when it opens). If you wish your child to wear sun cream, could you administer in the morning? And if they bring in sun cream, please explain that it is just for them and not to be shared and they will have to be able to put the cream on themselves. 

The KS1 children are now able to use the wooded area at lunchtime as this provides shade. However, they do need wellies in school to be able to go into the woods due to the amount of rain we have had recently. Thank you so much with all your support with reading and swimming. Some children have gone home with Phonics sheets of nonsense and real words to practise with. If you are unsure of anything regarding Phonics, please look at our Phonics Curriculum page for information and a how to video on saying the sounds. 

There is also Phonics homework on our Homework page which includes the current newsletter and a link to some free phonics games. 

Have a super weekend!

The Year 1 Team  


Friday 3rd May 2024

***Important Dates for Your Diary***

                                         Monday 6th May Bank Holiday

Friday 10th May 1K swimming

Friday 10th June start of Phonics Screening Week

What a fabulous week!!! Thank you so much for attending the Year 1 church service. We are so pleased you all enjoyed it. Weren't the children amazing????? Despite a few nerves, we think they loved it and they performed brilliantly.  In English, they wrote a recount of the service. Words included; excited, proud, friends and favourite. We are definitely very proud of them all. 


As you can see from the photos, we have enjoyed the outdoors this week due to some warm and dry spells. In Science, we are exploring changing seasons, looking closely at spring. Last week, we looked for signs of spring. This week, we looked more closely at the roots of plants, exploring our woodland. 


In Maths, we have moved on to capacity and volume, exploring full, empty and overflowing. 


Our RHE this term is on Physical Activity and how it keeps us healthy, exploring the many ways we are all active including play times which was a surprise for some. 


Thank you to all of you who accompanied us to the Pocket Park and Beyond. We couldn't do it without you. Likewise with swimming. And thank you for our reading volunteers! The Phonics screening is looming; week of June 10th and reading at home is a huge part of this. Some of the children will be going home with reading sheets of real and nonsense words. If you are unsure of how to say any of the sounds, please visit our Curriculum Phonics Page where there is plenty of support including a video of how to say the sounds. You can also visit our  Phonics Homework page for some free Phonics Games which the children have enjoyed using. 


Have a super bank holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday 7th May.

Best wishes

The Year 1 Team

PS: As you know, we love a bit of Show and tell in year 1 where the children can talk about something special and /or show something special, usually a toy. Unfortunately, whilst we do allow toys for show and tell, they are not allowed on the playground. If you could remind your child, that would be fab. Thank you. 





Friday 26th April 2024


***Important dates for your Diary***

Wednesday 1st May Year 1 Church Service

Friday 3rd May 1P swimming

Monday 6th May Bank Holiday


Thank you to all our fabulous helpers on the walk to the Pocket Park and for helping 1K with their swimming. 

Thank you for all your support with reading and homework. There is new homework for Musicand Maths

The Phonics newsletter with all the sounds for week can be found here.

Please remember to visit Discovery Education for more learning in Phonics and maths. it also has some good gramma activities too. Login details can be fond in your Contact Books. 

There are also some free games on Phonics Play which will support their reading of real and nonsense words. 

Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team

Friday 19th April 2024

***Important Dates For Your Diary***

Friday 26th April - 1K swimming

Friday 26th April Dress Down Day - Olympic colours

Wednesday 1st May Year 1 Worship at All Saints

Monday 6th May Bank Holiday

Welcome back to Term 5!

Please look at our parent flyer for what's coming up. This week, the children were introduced to measure in Maths, using informal measures and then learning how to use and read a ruler in CM. Please look at our Maths Homework page for a fantastic measuring game they have enjoyed using this week. 

Please also take a look at the  Phonics Newsletter which shows the sounds the children have been learning. 

In English, our first traditional tale is Cinderella. Next week, they will be writing up their own version where the pumpkin turns into something much more exciting than a carriage!

Next week, we are hoping to visit the Pocket Park on Thursday afternoon, supporting our work in Science and RE. Once it has bene confirmed, it  be great if you are able to volunteer to support this little excursion. Please let a member of the Year 1 team know if you are free. 

Thank you to our wonderful helpers with reading and swimming. I know I say this every week but it really does make a huge difference and it is very much appreciated.  

Have a super weekend,

The year 1 Team


Thursday 28th March 2024


***Dates for your Diary***

Thursday 28th March last day of term

Monday 15th April First day of Term 5- Summer Uniform- form more information, click here.

Friday 19th April 1P swimming

Friday 26th April Dress Down Day

Friday 26th April 1K swimming

Wednesday 1st May Year 1 Church Service

Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday


Well, that was March that whizzed by in a rain filled frenzy! And now heading into Term 5. It's crazy (and a little scary) how quickly this year is going by. But hopefully much dryer and warmer weather will grace us with her presence. 

Term 5 (and 6) is where we begin to get Year 2 ready, and some of the children are definitely ready for it. We will be building stamina into writing as well as focusing on spellings. There will be more opportunities for writing and maths as we progress through the summer term. 

Our main focus this term will be Phonics. The Phonics screening date is June 10th which is the second week back after the May half term holiday. Please see this helpful video on how to say the sounds for when you are supporting at home. There is also plenty of useful information on the Phonics Curriculum Page which can be found here . 

The Maths homework page has been updated this week with problem solving as well as revisiting previous learning. 

In English on our first week back, we will be writing a recount of the Easter Holiday. it can be a day out, a visit to the park, a sleep over, meeting a friend. If your child wants to bring something in to help them with this like a journal, postcard, poster, photo etc that will be lovely. 

Thank you for all the wonderful support you have given us and the children this term with reading, swimming, and just seeing your welcoming faces at drop off and pick up; it really does make our day. 

Have a super Easter in whatever you get up to.

Best wishes

The Year 1 Team  

Friday 22nd March 2024

***Dates for your Diary***

 Monday 25th March House Competition Egg and Spoon Race 

Thursday 28th March - Year 5 Easter Church Service

Thursday 28th March last day of term



Thank you for the fantastic parent Consultation Evenings. Following on from some of the conversations, please look at our Maths homework page here where you will find examples of Maths investigations that require more than one possible answer. There is also a new Flashback 4, recapping previous and current learning. There is also a link to Top Marks where you will find a 100 square where you can practise number recognition. 

This week's phonics learning is on our Phonics homework page: here where you can practise some of the week's learning. There is also a link to Phonics Play were you can access some free word games. 

Thank you for your wonderful Make the Rules day contributions; the various PJs and snacks were a great success! Everyone looks so cosy!


Have a super weekend

Best wishes

The Year 1 Team

Friday 15th March 2024

***Important dates for your Diary***

Tuesday 19th March -  Parents Eve starting at 3.30

Thursday 21st March - Parents Eve starting at 4.30

Friday 22nd March - Make The Rules Day!!!!

Friday 22nd March - Swimming 1K

Thursday 28th March Year 5 Easter Church Service





This week, has seen Year 1 dive into the world of fantasy with our new text, The Bog Baby. They have produced the cutest images of what they think Bog baby is like as well as some descriptive phrases. We can't wait to see where the journey with Bog baby takes us next!


In Maths this week, we have been working on place value to 50. The children need to recognise that there are ten ones in ten as well as recognising how many tens there are in a given number. We have been using Dienes for the practical lessons to help them build their digits and recognise the value. This game on Top Marks will support the learning. 


We have had an amazing time with Science Day which was all about Time. We linked it to our Science: Senses. There were four activities; observing peeled banana and cut apple over the course of the day to see the changes, carrying out sound surveys at various times of the day, a drawing challenge where they  had to draw a specific house in 60 seconds, 30 seconds then 10 seconds. We then repeated this with our eyes closed! We discussed the importance of time when carrying out a task as well as linking to our senses. Finally, we finished with a game where someone had to steal the keys from under the chair and the person on the chair had to guess who. Hearing was the important sense. It was decided that the less time you took to steal the keys, the less noise you made. 


All that's left to say is have a super weekend, and see you all on Monday. 


The Year 1 Team





























































Friday 8th March 2024

***Important dates for Your Diary***


 Friday 15th March 1P swimming

Friday 22 March Make the Rules Day

Friday 22 March 1K swimming

Thursday 28th March Year 5 Easter Service at All Saints



We hope you enjoy the photos from WBD and RHE learning. There is Computing homework here. Also, we looked at four of the five senses this week in Science as practical activities. If you want to investigate 'taste,' you could have small cubes of food which your child could taste with their eyes closed or use a blindfold. 

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team 

Friday 1st March 2024


***Important Dates For Your Diary***

Wednesday 6th March Year 2 Church Service

Thursday 7th March World Book Day Dress Up

Friday 8th March 1K swimming

Please see last weeks class Newsletter for World Book Week activities. We look forward to all your outfits on Thursday 7th, as well as your pictures of your interesting places to read and your potato book characters! 


A fabulous week of learning ended on a high note as 1K won Reggie rabbit with 100% attendance! They are over the moon as you can see from the photo. At long last, the germs that plagued us last term have vanished! 

Thank you for the parent helpers for volunteering with swimming and reading this week. Next week, 1K will be swimming. 

The photos attached show the children making sliders in DT as practise for when they make their pop up picture book. It was also good practise for their fine motor skills too. 

We have been working on Traction Man, creating our own character and writing up a plan for our story next week. it's amazing how this book has captured their imagination especially when it comes to making innocent household objects evil! 

We have continued with numbers to 20 in Maths, using a number line and tens frame, working our greater than, less than, one more, one less and missing numbers. Please look at our Maths homework page to support here to support this. 

As usual, the Phonics newsletters to support for the week can be found here.

In RHE this week, we looked at what keeps us healthy from food to exercise to sleep and washing our hands. It was a really thoughtful discussion and they have produced some amazing work to support this. The RHE curriculum page is in the process of being updated to show some of the work Year 1 and the rest of the school have been doing. That's it for now.  

Have a super weekend!

The Year 1 Team 

Friday 23rd February 2024

***Important Dates For Your Diary***

Friday 1st March Swimming 1P

Wednesday 6th March Year 2 Church Service

Thursday 7th March World Book Day Dress Up

Friday 8th March 1K swimming


Welcome back to Term 4! We have hit the ground running this term with a new start to Worships which have allowed year 1 to complete both English AND Maths before lunch! They have all been amazing adapting to the new timetable. In English, the children are loving Traction Man! They have learnt to give an opinion about the book, ask questions and make links as well as sequence the story. Toys is also the subject of our Geography and history topics which they have enjoyed starting. They have been challenged to look at their toys at home to see if they can find that do NOT come from China!  

In Maths we are working with numbers to 20, recognising teen numbers and how to write them. They have been introduced to tens and ones to explain their ideas.

Swimming was cancelled today but should resume next week, staring with 1P who missed out this week. Thank you to the parents who have organised their own swimming group to support with swimming. This is an amazing idea which will make a huge difference to our Friday afternoons. 


World Book Week starts on Monday March 4th. Here is a heads up of activities:

Activities for the week 

Create a book character from a vegetable at home – probably a potato would be the best. They need to bring it in during this week but no later than Thursday to be judged by class teachers and the certificates will be given out in Worship on Friday 8th.


Send in a photo of themselves reading in the most interesting place – this will need to be displayed in classrooms if possible or emailed to the office if it is an electronic photo. This is not a competition.


Tuesday 5th March – 20 children from Year 3 to attend a collaborative reading session in Beacon library. We may have to borrow TAs to walk them there and back at 9.15 and again at 10.30.


Thursday 7th March – please dress up. Worship at 9.05 – 9.30 Best costume worn by the children to be judged and announced in worship. Please come and join me in “character” and be prepared to act up, come in unannounced and leave again or you are very welcome to stay.


Stop, drop and read will happen when the bell is rung.

Teacher class swaps for reading time tba between classes/year groups.


Thursday and Friday – Eco group to organise a book swap at lunchtime. Books are going to be brought in from Monday 4th - Karen will confirm where the drop off point is. They will be given paper vouchers for each book that they donate and will be able to take another one home when they give in the voucher at the lunchtime book swap.


Have a super weekend

The Year 1 Team





Friday 9th February 2024


***Important dates for Your Diary***

Monday 19th February - Start of term 4

Tuesday 20th February- Pancake Flip!

Friday 23rd February - 1P swimming

Wednesday 6th March - Church Y2 Service


It's finally here! The end of what has been a cold, dark and wet term. But spring is just around the corner with daffodils already starting to bud. 

Thank you to all our helpers this term with reading and swimming. it has made a huge difference especially swimming, as without you, it can't go ahead. 

Next term, 1P will be swimming on the first friday back and we will need parent volunteers for it to go ahead either as a whole class going over or as groups, depending on the number of helpers. Please let a member of the team know as soon as possible if you are able to hep with swimming on that first Friday back. 

Thank you to those parents who have already started the ball rolling on the DBS check. We are extremely grateful to you. 

Please look at the Homework Page where you will find all the terms Phonics to support with reading at home. You will also find some maths covering what we have learnt this term as well as fun websites to support learning. 

The sports homework this term has been fantastic, from interviews to power points to posters. We all learnt something from the information that was researched on sports personalities from swimming to football to Martial Arts. 


Have a super break and we will see you back on Monday 19th February for SPRING!!!!!!

Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team 

Friday 2nd February 2024

***Important dates For Your Diary***

Wednesday 7th February- Church service

Thursday 8th February FoFs school disco

Friday 9th February 1K swimming PM

Friday 9th February- end of term

Monday 19th February - start of term 4 

Tuesday 20th February- Pancake Flip


For 1Ps swimming, we had to borrow a member of staff from Y2 so the swimming could go ahead. This was a temporary arrangement so we really do need parent volunteers for swimming on Fridays. One has already volunteered for this coming Friday, for 1K, which is fab! But anymore volunteers would be greatly appreciated for this coming Friday.

If you can help with swimming on the first Friday back, with 1P, please talk to a member of staff. If we do not have enough helpers for swimming, it cannot go ahead. 

If you would like to volunteer but are not DBS checked, please see the office.

Big thanks to the volunteers who help with swimming and reading. 

The Year 1 Team 

Friday 19th January 2024

***Important Dates for your Diary***

Tuesday 23rd January 1K swimming


Thank you for coming along to the Phonics morning on Monday to observe how we teach Phonics across the Key Stage. We hope it helps with reading and any writing you do at home. Please remember to look at the Homework Page where you will find the week's Phonics newsletter of what has been taught. You could also visit Discovery Education for some Phonics games and learning. passwords are in your Contact Books. 

Thank you for supporting swimming, and a huge shout out to Thomas' mum in 1K who supported 1P this week. It really does make a huge difference between groups going over with parent support or whole class going over or worst case scenario, no swimming due to having to meet the Risk Assessment and keeping everyone safe. 

We hope you enjoy the photos! A busy week of investigation - musical instruments and how to play them, using chopsticks which aided fine motor skills and concentration, and finishing with looking at fruits and vegetables from Asia, linking in with our Geography about China. 

The weather forecast promises temps in low double figures but with rain. It will be difficult to dry off clothing, due to heating issue, so please make sure your children dress appropriately for the wet weather on the way to school and have spare clothing such as socks just in case. 

Have a super weekend,

The year 1 Team 

Friday 12th January 2024

***Important Dates for your Diary***

Tuesday 16th January- 1P swimming

It will be freezing this week. Please remember the extra layers for inside and out. 


If you are able to support with swimming, please speak to a member for the Year 1 Team. 


This week, the children have been introduced to their new History and Geography topics; Geography we are learning about China and in History, we are learning abut significant sporing events in their lifetime, including the Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. 

Already, the children have explore using Google Earth, the difference between Uk and China. They have also had the opportunity to use chopsticks which has been a fantastic activity for fine motor skills. 

we are continuing to add together in Maths using manipulatves, pictures and the abstract. 

In English, we are linking to sports with Three Cheers for Errol before moving on to Ruby's Chinese New year. 

Thank you for volunteering to listen to the children read and for helping out at swimming. We love having you. If you are DBS checked and would love to come in to listen with readers, please do not hesitate to speak to any one of us. 


Thank you,

The Year 1 Team



Friday 5th January 2024

***Dates for your Diary***

Tuesday 9th January- 1K Swimming  

Wednesday 10th January Year 4 Church Service

Thursday 11th January 9.05-9.25  Parents Phonics Visit



Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all. It has been lovely starting the day with broad smiles from the children. They have all settled back into their routine really well despite the early starts of the cold wet mornings. 


Please look at our homework pages for Phonics newsletters which supports the phonics learnt for that week. 


There will also be a homework project set linking into our History topic of sports. Please look at our homework pages here.


As you have seen, swimming starts next week. If you are able to support with swimming, please let a member of the Y1 team know as soon as possible as it really does make a huge difference. 


Finally, thank you all for your generosity last term with your time in supporting in school and your lovely Christmas gifts.


Have a super weekend,


The Year 1 Team 









Friday 15th December 2023

***Important dates***

Wednesday 3rd January 2024: back to school, Term 3 starts

Swimming Year 1: dates to follow


Have a super Christmas in all that you do, and have a fantastic New Year. We will see you back here on Wednesday 3rd January. 

Thank you for all your support. 

The Year 1 Team


Friday 8th December 2023

***Important Dates***

Monday 11th December Secret Shopping (children only)

Wednesday 13th December iRock Worship

Wednesday 13th December KS2 Carol Church Service 6PM

Friday 15th December Church Service 8.45AM

Friday 15th December last day of term

Wednesday 3rd January Start of Term 3



A fabulous week that saw the Year 2 and Year 1 classes perform their Nativity; Christmas with the Aliens. Thank you for all the costumes!


The Christmas School lunch was a huge success with the children; Year 1 sitting with Year 5, sharing their crackers, jokes and conversation!


The end of the festive week was a visit with  Father Christmas in the Forest.


Have a super weekend

The Year 1 team 

Friday 1st December 2023


***Important Dates***

Tuesday 5th December: PM performance for 2M and 1K parents

Wednesday 6th December AM performance for 2C and 1P parents

Nativity: PLEASE COME IN THROUGH THE YEAR 4 ENTRANCE (swimming pool entrance) 5th December (1K and 2M) and 6th December (1P and 2C) - due to health and safety we will be limited on the numbers per family. To confirm we are only able to accommodate 2 people per child. Please DO NOT bring any babies or toddlers. Thank you.


Thursday 7th December - Christmas Jumpers and School Christmas lunch

Friday 8th December - Father Christmas in the Forest and Christmas Jumper Day


We're in December; he most magical time of the year and we are gearing up towards a festive end of term starting with Nativity. The dress rehearsals in front of KS2 have been fantastic. We are so proud of the children with their enthusiastic singing and dancing! They are really throwing themselves into it!


Their costumes are brilliant! Thank you so much for all the effort and creativity  you have put in. we can't waif for you to come and see it! 


In class, the children have continued their work on writing number facts in Maths using cubes and the part, part, whole model. Some have even gone on to make up their own maths problems using related number facts!


In RHE, the children made up their own role plays to show what a positive friendship looks like and what to do when it doesn't quite work out. This supported their previous learning where we discussed friendships. 


In English, the children wrote a letter as Edgar the Dragon from the cute John Lewis ad a few years ago. They were inspired by watching a clip from the ad and reading the story from a gorgeous book about Edgar and what happens when he becomes excited!


In RE, we learnt the importance of the parable. 'The Lost Sheep, to Sir Henry Fermor. Below, you can read Sir Henry Fermor's Christian vision we shared with the class before reading the story of The Lost Sheep and sequencing. 


Sir Henry Fermor enables everyone to succeed; as Jesus teaches through the parable of The Lost Sheep: no one is left behind. Inspiring children and adults, believing in God at the heart of all we do, through Christ’s love and guidance; all in the Sir Henry Fermor family flourish, achieving fullness.


We hope you have a lovely weekend, getting into the festive spirit, and trying to stay warm! 


Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team


Friday 24th November 2023

***Important Dates***

Saturday 25th November - School Christmas Fair starting at 12PM

Monday 27th November - Nativity Costumes due in

Tuesday 28th November- Geography local area walk to St. Mary's and back. Please join us if you can; 11AM

Wednesday 29th November - Year 5 Church Service at All Saints

Tuesday 5th December: PM performance for 2M and 1K parents

Wednesday 6th December AM performance for 2C and 1P parents

You should have received the information about numbers/dates and times for tickets 

Thursday 7th December - Christmas Jumpers and School Christmas lunch

Friday 8th December - Father Christmas in the Forest and Christmas Jumper Day


Firstly, the singling. it is amazing! You are in for a rel treat when you come to see our Nativity; Christmas with the Aliens. Please keep practising at home; words can be found on our Homework page by clicking on Nativity.


In maths this week, the children have been using the part, part, whole model to form number sentences. This has proved tricky for some, whilst others can write the four number sentences for addition: 

 4 + 3 = 7

3+ 4 = 7

7 = 4 + 7

7 = 3 + 4

Please visit Top Marks by clicking here where you can explore the part part whole mode using digits, counters and cubes. 


In your Contact books, there are login details for Discovery Espresso where the children can explore their coding lessons for Computing. You can also search for phonics and maths as there are plenty of games and videos to support learning.


 Thank you to those of you who have already brought in your costumes for Nativity. Our dress rehearsals will be at the end of next week to the school before the performance the week after. 


Also, thank you to our volunteers for next week's local geography walk. We will see you at the office at 11am


Have a super weekend. The school Christmas fair is tomorrow, staring at 12 until 3. There will be plenty to do to get into the Christmas spirit and there will be an array of refreshments. 


Have a super weekend,

The year 1 Team

Friday 17th November 2023


***Important Dates***

Saturday 25th November - School Christmas Fair starting at 12PM

Monday 27th November - Nativity Costumes due in

Tuesday 28th November- Geography local area walk to St. Mary's and back. Please join us if you can; 11AM

Wednesday 29th November - Year 5 Church Service at All Saints

Tuesday 5th December: PM performance for 2M and 1K parents

Wednesday 6th December AM performance for 2C and 1P parents

We are limited by Health and safety on how many family members we can accommodate in the hall. More information will be out soon regarding this.  

Thursday 7th December - Christmas Jumpers and School Christmas lunch

Friday 8th December - Father Christmas in the Forest and Christmas Jumper Day

This week, we have been busy practising our dances for the Nativity as well as singing. The children are extremely confident with the singing already but if you do want to practise, the words can be found here by clicking on Nativity


In Maths, we have continued with the part, part, whole model which is an important step before moving on to abstract calculations for addition and subtraction. 

If you would like to practise more at home, then please visit Top Marks where you wil find this game: We have been using counters and cubes to help explore ppw models. 

There are plenty of other games to play on this sight to support the maths. ordering and sequencing are games the children are familiar with. 

In English, the children have been describing the Heffalump from Winnie the Pooh. Some children even built a Heffalump from recycled boxes etc  in our junk modelling. 

In RE, we asked the question; what do Christians believe God is like. The discussions we had were fantastic with links to the fruits of the spirits and bible stories. 

Thank you again for all your support with reading at home and any extra work you are doing. 

Have a super weekend,

The year 1 team 

Friday 10th November 2023

Welcome to week 2 of term 2. We are busy practising songs and dance routines for the Nativity. More information will follow shortly. 

In Maths, the children have been introduced to addition by using the Part, Part, Whole model. This is an important visual and practical step in recognising that different parts when put together, make one whole. The parts have been children, counters and fruits.  

In Art, the children have been busy using different mediums to create their artwork. For sketching, the children used charcoals and sketched a pine cone, looking closely at pattern and texture. For Remembrance, the children tore paper into small pieces to create their poppies. This linked in with History where we talked about the poppy and why it is worn which also was a recap of Worship earlier in the week. There artwork is beautiful.

In English, the children described a character from a picture. They then made up their own character to describe. Some dressed up to support their learning. Next week, we will be describing a character from Winnie the Pooh. 

Science has been exciting this week as we explore materials. They enjoyed grouping materials by their properties, exploring what the material could do, how it felt and what it would be used for. New vocabulary included transparent and opaque. 

For History, we are learning about generations. They have begun by drawing their family which will link in with their family tree work and comparisons in the coming weeks. 

Thank you for supporting with swimming over the past term and this final week. The next time we will be swimming is in Term 3. There is also no Forest School this term. 


Please look at our homework pages to support Phonics at home. You can find all Phonics learning for the week, and previous weeks, here.


For our termly homework, please look here.


Thank you for all your support,

Have a super weekend,

The Year 1 Team

Monday 6th November 2023

Apologies for the late newsletter; Gremlins were at play on Friday so wasn't able to access website. 

Important dates for your Diary

Tuesday 7th November; 1K swimming. This is the last swimming session for this term, making up for last term. The next swimming sessions for Year 1 are in Term 3. 


Wednesday 8th November: Year 6 Church Service. Please go straight to church for register.


Welcome back to Term 2.  This is a very busy term for Year 1 but we're all very excited about the events coming up. We have begun the process of practising for our key stage Nativity and will shortly be forwarding to you your child's costume requirements. We will also, from next week, publish the Nativity song words on this webpage so that your child can practise them at home as much as they can.  






Friday 20th October 23

Dates for your Diary


Monday 30th October- Inset

Tuesday 31st October - start of term

Tuesday 31st October Swimming 1P/PE 1K

Tuesday 5th November Swimming 1K - last session/PE 1P

Wednesday 6th November 2023 - Year 6 Church Service

That's flown by in the blink of an eye! Thank you for all the volunteering this term; reading, swimming and Forest School, and not forgetting our All Saints Church visit.

Thank you for a fantastic turn out on both Parent Evenings. 

Have a super relaxing half term and we will see you all on Tuesday 31st October for Term 2 and Nativity! 

Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team

Friday 13th October

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 17th: 1K swimming. Please can children bring in a dressing gown and flip flops/crocs to make transition between class and pool easier and it also means more time in the pool.


Tuesday 17th: 1P PE


Tuesday 17th; Parents Eve. Please make sure you have signed up.


Thursday 19th; Forest School all day for both classes. Please read information that was emailed out earlier this week.  


Thurs 19th: Parents Eve. Please sign up if you have not already done so. 


Friday 20th: Dress Down Day, celebrating Be Yourself


Friday 20th: All Saints Church visit PM. 


Friday 20th: Last day of term.  



Week six and despite the tiredness felt by some children, they have all worked really hard this week. The focus on maths has been comparing and matching groups and using vocabulary 'fewer. more, same' to compare amounts. Next week, they will be introduced to less than and more than. 


In English, the children have been looking at character, describing the character and why he acted the way he did, using Detective Dog. Next week, we will be writing a book review about Detective Dog. We're sure they have all enjoyed the story and rhyme and we can't wait to hear what they think about it.  


Forest School has been amazing! The artwork the children have produced using natural materials is stunning. Please take time to look through the attached photos. 


Forest School next week will be linked to DT as they will participate in cooking. Please check email for letter regarding allergies. 


Thank you to all of you who have brought in fantastic homework of your Autumn walks. The sunny weather certainly helped inspire the different mediums of work we have seen; a three sculpture, videos, collages, photos. They are all amazing!


Enjoy the weekend. Lets hope for some dry weather. Autumn is definitely here!

Please remember to make sure your child has a coat as we o go out to play when it is light rain. 


Best wishes

The Year 1 Team





Friday 6th October 2023


Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 10th October - Swimming 1P. Please could the children bring in a dressing gown and flip flops/crocks for transition between classroom and pool

Tuesday 10th October - PE 1K- please ensure all kits are in school

Thursday 12th October 1K Forest School- please make sure uniform is in a bag ready to change into if at Forest School in the morning. 


Welcome to WK 5! The children have had a fantastic week full of engaging activities to stimulate, participate and learn. Our Continuous Provision supplements the classroom learning and has produced some wonderful reasoning and problem solving in Maths. They have been working on counting back and one less. Next week, the children will be using this language to compare groups. 


In English, we are continuing with detective Dog where some children have had a go at writing their own story! Some of the handwriting being produced is fantastic, earning some Gold Book awards too. 


Talking of awards, 1K were absolutely over the moon in winning Reggie Rabbit for the best attendance. The children have enjoyed sharing Reggie rabbit on their tables as he supports their learning. 


As you may have seen, for swimming, we would like the children to bring in a dressing gown and flip flops/crocks for transition to the pool. This will make the swimming sessions easier to manage and more swim time. If you would like to help with swimming please let a member of the Y1 team know. Thank you for your support in helping with reading in school. It is very much appreciated and makes a huge difference with early reading. 


All that remains is to wish you a happy, and sunny, weekend. 


The Year 1 Team




Friday 29th September 2023

Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 3rd October - Swimming Am this week 1K

Wednesday 4th October Harvest festival Church Service. Please bring your child to church for registration at 8.45 

Wednesday 4th October - PE- please ensure correct PE is in school

Thursday 5th October - Forest School for 1P. Please ensure your child either comes to school in uniform or has it with them depending on which session they have. An email was sent yesterday as a reminder.    


Termly Homework has now been added, due in on Monday 16th October 2023. Link in body of Newsletter or click Here.


Welcome to WK 4 newsletter and already heading into October. It is flying by. The children, as always, have been busy and creative. In DT, the children have been experimenting with a join called a Flange. Their work is their prototype for when they build a moving mechanism structure using the Flange, later in the year. They will also be using it for Music next week where they will be making their own musical instrument of which they have been busy designing and planning this week. 


In Computing, the children have learnt the computing language of 'input' and 'output' and recognising what each means. They have also linked this to their home devises. Using the BeeBot, the children have input their instructions, cleared the old instructions and then watched the output; the challenge being making shapes. 


In Maths we are learning to count from a given number and using the language one more. It is an important skill to count from a given number as it means not going back to 1 all the time. You can support your child's recognition with number and counting by using Top Marks Website where there are plenty of games to make counting fun. 


Please check the Homework page where you will find the termly project and the Phonics Newsletter which details Phonics learning this week across the groups. Your child has been placed in a phonics group across Year 1 and Year 2. Their group name can be found in their contact book. 

Please note the dates for your Diary that swimming is now one class per week, starting with 1K on Tuesday 3rd October. 1P will go the following week.  


Have a super weekend and we will see you on Monday as we enter week 5 and October, well and truly into autumn. 


Best wishes,


The Year 1 Team

Friday 22nd September 2023


 Dates For Your Diary

Tuesday 26th September AM is swimming for both classes. Please make sure your child has a swimming hat as part of their kit. 


Wednesday 27th September is PE in the afternoon for both classes. 


Thursday 28th September is Forest School for 1K. Please make sure your child brings in school uniform to change into when they come to school in their forest school kit. 


Following Week for Your Diary

Wednesday 4th September Harvest festival Church Service. Please bring your child to church for registration at 8.45.  


Termly Homework has now been added, due in on Monday 16th October 2023. Link in body of Newsletter or click Here.

This week, the children have rather enjoyed the wet weather; wellies on and splashing abut during play times. Luckily, they have managed to get out in the fresh air for most plays this week. Please could we make sure children come to school with a coat as we are now in an unpredictable season of wet weather. 


Linking in with Forest School and Science of Seasonal Changes, there is a project we would like your child to complete. Details can be found Here on our Homework tab


In class, the children have been extremely busy; continuing their learning with number to include the words that represent the digits. IN English, the children are continuing their writing with Detective Dog which is enhanced with our role play area during Continuous Provision.  They up-leveled their vocabulary for 'gone' with 'disappeared' and 'vanished.' 


Swimming is already up and running after the disappointment on Tuesday so we should be good to go next week. Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to help with swimming. it is very much appreciated and makes the lessons run smoothly. 


Enjoy the photos from this week's soggy Forest School. 


Have a super weekend


The Year 1 Team



Friday 15th September 2023

Dates for your Diary

 Tuesday 19th September - Swimming for both Year 1 classes. Please make sure your child has a swimming hat as part of their swim kit. 


Wednesday 20th September - PE for both Year 1 classes


Thursday 21st September - Forest School for 1P. Please make sure your child brings in their school uniform if they are coming to school in their Forest School kit. 







Please enjoy the children's learning this week through the pictures, showing their enthusiasm, joy and engagement. In Maths the children have been using objects to represent number to ten whilst in Computing, the children were robots! They had to give each other precise instructions and as a challenge, an obstacle was then put in. 


In Forest School, the children created a piece of art using blackberries! A very creative way to use nature. 


The presentation for Meet the Teacher is here. Please note that re School dinners, we are unable to change their choice once it has been made (including hot for hot). Please make sure you discuss the menu with your child so they know what they are having, and sign up on Parent Pay. Thank you. 

Have a super weekend, enjoying the autumnal sunshine. 

The Year 1 Team 



Friday 8th September 2023


Welcome to our weekly news which will be posted here on a Friday. Here you will find dates for your diary, a sentence or two and photos from the week.


Dates for your Diary

Monday 11th September 0900 - 09.30 Meet The Teacher in 1K

Tuesday 12th PE

Thursday 14th Forest School 1K

From Week beginning Monday 18th; Year 1 will be swimming on a Tuesday morning. 

PE will move to Wed afternoons for Term 1

Thursday 21st Forest School 1P 


This week has all been about settling in and routines; and the children have all settled in brilliantly, taking everything in their stride, adapting to new ways of learning but always with the same high expectations. We are all extremely proud of them. Next week we begin our full timetable of learning which will include Continuous Provision.


Have a super weekend, enjoying this gorgeous late summer. 

Best wishes

The Year 1 Team 











































Friday 21st July 2023


That's it folks!


Have a super summer.

Year 1 Class of 2022-23 Year 1 class of 2022-23


We'll see you all on Monday 4th September 2023 for a new chapter at

Sir Henry Fermor.


Mrs. Koch. Mrs. Jeffs, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Harris

Friday 14th July 2023


The penultimate week of Term 6, Year 1 has been as busy as ever for the children with their hands on learning and a few surprises along the way. 


Maths this week has been mostly practical as they have been learning abut money and time. They have ordered money; coins and notes and discussed why we have a variety of pounds and pence and recognising the coins and notes and their value. We also had a discussion about how physical money is disappearing from our lives due to technology, linking in with RHE on Financial Literacy. The week ended by having a shop (surprise #1) where children learnt about giving change as well as calculating whether they had enough to buy the items in the challenges. 


In Time, the focus has been o'clock and half past the hour. They have used language 'long hand and short hand instead of big and small. There are fabulous activities to support this learning (and with money) on Discovery espresso, passwords can be found in your contact books. 


Talking of Discovery Espresso, the children have been using this for Computing where they have been developing their skills in coding by giving a set of instructions for a character to complete a task. If you wish to continue their learning in this area, you can login to Discovery espresso and search 'coding,' where they can explore independently and have fun doing it. 


Last week, the children met their new teacher during transition. I'm sure you'd like to know that they are all excited in their move to Year 2 and all love their new teacher. Please be assured that we are visiting their new classrooms regularly for some so the transition is as smooth as possible for the children. To help them with the move, we thought it would be a good idea for them to write a letter to their new teacher so they can tell her a bit more abut themselves. They absolutely loved this and we will be writing up in best with decoration so they can present their wonderful work to their teacher. 


RE was a little emotional this week as we looked at the impact of humans on the planet. Their artwork on this is stunning and inspirational! Their choice of colour was important here and they did this to great effect. 


To link in with out work on Space and Tim Peake, we have created a space role play area (surprise #2) where they can imagine what it is like to be in space as they sit/play inside the tent. 


It has been a fun week and this will all continue into next week, our last week together which does make us adults sad. But your children are ready for Year 2. 


Have a super weekend in whatever you choose to do and avoid the showers if you can. 

Best wishes

The Year 1 Team




Friday 21st July : school leavers church service. Please take your child to church for registration, and bring tissues, especially if you have a child in Year 6. 


Friday 21st July: last day of the term and school year (I'm sure you have this already in your diaries as the children are definitely counting down.)


Monday 4th September: back to school after a splendiforous summer.





Friday 30th June 2023

Welcome to another fabulous week of learning where the weather has been a little unpredictable but the high expectations for learning have remained and the children have fully immersed themselves into their work. 


In Maths, we have introduced new vocabulary; arrays, column, rows, grouping, groups. The children have used counters to support their lesarning as well as pictorial representations to show their understanding of grouping and repeated addition. This is the starting point for multiplication. We then moved on to sharing into equal groups which is the starting point for division. They have worked hard on the vocabulary and some moved on to problem solving which is fantastic. 


In English, we have focused on grammar and spellings. Next week, we will be beginning to write our poems based on space. The children have also had the opportunity for free writing where they were asked to write their favourite fairy tale. Wow! Their handwriting is beautiful and their story telling is amazing. It's hard to forget that they are only 5/6 years old. 


In Science, we looked at night and day and the change in length of night and day throughout the year, linking in with seasons. They made a night and day spinner as well as talked about their routines for day and night. This also supported our RHE where we have discussed sleep, bedtime routines and what ideas for having trouble sleeping. For further information on this, please visit the following:  


Thank you for all the materials brought in to build their rockets. They had so much fun building their rocket and were successful in making a moving part. Next week, the children will evaluate their work. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 1 Team



Sunday 2nd July - Summer Fair

Friday 21st July - last day of term  


Friday 23rd June 2023

This week has been all about the sports and the weather, for once, enabled it to go ahead as planned. And what a fantastic event Sports Week was. In Year 1, the children enjoyed sports with Beacon - the weather of biblical proportions did turn up for that one so it was enjoyed in the hall. The theme was team games and the children worked hard in all the games and had lots of fun doing it. 


Then we had Sports Day. It was lovely to see so many of you able to attend the event; it made a wonderful atmosphere! The children were, again, supportive of one another in all events and their perseverance, particularly with the egg and spoon, was heart warming to watch. 


It was great to see the Sports Picnic well attended too, and a huge thank you to FoFs for organising much needed and wanted refreshments! If the chocolate smeared faces at the end of their lunch was anything to go by, it was a success!


On Friday, we finished with further sports activities to focus on skills and team work. From the children's faces and enthusiasm, Sports Week has been a huge success. 


We have also been busy elsewhere in the curriculum. In Maths, the children had their introduction into multiplication through equal groups of a number and then using repeated addition to work out the total. There was plenty of opportunity for  practical learning; using hands, groups of children, and objects. 


In English, the children were introduced to poetry. This term, they will be writing their own space poems! They are already inspired by the first lesson where they had pictures from the Huble Telescope and annotated with descriptive words and phrases, using felt tips. Despite the tiredness of Sports Day that morning, they were extremely enthusiastic and engaged. Their phrases are excellent and we can't wait to see what they write for their poetry next week. 


As some of you may have noticed, their is a new piece of equipment in the KS1 playground. The children have been eager to explore the castle and have had the opportunity to do so. Along with the field, the woods and the playground, the children have plenty of choice of where to play and are really making most of this gorgeous weather. 


On that note, please ensure your child has a hat in school for play as without one, they cannot go on the field due to limited shade. Please ensure they also have a water bottle too. 


Next week, we are very excited to see the Year 6 production; going by what we have heard drifting from the hall, it will be a-ma-zing! We will also be continuing with multiplication and our poetry. We will also be learning about sleep and what to do when you can't sleep and the best ways to help you fall asleep. 


We will also be building our rocket in DT on Monday! Please make sure all materials are in for this learning.  


We hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Bets wishes,

The Year 1 Team


Friday 16th June 2023


Please note that it is our Fermor Sports week next week (week beginning 19th June). We have asked the children to come in sports wear all week, apart from Tuesday 20th June as they will need to be in their uniform for photo day and have their sports wear packed in a bag. On Sports Day (Wednesday 21st June) the children must wear their PE kits to compete in their house colours! Any further information regarding sports week and day you can find here on the PE page of our website.


Tuesday 20th - class photos


This week, the weather has been a tad hot. Luckily, we have had the field open for morning play and lunchtimes as well as the woods which has given the children more space to play and some well needed shade. Despite the heat, the children have ploughed through their learning and enjoyed a trip out to the Science Centre in Herstmonceux. 


Firstly, a huge thank you to the parent volunteers, some stepping up at the last minute, who supported the children on the trip, without whom, it would have been impossible to go ahead. The children had a blast (no pun intended) as they learnt how to dress up as an astronaut, how a rocket blasts off and exploring in the Discovery Park. We were very lucky to eat lunch outside in the shade and the centre kindly supplied water to refill water bottles. There were some parts of the centre we did not get to explore so if you fancy a day out over the summer, it might be worth a visit. 


In English this week, we wrote a recount of our trip, using time connectives; first, finally etc and the suffix ed for past tense verbs. We also learnt to use the un suffix too. 


In DT, the children are designing their own rocket which has to have a moving part, which they will be building the week after next. When the children bring in any materials for their rocket, please bring in a named bag. 


In PE, we have been busy practising for Sports Day. We must say that their support of one another and encouragement is lovely and will make you proud. Please see top of newsletter for information about the day. 


Have a super weekend,


The Tear 1 Team 


Friday 9th June 2023

 Welcome back to Term 6; nearing the end of Year 1 and the fantastic learning the children have experienced. But it's not over yet with more learning to come. 

This week, the children were introduced to their new History topic; a significant person in their life time which is Tim Peake. Already, they are engaged and excited about Tim Peake and his achievements which was linked in with English when they all wrote a letter to ask Tim some questions. They asked if we were actually going to post the letters. yes, we are and we really hope for some sort of reply before the summer. It was an opportunity for the children to learn abut letter writing as well as using question marks. 


In Maths, we are continuing with subtraction, introducing finding the difference and related facts (number families). we are using lots of pictorial representations like the Part Part Whole models as well as counters and objects. 


In RE, we have introduced a new topic on how we should care for others and the world. This builds on their learning from last term; creation. It also links in with RHE where will be discussing looking after ourselves. 


Our Science learning this term is linked to our Tim Peake in space learning where we will be discussing day and night. We will also be looking at the life cycle of plants and the change of season. 


We hope you are enjoying looking after your sunflower. The records your child keeps about the growth of their sunflower will be used in our science learning. Please continue to think about what the sunflower needs to grow and how much it has grown over the weeks. 


This week we have been revising our phonics and carrying out 1:1 of reading words so the children are used to and know what to expect when we carry out the screening. Please ensure you are reading regularly so they are practising their phonics skills.


Next week is also our school trip to the Science Centre in Herstmonceux. Please ensure you have replied via Parent pay as this gives your consent for your child to go on the trip as well as selecting a choice of packed lunch - school or homemade. 

We also require two more parent volunteers for the ratio of children to adults on the trip. if you feel this is something you would like to do, then please speak to one of the Year 1 Team. 


It's going to be a hot weekend (apparently) which is fantastic. please enjoy it in whatever you choose to do. 


Happy Weekend

The Year 1 Team 



Monday 12th June - Friday 16th June Phonics Screening for Year 1 and 2


Wednesday 14th June - Year 1 trip to the Science Centre in Herstmonceux


Wednesday 14th June - EYFS church service. If you have children in EYFS, please drop your Year 1 child at school first before going on to church. 


Friday 16th June - dress down day - in preparation for the Summer fair, please come  dressed in your own clothes in exchange for something orange. 

Friday 26th May 2023


And just like that, we're at the end of the term. The children have worked their socks off this term across all subjects and it is amazing what your little people have achieved. Their stamina for learning has grown immensely with their writing and transitioning from one lesson to the next. It has been a, sometimes,  demanding term but a term filled with wonderful books to inspire writing, time spent outside when learning about plants in Science and Creation in RE, and of course, History where we learnt about the British Royal Family and why King Charles III became king. 


Our term ended with a wonderful lesson in DT where the children designed, made and assembled their own sandwich and fruit kebab where were both enjoyed outside, sitting on blankets. it was lovely to see both classes mixing, enjoying the weather and eating the fruits of their labour. 


The creativity didn't stop there; in Music, the children have been creating music via the iPads, using Garage band. they have had so much fun experimenting with sounds, instruments and voices whilst enhancing their computing skills too. 


Next term, they will finish this unit before moving on to coding, using the programs on Discovery Espresso. 


In Maths, the children have focused on subtraction using number bonds to support their learning. Some have moved on to problem solving where they are reading the problems independently before finding and exploring answers. 


Our Science finished with an investigation into plant stems using a stick of celery, water and food colouring. They were so exciting to see the result which solidifies their understanding of how plants work, particularly the roots and stem. 


Next term will be just as busy; in English we will be reading, writing and performing poetry; linking in with History which is learning about a significant person in History but within their lifetime. Tim Peake has to be the one; his exciting adventure into space will surely capture their imagination and provide stimulus for poetry writing. it will also link into Science where we will focus on the season of Summer; longer days, shorter nights and temperature. 


Our RHE also links as we will be looking at safety in the sun as one of our topics. 


I'm sure you are all aware by now that the children have been enjoying lunchtimes on the field due to the dry weather. This will continue next term as well as practising for Sports Day. Please ensure your child has a hat to protect from the heat and a water bottle. If they bring suncream to school, please make sure they understand it is not to be shared (unless siblings) and thye must be able to administer themselves. We will of course reiterate this in our RHE topic, staying safe in the sun. 


Thank you for all your support with reading at home and to those of you who have been coming in to listen to the children read. Next term, as you know, is the Phonics Screening for Year 1 (and some year twos on a retake). It will start the second week back, week beginning 12th June 2023. Please make sure you are reading with your child over half term as it really will make a hug difference. 


Thank you for the support with swimming. We understand it was a big change to how it used to run but, with the support of our wonderful helpers, it ran smoothly and was successful in that every child swam weekly. 


Coming home with the children today is a sunflower seed which they have each planted. Please keep a diary in any form over half term and Term 6 as they tend their seed and notice any changes as it germinates and grows. photos would be a great way to see how tall their sunflower is getting. Please see  for further details. 


Have a super week/ bank holiday in whatever you all get up to. 

Bets wishes,

The Year 1 Team


Dates for Term 6

Monday 12th June - Phonics Screening begins

Wednesday 14th June - year 1 trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre 

Wednesday 14th Early years Church service

Friday 19th May

Welcome to the penultimate week's learning as we prepare for the final week of term 5. Hard to believe this academic year is heading to the final term. 


Firstly, a huge thank you for attending at our Phonics information session. We hope it was useful in terms of how the screening will run and what we have in place for the children to support them. If you were unable to come, the information Power Point can be accessed here: Class pages - Year 1- Homework- Phonics


This week, the children have had another busy week, packed with learning. In English, they have been learning about plural suffixes; s and es to a noun for when it is more than one. This will come in useful when they write their own version of The Twelve Princesses - The Twelve Princesses and Two Wishes. They are all working hard with their writing making sure they not only have finger spaces, capital letters and full stops but are using question marks and exclamation marks, and making sure their letters are formed correctly with their 'swish and flick.'


In Maths, we revisited doubles to support near doubles; using 6 + 6 to work out 7 + 6. If you would like to support at home, you can use: Hit the Button Doubles  on Top Marks. We then moved on to subtraction using number bonds. For example, if they know 8-5, they can use this knowledge to help them work out 18 - 5. 


Geography and History has continued with the Royal family and the Coronation. For geography, the children need to know the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capitals. We linked this in with the Royal Family; the Prince of Wales and the location of Wales and its capital is one example. 


In RE, we are looking at Creation and what Christians believe about Creation. This week, the children were asked how we can say thank you to God for the world. This took the form of a prayer. We then linked into Science in how we can look after the world and each other, linking to RHE - Relationships and Health Education. 


On Monday, the children were busy planning in their DT lesson for their Tea Party to be held next week.This will include a fruit kebab as well as sandwiches. Please look out for an email about this for further information. 


We end out week with Pyjama day; thank you for your donations towards the toy tombola, and Maths Day where the whole school will be carrying out fun maths activities and team problem solving. Year 1 are ready to go for a fun day with numbers. 


Thank you for supporting reading at home and coming in to listen to the children read. And a huge thank you to those of you who are supporting swimming. It really makes a difference to how it runs when we have support. The children are gaining so much from the weekly swimming sessions, building their confidence in the water and learning a valuable life skill. 


Well, as we write, the sun is shining, ready for the weekend; hopefully! Whatever you do, we hope you have a good and restful one. 


Best wishes,

The Year 1 Team





Friday 12th May 2023


Welcome to another week packed with learning. It was lovely to hear about what the children got up to over the Coronation weekend. They excitedly told us about parties, BBQs, picnics, visiting parks, visiting grandparents and 'watching all of it on TV.' We're sure they will always remember where they were when King Charles III was crowned. 


We used this opportunity to write a recount of their favourite part of the Coronation weekend in English.  


In History, we have been looking at all the historical objects King Charles III was presented with as part of his Coronation from St Edward's Crown to the scepter and orb. 


The learning in maths has focused on recognising doubles of numbers to ten, extending to twenty. Next week, we will take this further by recognising near doubles; for example you can work out 6 + 5 by using doubles  6 + 6 or 5 + 5. 


After our recount in English, we went back to our Traditional Tales learning, this time based on Saint George and the Dragon. We used the humorous picture book George and the Dragon and changed the character George in their planning for their story writing. We can't wait to read their version!


Thank you for all your support with reading and phonics at home; it really does make a difference. And thank you for volunteering for swimming and reading. 

it would be great to have volunteers for swimming as then we can send groups rather than the whole class. if you are free to help, please let us know. 


Have a super weekend. Hopefully, the sun will make an appearance considering it's mid May already. 


Best wishes

The Year 1 Team




Monday 15th: 14.50 Phonics meeting

Friday 19th: Swimming for both classes

Friday 19th: FOFS PJ day - come to school in your pyjamas- please check emails for further information






Friday 5th May 2023

Here we are, at the end of the week but at the start of a historical weekend, the first of its kind most of us have never experienced; The Coronation of a Monarch, King Charles III. Super excited! We hope you are too in whatever you choose to do on this special long weekend. 


The children are definitely ready; armed with knowledge of what a coronation looks like from their History lesson this week. We asked the question; Why is Charles to be the next monarch and what a Coronation looks like. From this, they have some idea of the expectations for Saturday 6th and what to expect from what Charles will wear to the procession and the location of the Coronation. 


Today, the school has had their own Coronation celebration with flags adorning every corner of the school and a whole school Coronation lunch. They have made their own cute crowns to wear to their lunch of which we hope they can get some enjoyment of over the weekend. 


It's not all about the Coronation. The children have had an extremely busy week, starting with their Worship. Weren't they all fabulous! From singing to sharing their art to speaking to reading. They were amazing little humans oozing confidence and pride. Thank you to all of you for coming along to watch. Their English was a recount of their church service saying what they enjoyed most and why. 


In Science, the children are continuing their learning about plants; this week focusing on the importance of the roots. using magnifying glasses, they looked at roots from different plants before going into the woods to look at tree roots. They learnt that roots absorb nutrients from the soil, store nutrients and anchor the plant in place. This linked into our RE this week where we learnt the Creation Story where on the third day, plants were created and on the sixth day man was created to look after all living things. 


The focus in Maths this week has been number bonds to 20 and 3D shape; looking at properties of the shape to help with problem solving. Number bonds to 20 have proved tricky for some. If you wnat to support at home, Discovery Esppreso has a few learning resources:   as does Top Marks:


We are busy with our Phonics. As you know the Phonics Screening is in June which is fast approaching. To support your child please read daily and record in the diary; thank you to those of you who are already doing this. If your child has sound cards, it would be great if you could do these daily or more if possible.  There is also Phonics homework on our Homework page where you will find a link to Discovery Espresso and other information to support:   We are also holding a parent information session about the Phonics Screening. Please see below (dates) for details. 


Phew; a bit of a long one this week. We finish with swimming; both classes swim on a Friday afternoon so they all get the opportunity to swim weekly and get half an hour each. Please remember swimming kits. A few children are missing out on this vital life skill by not having their kit in school. This must include a swimming hat as hair does tend to block the drainage in the pool. A huge thank you to our parent volunteers who are giving up their time to support the children with their swimming. 


Enjoy the long weekend in whatever you do. 


The Year 1 Team 



School returns Tuesday 9th May

Swimming Friday PM for both classes

On Monday 15th at 2.50, we will be having a Parent information session about Phonics Screening in June. If you would like to come along, please go via the office to sign in and you will be escorted to Year 1. If you are unable to come, we will put the information on our class pages after the session.   











Friday 28th April 2023

Another week has flown by! I think it's down to our fabulous learning and the children being fully engaged in that learning. 


This week, the children have been excitedly preparing for their year group worship next week. We won';t say any more so we don;t spoil it for you but we will see you at church at 8.45 on the Wednesday morning. 


In English, we are looking at Traditional Tales; the first being Cinderella which links in with our History and Geography on Royalty. They retold the story and then they changed a small part of the story to great effect. The challenge was to change the transport Cinderella arrives to the ball in. We had flying pumpkins, rockets, unicorns, sports cars, hot air balloons and my absolute favourite was the ice cream van! They wrote with enthusiasm and even came up with some new magic words for the fairy Godmother!


Next week, we will be focusing on a recount of their church service and a recount the following week of what they did for the Coronation. Please do not feel you have to do anything special for the Coronation; just that they know it has happened and who it happened to, will be enough. 


We will be having a whole school celebration for the Coronation on Friday next week during lunchtime which will also provide an opportunity for their recount writing. For the day, could your child come dressed in red, white and /or blue. 


In Maths, we are continuing to focus on Number Bonds to 20 and properties and names of 3D shapes. This will continue into next week. 


In RE, the children are learning about Creation which has helped with their prayer writing for worship, linked in with their year group value of JOY. 


We hope you all enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend. 


The Year 1 Team.



Monday 1st May - BANK HOLIDAY- Please enjoy. 

Wednesday 3rd May - YEAR 1 CHURCH SERVICE

Friday 5th May - Swimming in the afternoon. 

Friday 5th May- Coronation whole school celebration lunch in Red, white and blue.  



Friday 21st April 2023


Welcome back to term 5 of Year 1! We know we've said this before but this year is flying by far too quickly! Term 5 with a couple of long weekends and a historical once in a lifetime event that is already generating huge excitement. 


This week, the children have settled in well after a lovely two week break. They have shared their favourite part of the break and written a short piece about it, reflecting on how they felt at the time. Most involved Easter egg hunts and it was lovely to read all their accounts which were family orientated.


In English this term, we are ;learning about Traditional Tales (fairy tales) starting with Cinderella due to the link with Royalty. They have retold the story with actions, and then had a go at sequencing. Some have recounted the story in their own words. Next week, the focus is still Cinderella but with a twist . . . 


In Maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes; their names and properties. it would be great when you're out and about to see if you can spot any common 3D shapes and talk about them, e.g. a post box is a cylinder, the trailer on a lorry is a cuboid. What can you come up with? 


In Science, we are revisiting Plants. Back in Term 1, we looked at plants during autumn and the changes some go through. This term, we will be looking at new life in spring; looking closely at features of a plant and naming them. Yesterday, for our Stunning Start, we began with a nature walk, looking for signs of spring. This also linked in with RE where we are looking at who Christians believe made the world which also began with a nature walk. It's great to enjoy outside without being wet. 


We end the week with swimming and Golden Time. Thank you in advance to those of you able to support with swimming.


Here is our Parent Flyer for the next two terms:  Please take a look and if there's anything we are covering that you feel you can talk to the year group about, please speak to a member of the Year 1 Team and we will gladly make arrangements for you to come in. The children have enjoyed previous visits which has enhanced their learning.  


Have a super weekend


The Year 1 Team



Monday 1st May Bank Holiday

Wednesday 3rd May - Year 1 church service

Monday 8th May Bank Holiday

Fridays - swimming for both classes



Friday 31st March 2023


Well, here we are, the end of Term 4, a term filled with exciting learning, creativity and visitors. 

This week, the children have finished their work on Traction man by creating an advert to persuade you to buy Traction Man. They have used exclamation marks and question marks to great effect as well as exaggeration.


In Maths we have continued to build on teen numbers, recognising how many tens in a teen number. They have also been problem solving and reasoning which has provided some fantastic discussions. 

We finished the term with a Science day, looking at the phases of the moon, and learning about Mae Jemison, an astronaut and scientist. This is a precursor to our learning about Tim Peake in Term 6. 


The children have worked very hard this term on their handwriting and stamina for writing. Next term, we will be working on Traditional tales in English with plenty of opportunity to write stories. The first tale we are looking at is Cinderella which is linked to our History of Royalty where we will look at the line of succession and of course the Coronation of King Charles III. 


Thank you to all of you who have supported the learning by coming in to read or help with swimming. it is very much appreciated and we look forward to seeing you next term. 


We hope you all have a wonderful, restful break  with opportunities to enjoy the spring weather when it eventually arrives. 

 Best wishes,

The year 1 Team



Next term, Year 1 will be swimming on  a Friday afternoon (Friday 21st April) This will start the first week back with 1J going for the first half of the afternoon and 1K going the final half. We are extremely lucky to have this free resource which provides the opportunity to learn a valuable life skill in water safety as well as swimming strokes. It's fantastic that both classes can go every week. If you feel you can help out for the afternoon with your class or both, please let us know as soon as possible. 


On the third week back, after the first bank holiday Monday, Year 1 will be leading the worship at All Saints church. Please put Wednesday 3rd May in your diary so you can join us. 


This is followed by the second bank holiday on Monday May 8th for the historical event of the King's Coronation. 


       Happy Easter

Friday 24th March 2023


This week's highlight was the visit from Thomas's grandma to speak to the class about her role as a radiographer. The children were captivated by the x-rays and sharing their broken bones when x-rayed. This linked in with our Science topic of animals including humans. 


Traction Man has unleashed some wonderful writers in English. The children have been captivated by the book due to the adventures of the super hero toy. The journey with Traction man continues next week when the children will be tasked in creating a persuasive advert to convince people to buy Traction Man. There are a two more books in the series: Traction man meets Turbo Dog and Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey which might be available at the library or to buy. 


In Maths, we have worked on place value this week, looking at how many tens in a number. This has been particularly useful to those children who find teen numbers tricky, often writing the number the wrong way round (14/41). we have also been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using Splat from Top marks which the children love. Once you're on the page, click on Paint the Squares, play game and select 1-100:

It's fantastic for recognising patterns and also helps with recognising teen numbers and the difference between 14/41 as an example. 


Thank you to all the parents who are helping with swimming and reading. If you feel you can help and are DBS checked, please speak to a member of the year 1 team. If you want to help but are not DBS checked, please speak to a member of the office team who would gladly help. 


We finish our exciting week with Meet the Grandparents this afternoon at 2.30. The children are looking forward to seeing you and sharing their reading with you. 


Have a super weekend. Lets hope the sun appears; that'll be a novelty!


Have a super weekend,

The Year 1 Team


PS; Next term, we are swimming on a Friday afternoon with both classes swimming on the same afternoon. If you can help with swimming on a Friday afternoon, please let a member of the Year 1 team know as soon as possible so we can finalise details and logistics of both classes swimming. 


Friday 17th March


Morning Year 1.

Another newsletter detailing our busy week of learning. 

We will start with Science where on Friday, the children explored taste through fruit. We had three different types of fruit; pear, melon and cucumber. All were peeled and cubed so they looked similar. They explored through touch, smell then taste; sharing their ideas with descriptive vocabulary and guesses as to what the fruits were before tasting. It was lovely to see everyone take part in trying the fruits. 

This week, we will be discussing the results and answering questions abut the investigation. 


In English, we have continued with Traction man; i can't say enough how much the children love this book and the lessons we have created around it. This week, they used their knowledge of the Hot seating to write what they know about Traction Man. 


In RE, the children have learnt another Jewish bible story about Hanukka, relating what they know about the celebration of Christmas to this Jewish festival. They also finished their freeze framing for David and Goliath. 


Thank you to our parent helpers this week; readers and with swimming. it does make a huge difference to how we run swimming when we have the support. The children loved it, although were a tad tired after. 1K will continue with swimming next week.


if you have not done so, please sign up for parents evening; either Tuesday or Thursday next week. 


Thank you soooooo much for the very generous donations of cat food to folly rescue. Our visitor was overwhelmed with your generosity. 


Next Friday (24th) is Grandparents vising afternoon, from 2.30. 


Have a super weekend


The Year 1 Team 

Friday 10th March 

Snow in March! What bitterly cold weather we have had this week and so wet. Hopefully, spring is just around the corner. Another busy week where the children have enjoyed indoor play; constructing, drawing, role play and reading as well as finally being able to get outdoors. They have also enjoyed their learning this week . . . 


The children are absolutely loving Traction Man! He really has captured their imagination. This week, the children retold the story through actions then sequenced the story. from this, they were able to discuss what they have learnt about Traction Man. But, we wanted to find out more so the children came up with questions in our Hot seat lesson where they took it in turns to ask questions and reply as Traction Man. It was lovely to see them fully engaged and standing in Traction Man's shoes, showing they really understood the character. 

Next week, we will be learning how to make lists when the children will be thinking about everyday household objects Traction Man could use in his efforts of being a super hero. 


In maths, the children have been counting in tens and ones through manipulatives (straws) and pictorial representations. This has supported them recognising what ten looks like and its corresponding digits. We will continue to build on this knowledge before morning on to place value. 


In Re, the children have been introduced to Jewish bible stories; David and Goliath the first of these where they retold the story through drama and freeze framing. 


In PE, the chhildren have been thoroughly excited as the apparatus have been out to help with Thank you for 1J helpers with swimming these past few weeks. From next week, it will be 1K for swimming. We already have one volunteer. Thank you. If you would like to help with swimming and are DBS checked, please speak with a member of the Y1 team. 


Dates for your diary:

Monday 13th, we are having a visit from Folly's Wildlife Rescue. If you can spare it, could you bring in cat food as a donation to Folly's for their poorly hedgehogs? 


Thursday 16th 1K swimming


Friday 17th Make your Own Rules Day and Book Look


Have a super weekend


The Year 1 Team


Friday 3rd February 2023


I think after the success of yesterday, we need to start with World Book Day (WBD). A phenomenal array of characters from their favourite books; Paw Patrol, Wednesday Addams, stormtroopers as well as Disney princesses, adventurers, wizards, cats, unicorns, police officers and superheroes. They all looked fantastic and loved sharing their character choices. 


The highlight of the day was meeting with year 5 and taking part in a scavenger hunt across the two playgrounds and woodland area. Our Year 1s were blooming in confidence as they rushed off with their Y5 buddies to find and solve the clues. It was a very special moment and we hope their enthusiasm for reading has blossomed. 


For WBD, we used The Sea Saw for our writing prompt; writing from the point of view of the lost bear. The children were fully immersed in the activity and the book, feeling empathy for Sophia (the main character) as well as the bear. 


The children were extremely keen to share their books they had brought in. it was a shame there wasn't time to read all of them but we have decided that on certain days, they can bring in their book to share at story time. We will let you know in your contact book if your child wants to bring in their book to read at story time. 


In maths, we have moved on to counting to and from 50 from any number. Counting backwards has proved a little tricky so it this is something you would like to support with at home, please do. 


We have started our new learning on the journey of a toy in Geography, right from the idea to the materials and then the shops. History will support this by looking at toys in their lifetime and how they have changed. With technology changing all the time, this will be a very interesting topic. 


Swimming reminder

A reminder that due to swimming being cancelled yesterday, 1J will continue to swim next week. 1K will start the week after (16th). If you would like to support 1K swimming and are DBS checked, please speak to a member of the Y1 team. It makes a huge difference to their time in the pool, having your support. 


Please could you read at least three times with your child during the week and record in their diary. Thank you for supporting their reading and for our reading volunteers. 


Have a lovely weekend


The year 1 Team 



Friday 24th February


Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you all had a fantastic break in all that you chose to do. It has been a busy start to the term with a new look timetable which is packed with exciting learning. 


This week, the children were introduced to Traction Man. They absolutely loved the story, laughing out loud as they listened. Traction Man is our main English focus this term where this week the children gave an opinion about the book, asked questions and made links to other stories, films, superheros and toys, including Buzz Lightyear. The next time we come back to Traction man, they will be finding out more about him. 


As you are aware, next week is World Book Day (Thursday 2nd February) and the whole school focus will be The Sea Saw by Tom Percival. In Year 1, we will be looking at different feelings in RHE (Relationships and Health) and writing from the viewpoint of the bear in English. There will also be an opportunity for some exciting 'magic' art . . .


Children are invited to come to school on Thursday 2nd Feb dressed up as a book character and bring in the book so they can tell us about their chosen character. There will also be opportunities to read and share their book during the day. 


In Maths, the children have been focusing on number families or fact families using + and -, recognising that addition is the inverse of subtraction and vise versa. An example; if you know 5 + 4 = 9 then you can also do:

4 +5 = 9

9 = 4 + 5

9 = 5 + 4 

9 - 5 = 4 

9 - 4 = 5

4 = 9 - 5

5 = 9 - 4 

Staring a calculation with the answer has proved tricky for some so please feel free to use the model above to support your child with similar calculations.


Thank you for those of you who have brought in PE kits. PE is on Tuesday afternoon for both classes. Please make sure PE kits are in before next Tuesday. 


Thank you also for those parents who have kindly volunteered to help 1J with swimming this term. It really does make a difference.  The sessions ran smoothly and the children loved it.   


And thank you to our volunteers who come in to listen to the children read. As you know, reading is vitally important to their continued development and education. And the children love to read to you! If you feel you want to support in this way, please approach a member of the Year 1 team. 


Have a super weekend. 


The Year 1 Team 


Thursday 9th February 2023


We have reached the end of term three, a packed, exciting term. This week, the children were fully engaged with Safer Internet Day - Lets Talk About it.  It started with  Key Stage worship where the day was introduced before the children carried out their activities; talking abut the internet and what they use, their favourite game they play online and creating a poster showing how to be safe online. We watched a couple of video stories about staying safe online;  which the children loved.


In Maths, the children have been working on subtracting within twenty, first using tens frames and moving on to a number line. Some moved on to problem solving which was brilliant! Next term, we will be revisiting place value before moving on to numbers up to 50. 


English has given the children the opportunity to write a short narrative, using the story Ruby's Chinese New year. They have absolutely loved this book; the bright colourful pictures as well as all the animals. They retold the story by introducing their own animals Ruby meets on her journey. Next term, we will be linking English to History when they investigate toys in their lifetime as non fiction as well as using Traction Man by Mini Grey where there will be opportunities for more narrative writing. 


Exciting news about PE next term. Year 1 will be starting swimming! 

1J will be going swimming first for the first three Thursdays of term - 23rd Feb, 2nd March, 9th March. They will need appropriate swimming costume, towel and a swimming hat. The swimming hat is important for swimming to keep the pool clean and free from drainage issues with hair. There are a few spare hats to borrow but please make sure you have a swim hat so your child can swim. Goggles are optional. 

1K will start their swimming on Thursday 16th and then on 23rd and 30th March. we will update you of swimming at the start of next term. 


Thank you for the homework on their chosen sports personality. they really enjoyed sharing their work and knowledge they had researched. It was a personal treat to see David Beckham appear! laugh


Please enjoy the week, find time to relax, share a book, watch a film and get some fresh air. For those of you going away, happy travels! 


See you next term. Term 4!!!  Your children are now closer to year 2 than year 1 . . . It is going far too quickly. 


Take care


The Year 1 Team





Friday 3rd February 2023


Punxsutawney Phil has predicted another six weeks of winter over in the US. After the hint of sun earlier this week, lets hope there's more on the way and that Phil is wrong as half term approaches. 

The children have adapted quickly to whole class learning in Maths and English; leaning to subtract within twenty in Maths using counters and in English, writing a summary about the book; Ruby's Chinese New Year. They have loved discussing this story and have enjoyed seeing all the animals Ruby meets on her journey. 


In RE this week, we continued to focus on Judaism and Sukkot, meaning cease or stop. We linked this to the seven days of creation where God rested on the seventh day and then had a discussion on how we all rest. Their answers were lovely, from 'watching TV eating my favourite food' to spending 'quiet time with just me and mummy.' Linking to RHE, it's important the children recognise rest is different to sleep and that we all need rest in whichever activity we choose. I particularly loved the one where rest meant 'stroking my dog.' 


In Geography, we worked on comparing climate between China and UK  as well as physical and man-made features. They enjoyed seeing famous landmarks they recognised from London and Crowborough (Ashdown Forest.) 


In PE, the children followed their own written instructions on throwing and catching a beanbag as next week, they will be teaching EYFS this skill. 


Thank you for your posters so far on famous sporting heroes. Next week, we will be sharing these with the class so if you are in the process of making one or thinking about making one,  you sill have this weekend to complete it. 


Next week is the last week of term; the end of term will be Thursday (9th February). 


Have a super weekend


The Year 1 Team


Friday 27th January 2023

We're at the end of a bitterly cold week full of coughs and colds; a chance to 'snuggle with our mummies' this weekend as one child put it. Despite the cold and coughs, the children have carried on brilliantly with their learning with some fabulous Maths, English, Science, PE and Geography. 


PE linked in with Science and English this week! In PE, the children were tasked with balancing a beanbag on various parts of their body before learning underarm throwing skills and catching. The latter activity was then set as instructions in English on how to throw a beanbag which they will be demonstrating with EYFS next week. 


In Science, the children learnt about basic body parts and labelled a diagram successfully. we then took the learning further by talking about the five senses, where they are and their importance. We also discussed how the five senses will help us later on with descriptive writing as they travel up through the school. If you are out and about this weekend, encourage your children to use their senses as to what they can see, hear, taste, smell and feel. 


In geography, the children discussed physical and man-made features of Beijing and London (including Crowborough). They then compared the two using a Venn Diagram. 


In Maths, the children have continued their journey into addition; this week using number bonds to help them make calculations easier. If you want to help with number bonds, is a fantastic game for practising number bonds to 10 and 20. 


Next week, we move onto subtraction up to 20, using manipulatives first and then to support written work.


Thank you to those of you who have brought in research of a sports person. So far we have interesting facts about Tiger Woods, Mo Salah, Alexis Mac Allister, Rebecca Addlington and Tom Bailey. There is still time for you to get your chosen sports hero/person in as we will be sharing soon. 


Have a super weekend.

The Year 1 Team 



Friday 20th January 2023


We are whizzing fast through this term, half way through the academic year already. The children have dealt with the change from learning through play to whole class learning this week with confidence and an eagerness to learn. Their maths has been fantastic; adding two numbers within 20 by counting on. They have used tens frames and number lines successfully and so we will be moving on to abstract where they have the calculation to solve.


In English, we discussed rhyme through the book; Ready, Steady Mo, a fun picture book about running anywhere and everywhere by Sir Mo Farah. This is linked to our History and Geography learning; Sport in their life time. We have noticed some wonderful handwriting from the children across all subjects and use of their phonics for independent writing. we are very proud!


In geography, the children were most excited when we used Google Earth to visit Beijing from school. They all wanted to see their house so if you have time, please visit Google earth and have fun looking around Crowborough and favourite parts of the country and the world. 


In Science, the children continued to classify animals, this time by what they eat; meat, plants or both. Their use of scientific language was strong and used confidently. We finished by discussing the type of teeth a carnivore has and why. The discussion on teeth leads nicely onto next week's learning of humans which I am sure they will enjoy just as much. 


Next week is Chines New Year which we will be studying due to the link to the winter Olympics in Beijing. We have an exciting online live lesson we will be attending to learn about Chinese New Year and their celebrations. 


Thank you for volunteers recently; reading and our trip to Beacon last week. if you have a spare hour in your day, please speak to the class teachers about volunteering your time with the children to hear them read. They love reading to different adults. 


Have a super weekend. Stay warm and we will see you on Monday. 

The Year 1 Team


Dates: Online Chines New year Event Monday 23rd January 

            PE Tuesday 25th January - 

             Bags2School Collection. Please make sure you have brought in your                   filled bag for collection on Friday 27th January 




Friday 13th January 2023


Welcome to our second newsletter for 2023. This week, the children have had the amazing opportunity to take part in Beacon's Multi-skills event where Beacon students device and run activities. The children absolutely loved taking part and mixing with children from other schools; growing in confidence, determination and learning new skills and games. It has definitely given us some ideas for our mini Olympics for later this term. Thank you for being so prompt in returning forms and for our volunteers. 


In Science, the children have been learning to classify animals into fish, birds, amphibians, reptile and mammals. To do this successfully, they needed to know what makes an animal fit into a specific group by its features; does it have fur or hair, is is cold blooded were a couple of questions they were encouraged to ask themselves as they sorted. 


In English, the children wrote a recount of their trip to Beacon, saying what their favourite activity was as well as making predictions about Errol in Three Cheers for Errol.  


In RE, we are continuing to learn about Judaism, this week learning about a Sukkah and its purpose. The children then shared what they are thankful for. 


Next week, we start our whole class teaching in Maths and English. Continuous Provision will still feature during the week as shorter sessions. 


Please make sure all PE kits are in for our weekly PE sessions on Tuesday afternoon. 


Have lovely weekend


The Year 1 Team




Friday 6th January 2023


Welcome back! A new term and a new year and a great start we've had to our learning. Probably one of the hardest week's to come back to after a break, especially one that is filled with so much excitement. The children have been eager to learn, have contributed excitedly to class discussions and have enjoyed seeing each other. It's been lovely hearing them share their Christmas; not just presents but food and time with loved ones. 


This week, we have started new learning across the Y1 curriculum. Remember to look at the curriculum map which shows our learning for the next two terms: and click on Year 1 for all the exciting learning coming up. 


We have both been impressed by the knowledge the children have shown as we begin our Science learning - Animals including Humans - and the scientific vocabulary they are using when sharing their ideas. 


In Maths this term, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction. For the next week or so, we will focus on addition to 20, learning to start counting from the first number instead of 1. For example, 13 + 5, the children would start from 13.


English is linked to our History which is sports in their lifetime. What an opportunity to celebrate all the fantastic and historical moments for sport particularly the England Women's team wining the Euros. The book we are using for English is Three Cheers for Errol where they will start by making predictions. 


In RE, the children are continuing their learning in Judaism and their celebrations and how these show their love for God. 


So, a very packed week of learning! And the children have been fantastic! We are very proud of their resilience, their kindness towards each other and their enthusiasm for their learning. 


Have a super weekend and a well earned rest. 


The Year 1 team 


 Please return PE kits as our PE lessons are on a Tuesday.


Year 4's Church service is on Wednesday 11th January


Multi-skills at Beacon 30 children  - to be arranged and confirmed for Wednesday 11th January - an email will go out informing you of the event and pick up details if your child is participating. 


Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 7th February.

End of Term 2 Newsletter

Happy end of Term 2 - and what a wintery week it has been!


A special thank you goes to all our parents and children for their energy and enthusiasm even in these conditions!  We are really grateful for your patience and understanding about changes of routine, changes of clothing and changes in learning that the weather brought.


And...there are some more changes in Year 1 for Term 3.  As house groups have enjoyed forest school on a Thursday since September, Mrs Patient, our qualified Forest School leader will now be rolling the opportunity out to other year groups in school.  So we need to say a goodbye and thank you for all her work within our team.  This means that 1J will have Mrs Reeve, (who will be new to this cohort but not new to school) to teach them on a Thursday. Welcome to Mrs Reeve!


The other change is that we also have a trainee teacher joining for Term 3 - Ms Lancaster who is on her contrasting placement within the SCITT program.  Welcome to Ms Lancaster!


The children have enjoyed the craft activities this week and have brought much of it home to share with you.  We hope that you enjoy their creations.


We have certainly enjoyed seeing the detailed and imaginatively designed family tree projects for their history learning this term. What a lot of hard work and interesting research!  Watch out for the research home learning project in term 3.  We are not setting any home learning for Christmas as we would like our children to rest and enjoy some quality family time, however if they would like to do some please continue learning the tricky words, reinforcing the phonics and playing the maths games on the website as well as lots of reading.


 And finally thank you for the kind gifts and cards that you have generously given to the team.  We are very grateful and wish you all a fabulous festive break and a Happy New Year!

From all the Year 1 Team.



Important dates:

Start or Term 3 Tuesday 3rd January



 Please return PE kits as our PE lessons are on a Tuesday.


Year 4's Church service is on Wednesday 11th January


Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 7th February.

Friday 2nd December 2022


We are currently zooming towards the end of term with 9 school days left until the fantastic Christmas holidays. It is a packed 9 days with Christmas dinner, Christmas jumper day as well as performing the Nativity. 


This week, the children took part in their first dress rehearsal in front of an audience and they were absolutely brilliant! Thank you to all of you who brought in costumes for your child; who knew there were so many different sheep outfits out there!


Among the song and dance practise and performances, the children have enjoyed their learning this week including maths, English, Science, RE and of course Forest School where the children made gorgeous wreaths using evergreen foliage. They are stunning.


Maths has continued with short bursts of the part, part, whole model, leading on to number sentences. 


In English, the children are continuing to use Winnie the Pooh stories as their focus. This time, poor Piglet was worried about the rising water around his home. The children were fantastic in their sentence work, using exclamation marks and question marks independently and correctly in their writing. 


RE focused on the parable of the Lost Son and the purpose of parables as well as practising their Nativity and listening to the story of the Nativity, understanding its meaning. 


In Science, the children continued their learning with materials, sorting into groups; hard and soft, and smooth and rough which is helping their understanding of properties of materials. 


Please remember to check contact books as photo order forms are inside as well as your confirmed date for Nativity.  


Important dates:


Monday 5th December - Nativity 2pm - 3pm for parents in 1K (unless you have agreed via the office for Tuesday)


Tuesday 6th December 2022 - Nativity 9.30- 10.30 for parents in 1J (unless you have agreed via the office for Monday) 


Wednesday 7th December - Father Christmas in the Forest and Christmas Jumper day


Thursday 8th December - Christmas Lunch and National Christmas Jumper Day


Friday 9th December - Christmas fair, starting at 3.30 - 6pm. The raffle draw will take place on this date too. Make sure you have bought your tickets as the prizes are not to be missed!


Phew! A busy week indeed, but lots of festive fun! 

Have a super fun-filled Christmassy weekend


The Year 4 team - oops, Year 1 Team! smiley




Friday 25th November 2022

Writing today's date seems impossible! This term is flying by and only one month until the big day. EEEKKK!

We are very busy preparing for the KS1 Nativity with the classrooms and hall echoing with children's voices, singing their songs with much enthusiasm as they practise for their performances in front of an audience. An email was sent out regarding performance times. As a quick reminder:


       Monday 5th December 2022 2-3pm parents for 1K & 2C

      Tuesday 6th December 2022 9.30 - 10.30am  parents for 1J & 2M


Further to Nativity, all costumes for your child must be in school by Monday 28th November 2022, in a labelled carrier bag, ready for our dress rehearsal that week.



It's not all abut Nativity. In Maths, the children are continuing with their learning on using the Part, Part, Whole model, looking at ways to  make up the whole number. This has led on for some to use the addition symbol in number sentences. 


In English, the children have been thinking about a favourite book character to draw and label. Some have written sentences. 


In Science, we have begun a new topic on materials where they are beginning to sort materials based on their properties and have been introduced to some vocabulary; transparent, properties, solid.


Next week, the following house groups will be attending Forest School: Warren (yellow) and Brook (blue). Please make sure you child comes to school in their forest school clothes with school uniform in their bag. 


Next Wednesday (30th November) we are at church for the Year 5 service. please meet us there. 


If you wish to keep up to date with all that is happening in school across all year groups at this very busy time of year, please look at the whole school newsletters.


Have a super weekend,

The Year 1 Team

Friday 18th November 2022


This week started off with Odd Socks. It was fantastic to see the variety of socks on show from the children. As part of Kindness Week, the children have had a focus on being kind and what this looks like, friendships and what this looks like and celebrating our differences in class and in worships. It has been a very positive week despite being stuck in on some days due to the appalling weather. 


The weather didn't stop Forest School where as part of their Science learning, they discussed hedgehogs hibernating due to the drop in temperature and having no coat. This supported the class learning on temperature; the vocabulary as well as looking at thermometers and setting up a small classroom investigation using the thermometers at various places around the class. 


In English, the children are continuing to work on Winnie the Pooh, this time, designing and writing about a trap to catch the heffalump. Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces are the main focus along with expanding sentences by using 'and' or 'with.' 


During Continuous provision, and in class, the children have been learning to use the Part, Part, Whole model which will lead into addition and subtraction sentences. Using manipulatives and pictorial representations as well as beanbags into a hoop, the children are beginning to understand two digits making a whole number. 


This week, the children have begun to use Discovery Espresso for their computing lessons where they are learning about coding. Login details are in your contact books. We are aware that some of you are having difficulty logging in. We are looking into this. Just to let you know, the passwords are case sensitive (and rather long). On the strip you have, the middle is the username, and the end is password. Once successfully logged in, you can explore all the content including phonics, maths, English as well as coding.   


Thank you for all the family trees that are coming on. They are super and some very creative. We will be looking at these in our History lesson. 


PE (on Tuesday afternoons) is dance and the children have been learning their routine for this year's Nativity. Please make sure all costumes are in on Monday 28th in preparation for our dress rehearsal. If you have any problems with costume, please let a member of the Year 1 team know asap. 


Have a super, and lets hope dry, weekend.


The Year 1 team.



Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd Christmas Jumper Swap Sale

Thursday 24th individual class photos

Thursday 24th Forest School for Ghyll (red) and Forest (Green) 

Friday 11th November 2022


Welcome to our news from week two of Term 2. As usual, another busy week of learning from Year 1. The children have fully immersed themselves across all learning with their continued enthusiasm. 


In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed their Winnie the Pooh story this week where Piglet thinks he's met the heffalump. Their task was to describe a character (the heffalump) but to first draw what they thought the heffalump looked like. Their imagination was wonderful as all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours were used which enabled them to use descriptive words either in a sentence or two or as a list. next week, their story and English will focus on setting a trap to catch the heffalump. I'm sure there will be some great building and conversation going on! 


In maths, the children continued with using symbols to show greater than, less than and equal to using pictorial representations to support. Next week, they will be beginning the topic of addition using the part- part -whole model.  


In Science, the children discussed temperature, looking at a real thermometer where we set up a little investigation with thermometers around the class to read the temperatures, discussing why they were different. With the ever changing weather recently, it provided good conversation and questions from the children. Forest school also linked to temperature, discussing the clothes they were wearing and why as a small part of their learning. 


Thank you to all those parents/ cares who volunteered for our trip to St. Mary's in RE. Without you, it couldn't have gone ahead. I'm sure you'll agree, the children were attentive, respectful and polite during their visit where they learnt about the Catholic church. 


Monday is ODD SOCKS day. Please visit the main school newsletter here for more information. 


Tuesday is PE only where we are learning Dance. No swimming for year 1 this term due to Nativity. 


Thursday is Forest School AM only for Warren (yellow) and Ghyll (red). Please make sure all clothes (Forest School and school uniform) are labelled so we can match the stray jumper to the correct child. 


All that remains is to wish you all a good weekend. Lets hope it's dry and the sun shines! 

The Year 4 Team


PS If you wish to become a volunteer, please speak to a member of the team or visit the office to start the ball rolling on your DBS check. We would love to have you.  




Friday 4th November 2022


Welcome back to Term 2; a rather wet and blustery start to the term which is quite apt, as in English we are using Winnie the Pooh and Friends as inspiration for our writing where Winnie has encountered a blustery day! At present, the children are making their own predictions on how Winnie the Pooh manages to get his much loved honey from the bee tree. Writing opportunities in continuous provision have enabled the children to write phrases Winnie the Pooh would say about honey as well as describing him and his friends. 


In maths this week, the children have been building their own number line in continuous provision, matching digits with the words for numbers 1-20. This has supported their work in class where the children have been working with number lines; filling in missing numbers and using language greater than, less than and in between. 


In RE, we are building on celebrations and symbols in the Christian church with a visit to St. Mary's next Wednesday. In class, the children have also looked at symbols in Judaism and the celebration of Hanuka. 


The weather this week has given us plenty to talk about in Science as we begin looking at temperature and how the weather changes through the seasons. This will lead on to materials where later in the term, the children will be investigating suitable materials to keep Winnie the Pooh and friends dry in one Hundred Acre Wood. 


As you are aware from the email sent, Forest school has changed slightly for Y1. As a reminder, on Thursday 10th November, Forest (green) and Warren (yellow) will be doing Forest School. Could children in these house groups come to school in their Forest School clothes, making sure they will be warm and dry for the changing weather.  Brook (blue) and Ghyll (red) will be attending Forest school the following Thursday in the morning. 


Thank you for all the reading and the return of library books. Today the children have chosen a new book to share with you over the weekend. Please make sure all library books are returned by the following Friday to allow them to choose another. 


Have a super weekend.  We will see you at the disco!

 The Year 1 Team  

Friday 21st October 2022


This week signals the end of a very busy Term 1 where the children have settled in brilliantly to their new routines, learning, environment and friendships. They have engaged with all learning and met expectations, in some cases surpassing them. We are so proud of each and every one of them. 


This week, the children have finished Detective Dog with a piece of writing about the thief. Next term, we will be introducing Winnie the Pooh and friends as our English focus. 


In maths, the children learnt to use < > = correctly with numbers and say the number story out loud. We will be revisiting greater than and less than throughout the year. 


In Science, the children were given the opportunity to share their wonderful autumn project. It was amazing how differently each child interpreted the project from a sculpture presented in a pine cone to a bottle filled with autumn leaves and seeds. From paintings to time lines, booklets to tree collages. Thank you so much for all your effort and support. 


The week has finished with our House day, a celebration of each house and a chance to mix and carry out house activities. 


Many of you asked about swimming next term. We are pleased to inform you that Year 1 will not be swimming next term due to the key Stage 1 Nativity taking place and the rehearsal time this will take up. We will inform you as soon as possible of performance times at a later date. 


Have a wonderful week in whatever you choose to. We look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 1st November; Monday 31st October is an INSET.


Please remember PE kits for Tuesday. 


Best wishes


The year 1 Team. 


PS Huge congratulations to Hannah and Florence in 1J and 1K for becoming our class reps for School Council. 

Friday 14th October 2022


We have no doubt that the children have been tired this week. It has been jam packed with so many activities and visits. Please look at the photo slideshow as it shows, although busy,  children immersed in Culture week and more importantly fully engaged and having fun with their learning and experiences. 


For Culture Week, the classes each had a country to 'visit;' 1J explored Wales and 1K explored Scotland. Both were extremely excited at the hatched egg that appeared in our activity area. Was it the Welsh dragon? Was it Nessie? This led to wonderful writing opportunities, capturing their imagination. We will continue to explore this next week in our continuous provision. 


Both classes sequenced a story based on myths of their country; 1J, the Welsh dragon and 1K, Nessie. They have all enjoyed drawing their own dragons and Nessie too. 


In art, pastels were used to create a Welsh scene as well as a self portrait in both classes. 1K learnt about Charles Rennie Macintosh and completed a piece of art in his style. 


We think the most exciting part of our week was the cooking in DT. Both classes created a traditional dish from their country; Wales (1J) made Welsh Rarebit  and Scotland (1K) made shortbread. What was lovely about this activity was both classes making enough for all to try and enjoy. 


The week ended with an Expo where the whole school visited each year group to share their learning and experiences as well as a whole school Worship where there was a fun video of the children visiting their country. 


It has been an amazing week and the children in both classes have coped brilliantly with the change in timetable. The Year 1 team is incredibly proud of them all. 


In between our learning from another country, the year group visited the church to support and bring to life their RE learning on symbols in a church and celebrations; christenings and weddings. Their behaviour was exemplary, matching their enthusiasm. 


Next week is back to normal with Forest school on Thursday. Green (Forest) and Warren (yellow) will need to come to school in their forest school clothes. 


Swimming will be on Tuesday. 


Finally, a huge thank you to our parent volunteers at Forest School, swimming, listening to readers and of course our church visit.  Without you, some of our activities could not go ahead as they do. 


Have a super weekend and see you all next week for Parents Evening. Please remember to sign up for either Tuesday's session or Thursday.  


Take care,


The Year 4 team

Friday 7th October 2022


Welcome to the end of week 5's newsletter. This week has been full of bright days where we have been outside enjoying the autumn weather.  The children are learning about the seasons and in Science they used weather symbols to record the weather on our interactive display.  We have loved sharing some of the autumn collages that you have sent in for the Termly project home learning - don't panic if you haven't completed this as they only need to be handed in by Monday 17th October.


In English this week, they have labelled maps from our class reader "Detective Dog" and we challenged them to create a sentence with a capital letter and full stop as well as describing the features that Detective Dog passes on her journey to find the reading book thief.


In maths this week, the children continued learning the counting sequence and were focussing on counting back from 20 (or 100 if they are capable). Please rehearse this at home so that they can identify the number that comes before or "one less than" which is what we are moving on to in the next few weeks.


Next week we will be broadening our 'Location Detectives' learning and taking part in Culture Week with the rest of the school. 1K will be learning about Scotland and 1J will be learning about Wales as we are focusing on the United Kingdom in EYFS and Year 1.  

They will participate in DT, artwork, internet research, geography and history as well as learning stories from these countries. It will culminate in a special day of celebration and exhibiting their learning.

You can help at home by talking to them about what they have learnt and supporting their exploration of that country. Please send in any extra Scotland/Wales learning they do at home and let us know if you have any particular links with these countries such as being able to speak Gaelic or Welsh.


For our DT, each class will be cooking and tasting food from the countries. Please write in the contact book if your child has a food allergy or cultural reason that they are not able to taste any of the ingredients below:

Welsh Rarebit

cheddar cheese

white bread


Worcester sauce

apple juice






corn flour


icing sugar


On a more local level, we are visiting All Saints' Church to learn about the symbols in Christianity. This will happen on Thursday 13th at 9.30 - 10.45. We will need at least 4 voluntary helpers across the year group to support us with this trip. We will be asking those of you who signed up first but please let your teacher know if you are available.

Many thanks and have a fantastic weekend.


Have a good weekend,


The Year 4 Team




Friday 30th September 2022


Welcome to the end of week 4's newsletter. Another busy week of learning has  included being Location detectives as we walked around the school, including Key Stage 2. They were encouraged to use geographical language and prepositions when discussing and seeing areas of the school such as both Key Stage playgrounds, KS2 classrooms as well as both halls, toilets, cloakrooms and their classrooms. They have started to build up their map to show their classroom in relation to Y2 and the hall. 


In maths, the children have been working on numbers before and after a number as well as in between. From this, we will be counting backwards from 10 next week the 20 so the children are fluent with their ordering and values of number. 


It's been an exciting week for Computing as we have introduced the children to Bee-Bots! they have absolutely loved inputting instructions and watching the Bee-Bot travel. This is the start of their coding learning which will be built upon throughout the year and as they go further up the school.   


Forest school introduced the children to hibernation and the British woodland animals that hibernate. Some even build little dens in the forest area for hedgehogs to use for hibernation. 


In science, we completed a seasons wheel which shows the months of the year. The children drew a self-portrait and added to their birth month.


Swimming is on Tuesday afternoon so please ensure all kit is in. PE kits should already be on their pegs. 


Thursday is Forest School. Thank you to our helpers which enables this to go ahead as a valuable teaching of life skills, nature and well-being.  Forest and Warren, please come prepared for Forest School in the morning. 


Wednesday is the first Wednesday of the month so we will be at church that morning. We will see you all there. It will be a worship for Harvest Festival where you are invited to bring in any items of foods in cans or dried like pasta. All foods, I believe,  will be going to a local food bank. Please see main newsletter for more details.  


On the week beginning the 10th of October, the school will be started Culture Week. There will be activities for the children to immerse themselves and then share with the rest of the school. 1J will be studying Wales and 1K, Scotland. It would be really useful if your child could begin to research their country. If you have any books, poems, postcards or even dressing up clothes from these two countries, please let us know as we would love to include this in our week. 


Have a super weekend,


The Tear 4 Team



Friday 23rd September 2022


We can't believe that week three is behind us as we head into week 4; just over half way through the term. The children have settled into Y1 very well which is showing in how they know their routine and how quickly they are transitioning between activities and play times, including lunchtime. 


In maths this week, the children have been working on numbers to ten using a tens frame. Some have progressed to numbers between 10 and 20. Their learning has included ordering numbers, sequencing from smallest to largest and largest to smallest, counting the correct amount and using language more than and less than. They have also been able to state at a glance where the amount they have is less or more than 5 which is the beginning of estimating. 


In Science, the children learnt the difference between deciduous and evergreen and were able to identify whether a tree was either by the properties of the leaf. This was also explored in Forest School where the children also made a hedgehog nest and mud pancakes. 


Thank you to those of you who have brought in Forest School clothing. In the event of no Forest School kit, the children end up missing out and staying in class for the science lesson that takes place during Forest School. 


In English, we are focusing on writing a simple sentence and the skills this requires; capital letters, full stops and finger spaces as well as using their phonics to sound out words. We are using the Detective Dog for our learning which the children love! 


Next week, PE and swimming are continuing on the same day. Please come in to school in school uniform with their PE kits and swimming kit. We will endeavour to get all children changed at the end of the afternoon so their PE kits can remain in school until the end of term so they will only need to take home and bring in swimming kits.  Please make sure all kit and uniform is clearly labelled. 


Thank you for all your support and offers to volunteer. 


Have a super weekend.


The Year 4 Team



Friday 16th September 2022


The children have now settled fully into their new routine in Y1 and all are ready to learn. This week, the children have begun Location Detectives through English and the book Detective Dog where they made some wonderful predictions in pictures, annotations and sentences. We will continue with Detective Dog next week, looking at sentence structure. 


In History, the children have looked at the Queen's life in a timeline, and begun to create their own. A fabulous, if sad, opportunity in living history. After these momentous events, the children will then look at their own history, creating a timeline. 


In maths, the children have been using Numicon to show their understanding of numbers one to ten and what this looks like. In continuous provision, there has been the opportunity to go beyond ten.  


Super Sonic Phonics is proving very popular as the children are introduced to new characters and actions to go with their learning, this week the focus has been j, v, w and x with CVC words they have been applying the sounds (jam, van, wig, box as examples). 


Forest School has been another success with children eager to share their learning. Thank you for bringing in the appropriate clothing so they can enjoy the experience. Unfortunately there are a few children who did not have forest school clothing which means they didn't participate in this learning. 


Please make sure Forest School clothing (old clothes you don't mind getting muddy, wellies and wet weather coat and trousers) are in on Thursday morning. Forest (green) and Warren (yellow) can come into school wearing their Forest School clothes. Ghyll (red) and Brook (blue) will need to bring theirs in a bag.  


On Thursday, the children thoroughly enjoyed their swimming and PE afternoon. We also found that changing into their PE kits after swimming was easier and quicker. Please make sure all swimming kit is in on Thursday; towel, costume and hat) so your child can take part. 


A huge thank you to all that attended the Meet the treacher presentation yesterday. it was lovely to see so many of you. Thank you for all your support. 


For those who couldn't make it, the presentation will be on the Welcome to Y1 page by the end of today.


As always, please ask if you have any questions. Also, we now have a little notice board outside where you pick up and drop off. Please read any notices on there as there will be reminders to support you and your children.


Thank you for a very positive start to the year.


Have a lovely weekend


The Year 1 Team




Friday 9th September 2022


Welcome to the first of Year 1's weekly newsletter where we will update you on any dates for your diary and of course share with you the learning over the week. 


What a great first week we have all had. We are so proud of their enthusiasm, confidence and eagerness to have a go. They have settled in beautifully; getting to know their classroom, their timetable and how lunch and play times work. All have adapted to their new surroundings and routines brilliantly. 


This week, the children have had their first, rather wet and muddy, Forest School where they made mud pies, mud cakes, mud cupcakes, and porridge. Yes, we noticed a food theme too! Using natural materials, the children then created a work or art after squishing the juice from blackberries. Their experience was one they all thoroughly enjoyed. 


Forest School will be linked in with science as much as possible and this week the children begun to recognise the four seasons when looking at trees and leaves. 


Next week, we begin our English curriculum using the book; Detective Dog where we will be learning to make predictions from the front cover and then looking at rhyme. 


In maths, we will be looking at numbers to 20; counting forward, back, writing in words as well as ordering. 


On Tuesday (13th September), we will be starting swimming. Please make sure swimming kits are in; a clean towel, appropriate swimming costume and a swimming hat. PE kits will also be needed on this day as we will be doing swimming and PE across the year group in the afternoon where all will do both. 


The Meet the Teacher date is this coming Thursday (15th September) at 9AM. It will be a short session where we will navigate the Y1 class pages with you which is where you will find all the information you need regarding your child's time in Y1. If you are unable to attend, there will be a PowerPoint presentation with the relevant information. We look forward to meeting you.   


We hope you have a lovely weekend at what is an extraordinary time in our history. 

Take care. 

The Year 1 Team 
























































































































































































Week ending Friday 27th May 2022


What a brilliant term we have had!

We hope you and your family have a restful and enjoyable half term and we look forward to seeing you in term 6 where we will be preparing for the Queens Jubilee celebration. 

Week ending Friday 20th May 2022

We have been busy this week finishing off our Massai necklaces we have now painted them, attached our hanging bits and also thought about ways we could improve them. The children are excited to show them to you next week when they are dry. 


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 26th May 2022. 



Our learning next week:



Next week we are writing instructions on how to make our massai necklaces.  



Next week we are continuing to learn about fractions in particular finding a quarter. 



We are continuing our new topic all about plants in particular leaves and what they do. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing our topic of world faiths

Week ending Friday 13th May 2022

We have had a creative week this week, we have started designing our African Maasai necklaces thinking about how we are going to decorated them and thinking about how we are going to attach the extra parts to them. 


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1H class swimming on Thursday 19th May 2022. 



Our learning next week:



Next week we are retelling our traditional tale of how the zebra got his stripes. 



Next week we are beginning to learn about fractions in particular finding a half and a quarter. 



We are continuing our new topic all about plants in particular stems and what they do. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing our topic of world faiths. 

Week ending Friday 6th May 2022


On Wednesday, Year 1 performed a confident worship about Joy at our monthly All Saints church service. They wrote poems about what brings them joy, sung songs and created joyful artworks inspired by Matisse's Snail . They proudly demonstrated dance performances, football skills, lego models and hula hooping when they shared experiences of the joyful play that they engage in. It really was an enjoyable treat for us all to watch. Well done Year 1!


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 12th May 2022. 



Our learning next week:



Next week we are continuing our learning about Africa with our traditional tale and using adjectives to describe the animals. 



This term we are continuing to learn about division. 



We are continuing our new topic all about plants in particular roots and what they do. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing our topic of world faiths. 

Week ending Friday 29th April 2022

Year 1 have been working so hard this week with all their learning especially with their worship which they are all ready for and are excited to show you all on Wednesday 3rd May at All Saints Church.



Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1H class swimming on Thursday 5th May 2022. 



Our learning next Term:



Next week in English we will be using interesting verbs to describe how African animals move. How does an Elephant move?



Next week in Maths we are beginning to learn about division and in particular sharing into equal groups. Can you share a bag of sweets into 2 equal groups?



We are continuing with our new topic all about plants this week is all about flowers. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing our topic of world faiths. 

Week ending Friday 22nd April 2022

Year 1 have hit the ground running this week as we prepare for our upcoming worship on the 4th May. The children have produced some amazing art work, poems and prayers in preparation for it and are excited to show them to you soon.


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 28th April 2022. 



Our learning next Term:



Next week we are starting our learning about Africa with a new traditional tale. 



This term we are beginning to learn about measuring Mass and Capacity. 



We are starting our new topic all about plants. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing our topic of world faiths. 

Week ending Friday 1st April 2022

We had a great trip to Bodiam castle this week to finally consolidate our learning about castles! The children impressed the National Trust volunteers with the facts they knew and loved seeing the fish in the moat!


We wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to seeing you again after the holidays!


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1H class swimming on Thursday 21st April 2022.  





Week ending Friday 25th March 2022

Thank you for all of the beautiful Easter gardens which have been sent in, they look wonderful in our Prayer areas! 

We are very excited about our trip to Bodiam castle next Tuesday (29th March). 

Please remember to send your child with suitable footwear and clothing for the trip (including a waterproof coat just in case!). They should wear their school jumper and bring a packed lunch unless you ordered one last week on Parentpay. 


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 31st  March 2022.  


Our learning next Term:



Next week we are writing recounts of our trip to Bodiam castle and finishing our bat fact files. 



This term we are continuing to measure length and height using cubes and a ruler. 



We are finishing off our learning about the senses, thinking about the knowledge that we have gained this term and in STEM week.  


Religious Education:

 We are experiencing an Easter labyrinth next week!

Week ending Friday 18th March 2022


We have had another great superhero week this week. Thank you for all the effort with Red nose day and for wearing white. 


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1H class swimming on Thursday 24th March 2022.  


Our learning next Term:



Next week we are consolidating all of our learning and independently writing our own bat fact file.



This term we are looking at measuring length and height using cubes and a ruler. 



We are continuing with our STEM topic looking at our senses, in particular the growth of sound. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing to learn all about Easter and Salvation. 

Week ending Friday 11th March 2022


We have had another great week this week. Starting on Wednesday the girls had the chance to take part in the biggest girls football event EVER with Crowborough AFC. The girls had a lot of fun learning new skills and taking part in a football game. We ended the week with a scavenger hunt in Religious Education, the children had to find pieces of the Easter story and put the story back together. 


Important notices


Friday 18th March: Red Nose Day Superheros: please refer to the main Newsletter for information on what the children are allowed to wear.



Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 17th March 2022.  


Our learning next Term:



Next week we are continuing with our story 'There is no dragon in this story' looking at writing instructions to help the dragon get down from a tree. 



This term we are looking at numbers to 50 in particular counting in 2's and 5's. 



We are continuing with our STEM topic looking at our senses, in particular our hands and what we use them for. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing to learn all about Easter and Salvation. 

Week ending Friday 4th March 2022


We have had a great week celebrating International Book Day/Week. Thank you so much for all the effort that went into the costumes, the children looked amazing and we loved hearing about why they had chosen to dress up as that character. The week was filled with lots of exciting activities from a book reading by Mrs Greenwood with Max the dog to art work inspired by the book 'The Journey'. 


Important notices


Girls football day: Biggest Girls football event EVER! Event with Crowborough AFC club for any girls interested on the 9th March 2022. Please let your teacher know if you are interested. Please bring PE kit. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1H class swimming on Thursday 10th March 2022.  


Our learning next Term:



Next week we are thinking about how the dragon is feeling in our story and writing poems about the dark.



This term we are looking at numbers to 50 in particular one more and one less. 



We are continuing with our STEM topic looking at our senses, in particular our tongue and what we use it for. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing to learn all about Easter and Salvation. 

Week ending Friday 26th February 2022


We have had a great first week back despite our castles trip to Bodium being cancelled but we have rescheduled for the 29th March 2022. We are really looking forward to it and it will be a wonderful way to end our Castle topic. 


Important notices


World Book Week: Dressing up on Monday 28th February, please remember the children need to come as a character from a book that they also bring in with them to show and read on the day. Please refer to the email regarding all the activities for the week.


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 3rd March 2022.  


Our learning next Term:



The whole school will be discovering the wordless book 'Journey' by Aron Becker as part of world book week. 



This term we are looking at numbers to 50 in particular making 50 using tens and ones. 



We are continuing with our STEM topic looking at our senses, in particular our ears and what we use them for. 


Religious Education:

 We are continuing to learn all about Easter and Salvation. 

Week ending 10th February 2022


This week has been another exciting week of learning. On Tuesday the children took part in a safer internet day, where we learn all about how amazing the internet is. We finished off the week by creating art work inspired by Paul Klee's 'Castle and Sun' paintings. 


Important notices


World Book Week: You should all have received the details for book week along with your book token. We are very much looking forward to seeing your interesting reading places! Please send in photos by the 28th February. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.



1C class swimming on Thursday 24th February 2022


Our learning next Term:




This term we are looking at a new topic book that contrasts the story 'The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight.' 



We are continuing with subtraction, focusing in particular on how we subtract using a number line.   



We are starting our STEM topic looking at our senses.


Religious Education

 We will be learning all about Easter and Salvation. 

Week ending 4th February 2022


What a rocking week we have had this week,with actual rock stars!

We have loved seeing all the amazing outfits and fabulous hair for our number day on Friday! Thank you to all the effort that went into the day. 


Important notices


Term project in by Monday 7th February. Thank you so much to those of you who have brought in such a variety of amazing project work.

Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


1H class swimming on Thursday 10th February  2022


Our learning next week:



We will be continuing to read our story, 'The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight'. where we will be sequencing the events of the story and re-telling the story in our own words. 



We are moving on to subtraction now, focusing in particular on how we subtract by crossing out and using a number line.   



This week, we are rounding off our topic of materials. 


Religious Education

 We are continuing to learn about stories from  the Gospel. 

Week ending 28th January 2022


It has been a quiet and busy week with our learning this week, but we still found the time to finish off our castles. They look fantastic! We do hope you have found somewhere to proudly display them. Mrs Crumbie and Miss Heilbron were so impressed with what the children produced. 


Important notices



Number Day:  Friday 4th February children can dress as rockstars or be in home clothes that day if they prefer.


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


1C class swimming on Thursday 3rd February 2022


Our learning next week:



We will be continuing to read our story, 'The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight' and we are thinking about adjectives to describe the dragon. We will then start to write our own dragon poems.  



We are moving on to numbers to addition and subtraction now, focusing in particular on using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to work out sums.  



This week, we are investigating which materials would be suitable for a leotard for Piglet. 


Religious Education

 We are continuing to learn about stories from  the Gospel. 

Week ending 21st January 2022


WOW what a busy week we have had this week. Especially on Friday where we not only started making our castles but we also had a special worship which took place today. Along with our usual certificate and gold book we also recognised this years Pride of Fermor champions. Congratulations to Audrey A in 1H and Archie L in 1C, we are so proud of you and you are fabulous examples of what Fermor is all about! Full details and pictures will be in the main school newsletter. 

Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


1H class swimming on Thursday 27th January 2022


Our learning next week:



We will be continuing to read our story, 'The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight' and writing a poster warning the villagers about the dragon.  



We are moving on to numbers to 20 now, focusing in particular on ordering groups of objects from greatest to smallest.  



This week, we are investigating which materials would be suitable for a pair of curtains for the Three little pigs. 


Religious Education

 We are continuing to learn about stories from  the Gospel. 

Week ending 7th January 2022


We have had another busy week of learning in Year 1!

Please remember to read with your child at home for our 'World Mountain Reading challenge' and to send in cardboard tubes and boxes and empty plastic bottles and other materials for our junk modelling castles lesson next week. 



Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


1C class swimming on Thursday 20th January 2022


Our learning next week:



We will be continuing to read our story, 'The Knight Who Wouldn't Fight' and discovering who the next character in the story is who Leo meets. 



We are moving on to numbers to 20 now, focusing in particular on how to write them. 



This week, we are investigating which materials are waterproof to make an umbrella for Winnie the Pooh.


Religious Education

 We are continuing to learn about stories from  the Gospel. 

Thursday 17th December


Everyone in Year 1 would like to wish you all a merry, peaceful healthy and Christmas and New Year.


If you would like to watch the KS1 nativity then please click here


Thank you to each and every one of you  for your amazing gifts you have been so generous. We have so enjoyed teaching the children and we look forward to teaching them again in the new year!

The year 1 team x


Week ending 7th January 2022


Happy New year!

Welcome back to a new year of learning. The week started with our stunning start in science where some naughty new years elves made a mess in the middle area. The pupils had to use their detective skills to sort the objects into piles by looking at the materials they were made of. 



Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


1H class swimming on Thursday 13th January 2022


Our learning next week:



We will be looking at the features of a Griffin and writing our own poems. 



We are continuing to investigate 2D shapes. This week we are introducing the children to 3D shapes and their properties. 



This term we are investigating materials.This week we are distinguishing between an object and the material it is made from. 


Religious Education

 This term we are learning all about the Gospel. 

Week ending 10th December 2021


WOW this week has been jam packed with excitement. We are so proud of all the Year 1 children for their wonderful participation in this years nativity, especially for their amazing dancing and tuneful singing.

Our week ended with a visit from a very special man. The pupils excitedly met Father Christmas and his crazy elves! Thank you to all parents involved in setting up the grotto. 


Important notices


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


There is no swimming for Year 1 next week.


Our learning next week



We are reading the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and thinking about the description of Father Christmas. Then we are going to focus on writing questions for the man himself, using the question words: Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?



We are focusing on subtraction in particular using a number line to count backwards. 



 We will be rounding off our learning of the Christmas story and our question  'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?'

Week ending 3rd December


We are looking forward to performing our Nativity for you next week!  You can help your child to learn the songs , they are all saved in Children - Video Resources Centre - Year 2 on this website. As well as rehearsing and learning, we have also made time to do some Christmas Art this week, making decorations for the Christmas fair in the hall tomorrow! Keep an eye out for 1H's mice and 1C's Christmas trees. 


If you have not booked for your child to see Father Christmas in the Forest next Wednesday 8th December with their class, please do so. It's a really fun activity for the class to experience together.


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


Thursday 9th  December will be 1H class.


Our learning next week



We are discovering more about Babushka in our Russian folk tale this week. We will be thinking in role as Babushka and learning how to ask questions. What will Mary and Joseph ask Babushka when she arrives in Bethlehem? 



We are focusing on addition and subtraction within ten this week. 



We will be continuing to learn about seasons and weather, exploring light and dark and the hours of daylight throughout the year. 



 We will be continuing to investigate the key question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?' and thinking about Advent and how Christian prepare for Christmas. 

Week ending 26th November

 Moths to a Flame updatethe moths that we decorated for Sustainable Living in Crowborough a couple of weeks ago to bring attention to the Climate change focus at the recent COP 26 in Glasgow are on display at the Community centre, Pine Grove, until the end of this month. All are welcome to visit as they make an amazing display altogether!

The stage is now set and we have been busy rehearsing the songs and dances for our Nativity play again this week. You can help your child to learn the songs , they are all saved in Children - Video Resources Centre - Year 2 on this website. As well as rehearsing and learning, we have also made time to do some Autumn Art this week, leaf printing, leaf rubbing and making hedgehog leaf pictures!


Please send all nativity costumes in by Monday 29th November (this Monday)


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


Thursday 2nd December will be 1C class.


Our learning next week



We are discovering more about Babushka in our Russian folk tale this week. We will be thinking in role as Babushka and acting out what she says to the other characters in the book.



We are focusing on addition of two numbers, drawing pictures and writing number sentences to show this but also thinking about word problems. 



We will be continuing to learn about seasons and weather, exploring light and dark and the hours of daylight throughout the year. 



 We will be continuing to investigate the key question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?' and thinking about how we prepare for the arrival of a new baby.

Week ending 19th November


We have been busy rehearsing the songs and dances for our Nativity play this week. You can help your child to learn the songs , they are all saved in Children - Video Resources Centre - Year 2 on this website. 

Please send costumes in by Monday 29th November


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


Thursday 25th will be 1H class.


Our learning next week



We are starting to read a Russian folk tale this week, the story of Babushka. We will be thinking about adjectives to describe her and verbs to describe what she does.



We are focusing on number bonds to ten this week, making number bonds with manipulatives and comparing numbers. 



We will be continuing to learn about seasons and weather, exploring light and dark and the hours of daylight throughout the year. 



 We will be continuing to think about the key question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?' and deepening our understanding by looking at the characters in the Christmas story.

Week ending 12th November


This week, we have started learning the songs and dances for our Nativity play. Today your child brought home a costume letter detailing what they need to wear for their part. Please send costumes in by Monday 29th November


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


Thursday 18th will be 1C class.


Our learning next week



We will be finding out what happens to the mice as we finish reading our story, 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' and thinking about why Pipin prefers living in the country. 



We are continuing to partition numbers using a part-whole model, finding different ways to partition one number and investigating how the two parts add together to equal the whole. 

If you would like to find out more about this concept and support your child, the following video is a useful resource: 



We will be continuing to learn about seasons and weather, exploring light and dark and the hours of daylight throughout the year. 



 We will be continuing to think about the key question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?' and deepening our understanding by looking at the characters in the Christmas story.

Week ending 5th November


What a busy week our first week back has been! As well as getting stuck into our learning, we have also decorated moths for the Crowborough COP26 Moths to a Flame Event, organised by Sustainable Living in Crowborough and Transition Crowborough. These will be displayed as part of a COP26 art installation in the Crowborough Community Centre.


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


Thursday 11th will be 1H class.


Our learning next week



We will be continuing to read our story, 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' and looking at all of the food the mice eat in the town house. Delicious!



We are partitioning numbers using a part-whole model and investigating how the two parts add together to equal the whole. If you would like to find out more about this concept and support your child, the following video is a useful resource: 



We will be continuing to learn about seasons and weather, exploring light and dark and the hours of daylight throughout the year. 



 We will be thinking about the key question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians and deepening our understanding of this.

Week ending 22nd October


Year 1 have had fun this week in their last week of Forest School, going on an Autumn walk around the school grounds to collect Autumn leaves for Science and sketching Winnie the Pooh in charcoal in the style of E.H.Shepard in Art and History. 


Phew! We hope you have a restful half term and take the opportunity to visit the Ashdown Forest or go on an Autumn walk with your children to consolidate this term's learning.


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

There is no Forest School for Year 1 this term.


Thursday 4th will be 1C class.


Our learning next week



We will be starting to read a new story, 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse' and thinking about describing where they live. 



This term we are starting to partition numbers using a part-whole model and using the language 'part, part whole' to describe this concept. If you would like to find out more about this concept and support your child, the following video is a useful resource: 



We will be continuing to learn about seasons and weather, investigating the sun and sunlight in different seasons. 


 We will be introducing the key question, 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians.

Week ending 15th October


Year 1 have had another engaging week of learning and in Forest School, children learnt how to make a camp fire using flint and cotton wool! 


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

Monday 18th will be 1C and Wednesday 20th will be 1H.


Thursday 21st will be 1H class.


Our learning next week



After designing heffalump traps for Piglet and Pooh last week, next week children will be considering how Piglet feels in the A.A. Milne story 'Piglet is entirely surrounded by water'. How will he get out of his house?



In Maths we will be looking at ordinal numbers in particular using vocabulary such as first second third. 


We will be consolidating our learning about seasons and weather next week, examining autumn leaves and doing observational drawings of them. 


In RE we will be continuing to look at the parable of the lost son and why the parable is important to Christians.  

Week ending 8th October


We have had another great week of learning this week. At the end of the week we had the fantastic opportunity to go to All Saints church for the harvest celebration. The children really enjoyed the service; singing along to the songs and listening to the talk. Thank you for all your generous donations. 


Important notices:

Lunch orders:

Can we please remind you to place your child’s lunch order on parent pay prior to each day, preferably the weekend before. Can you also discuss with your child their preference as we are unable to change their orders on the day. Your co-operation with this is appreciated. 


Forest School: 

Monday 11th will be 1C and Wednesday 13th will be 1H


Thursday 14th will be 1C class.


Our learning next week



We will be carrying on with comparing numbers using more than and less than.



Next week we will start to read another Winnie the Pooh story, 'Piglet meets a Heffalump'. We will use our visualisation skills to think about what Heffalumps look like and then start to plan how we can trap them in the Hundred Acre Wood!



Our weather learning will continue as we record data from our class rain gauges (hopefully not too much!) and learn about measuring and recording temperature. 


Religious Education

We are continuing with the parable of The Lost Son. This time thinking about the father and his forgiveness. 


Week ending 1st October

We are now half way through Term 1 and have had another fun week of learning!


Important notices

Forest school: Monday 4th October will be 1C and Wednesday 6th October will be 1H's turn. Please send your child with appropriate clothing, they will not be allowed to participate in Forest school in their school uniform.

Swimming: Next week is 1H's turn to swim on Thursday 7th October.



Next week, we are starting to read some of A.A.Milne's stories about Winnie the Pooh. We have already learnt that these are set in the Hundred Acre Wood, which we know as the Ashdown Forest.



Our Maths focus is greater than and less than, using the symbols < > and = and comparing numbers. 



We are continuing to observe the weather, and having made our own wind socks last week, we will make a rain gauge so that we can measure rainfall. 


Year 1 Weekly Newsletter


Week ending 24th September


It is the end of another busy week in Year 1. What with Forest school for both classes and 1H's  turn to swim. 1H really loved being back in the pool, they behaved really well and the swimming teacher said they were better behaved than other older years!  


Important notices

Forest School: Monday 27th will be 1C and Wednesday 29th will be 1H

Swimming: next week will be 1C



We will find out who is the book thief and think about how we can reward Nell (Detective Dog) for her amazing detective skills. 



Continuing with place value this week we are comparing groups of objects using vocabulary such as 'greater than' and 'less than.'



We will be investigating wind and how we measure wind. 


Religious Education 

We are continuing with our understanding of God and why he is important to Christians. We will be discussing where Christians go to worship God, this will also get us ready for our Harvest celebration in Church. 



Week ending Friday 17th September 2021

We have had another busy week with Forest School and Swimming being added to the curriculum! The children have enjoyed completing their Enhanced Provision challenges linked to our Maths and English learning in our Middle Area, with quite a few children completing them all - well done!



This week, we have continued to read 'Detective Dog' by Julia Donaldson and have written sentences about the things that Nell is good at finding. The children at the school where Nell is a Reading dog are miserable because the books have all disappeared and next week we will find out if Nell can find them using her detective skills! 



In Maths this week we are continuing to investigate numbers to 10 and beyond. This week we used are knowledge of numbers to 10 to count forwards and backwards from a given number. 



We practised the months of the year again this week and looked more closely at each season, in particular our current season, Autumn, thinking about what the weather is like in Autumn and what we wear. Over the coming weeks, try to see if you and your child can spot any clues in nature that Autumn is on its way...



Year 1 had an exciting Geography adventure to launch our 'Location detectives' learning this week. The children were excited to use their map reading skills to find clues around the school. All of the clues were characters or landmarks from the Hundred Acre Wood. When we arrived back at our classrooms, our class mascots, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet were waiting with letters for us, asking for our help! They are lost in the Hundred Acre Wood and need a map to find their way to Christopher Robin's house. Next week in Geography, we will make our own maps with keys and use the compass points to help the mascots know which way to go.



This week was 1C's turned to experience swimming for the first time this year. They all did amazingly well and will find out which group they are in on 28th September, please can we remind you that they will not be able to swim without any voluntary help so thank you to the one volunteer we have had so far. Next week - Thursday 23rd September - will be 1H's chance to swim. 


Don't forget Forest school on Monday 20th for class 1C and Wednesday 22nd for 1H class. We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.


Best wishes

The Year 1 Team


Week ending Friday 10th September 2021


Welcome to the first Year 1 newsletter of this academic year. We all hope you have had a wonderfully restful summer and are ready for this next chapter into KS1.
It is always a daunting prospect starting a new year with an unfamiliar class room and new routines to navigate. The children have adapted really well into their new environment and are beginning to enjoy a more structured timetable. We are very proud of how easily the children have settled into Year 1. 


In class we have started a new timetable and a new curriculum:



In English this week, we have been practising writing sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. We have started to read our topic book 'Detective Dog' by Julia Donaldson, predicting what Detective Dog will discover.



In Maths, we have been practising writing the numbers to ten in digits and words, in particular looking at one more and one less than a number and comparing different representations of a number. 



We have been investigating the seasons this week, looking at which months of the year are in which season. Can your child tell you which month and season their birthday is in? 


Forest school

Please make a note to look at the letter regarding forest school. Children will need to bring in a change of clothes, all children will be expected to change back into their School uniforms at the end of the session. The first session will be 1C on Monday and 1H on Wednesday's. 



Please also make a note to look at the letter regarding swimming. Children will need to bring in their swimming costume/shorts, hat, towel and goggles (if the children wish).  The first lesson is with 1C  on Thursday 16th September and 1H on Thursday 23rd September. If you are able to volunteer to support and help with this please can you let the office or your childs teacher know. 


The children have worked really hard this week so we hope that they and you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday.


Best wishes

The Year One Team.


Week ending Friday 16th July 2021


It has been a busy week completing work, exhibiting our Great Barrier Reef homework, enjoying some party time and party music and of course the transition morning which went really well. The children seemed very excited to be in their new Year 2 classrooms and are ready for the leap up.


We would like to say a big thank you to all of you who produced the amazing Great Barrier Reef models, it sounds like the parents enjoyed making them as much, if not more, than the children. It also really helped them to understand the vastness and richness of the 20,000 year old natural wonder of the world.


We would also like to say thank you for the wonderful gifts you have showered us all this term. It is truly humbling and we appreciate your kind thoughts and words.


Good luck in Year 2, some of us are moving up with you and some of us are moving on but we're sure we will see you again during your child's journey at Sir Henry Fermor.


Best wishes for a safe and happy summer.

The Year One Team

Week ending Friday 9th July 2021


What a busy Sport's week it has been, the children have been a real credit to the school and you. (We will put a few pictures up but most will be in the main newsletter). As we get to Friday though fatigue has hit us so the final day of the week has been a bit more gentle as we said "hello" to Bishop Ruth and watched the Year 6 leaving service.  


Hopefully you should all have received your child's report together with the Year 2 booklet and curriculum map.  On Monday morning will be visiting their new teacher/classroom and experiencing a bit of Year 2 life as part of their transition then the rest of the week we will be looking at their Great Barrier Reef homework and enjoying some end of term activities.


We have managed to squeeze in some of the normal curriculum subjects this week and in English we have completed our "Are we there yet!" by Alison Lester and the children have produced some fantastic postcards as they are imagining that they have visited Uluru.


In Maths this week we have been finishing our topic of time. This week was all about time in seconds and minutes. The children investigated how many jumps, star jumps and hops they could do in one minute. We were very impressed with the results some children were managing to do 200 jumps in a minute!


In Science we investigated healthy eating and what foods make up our dinner plate. As a class we talked about the importance of eating carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy and oils and how they help our bodies to grow and recover from all the amazing sports activities we have done this week.


Please could you to bring a plastic bag in on Monday 12th to collect your children's amazing work from this term. 


Have a lovely weekend - Come on England!  See you next week for our final week of Year 1.


The Year 1 Team.

Week ending Friday 2nd July 2021


We've just finished practising for next week's Sports Day and are really looking forward to, weather permitting, showing you how athletic we all are.  Please can we remind you to come in your PE kits next week. You may wear any sports kit (not football shirts) Monday, Tuesday and Thursday but please make sure you are wearing your correct PE kit on Wednesday with your correct house colour shirt. Also don't forget your swimming kit for Monday as per the emails from last week and this week. NORMAL UNIFORM ON FRIDAY PLEASE.


In our usual curriculum we have continued with the Australian topic. The children have been immersing themselves in the story of "Are we there yet - a journey around Australia" by Alison Lester during English. They have loved hearing about all the amazing places we could visit there and we're now planning our school trip to Australia...once we've visited Africa of course!


In Mathematics we have started our recap of time. The week began with us learning about dates and reading dates on calendars. The week ended with a recap of telling the time to the hour. Next week we are continuing with time, if you would like to, this weekend have a look at clocks in your house and practice telling the time to the hour and half past. 


We've been busy this week continuing with our creative outpouring. In art we made Aboriginal inspired animal prints and in Geography we created our own Year 1 Great Barrier Reef. We finalized our DT project with our paper-plane competition and we must say we had lots of fun seeing who could fly theirs the furthest. In Science we sorted animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores the pupils had lots of fun sorting them into a Venn diagram. In Religious Education we spoke about Moses and why he is important in the Jewish faith. The pupils went on to write their own 10 commandments about how to treat each other in school. 


Have a lovely weekend and see you next week for a fantastic sports week.

The Year One Team

Week ending Friday 25th June 2021


We’ve had a brilliant week exploring our creative sides. From boomerang decorating, kite making and didgeridoo building plus many more things (please see a photo sample below). We have also been singing our hearts out to Mary Poppins “let’s go fly a kite” which to be honest we can’t get out of our heads so thank you Mr Novkovic for your enthusiasm with the musical part of our week. We finished the week creating our paper planes for an inter school competition and can’t wait to find out which class/year managed to throw our planes the furthest.


Talking of themed weeks we have Sport’s week coming up soon (week commencing 5th July). Please look out for a few emails which should be coming your way regarding this. One important date to note is on Monday 5th June the children will be swimming. Due to this weird year we’ve had the children haven’t managed to get back into the pool since before Christmas so hopefully this will be exciting news for them. Further details regarding this and the whole week’s activities will follow soon.


We have also continued with our normal timetable this week. In English we have introduced prefixes and in particular the prefix un- for example unpack, this will set them up for more prefixes and suffixes when they move on to year 2. We have also been reading Possum Magic by Mem Fox which is such a lovely book about Hush and Grandma Poss who are looking for a potion to reverse Hush’s invisibility. We have enjoyed tracing their journey around Australia in this quest. Next week we will be looking at another, less magical, journey around Australia with the book Are we there yet by Lester Alison which we hope they enjoy.


In Maths we have started looking at money. We investigated the different coins and compared them. We compared: their value, size, colour and material. We then moved onto looking at notes and their values. The pupils had lots of fun exploring the different coins and we were so impressed with their knowledge. Next week we will be learning about time and our routine. 


In Science we are continuing with our animals topic. This week was all about what animals eat. We grouped and sorted animals into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores discussing what things make them these categories. Next week we will be comparing what animals eat to what humans eat. 


In Religious Education for creative week we created Noah's Art mobiles. The pupils discussed the message of the parable and why it is so important to Christians. 


Thank you to those who have already brought in their Great Barrier Reef Diorama. 


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team

Week ending Friday 18th June 2021


It has been lovely to be out and about in the warm weather but now that the rain has arrived can we please remind you to bring rain coats for the children. Unless we have a heavy downpour we will still be venturing out so the children will need some protection. Some little animals who do appreciate the rain came to visit us this week. One of the children in foundation had a brood of very cute ducklings and they came to visit the school, this was such perfect timing for us considering our science theme this term. As you can see from the photos the children adored the fluffy little ducks!


In English this week we have continued the animal theme by exploring Australian Animal Verses, the children heard of lots of exotic sounding animals like Sugar Gliders, Platypus and Kookaburra, they then acted out these animals movement and sounds. Afterwards they wrote some descriptive sentences about different Australian animals and some turned these into verses. We discussed whether you had to have rhyming words to make a verse.


In Maths we finished off our topic of numbers to 100. We have been busy using our knowledge of numbers to count confidently in 2's, 5's and 10's. Next week is all about money. You might want to have a look at some coins over the weekend and talk about their colour and size.  


In Geography we explored landmarks in Australia and located them on the map. Next week is creativity week across Sir Henry Fermor so we will be making many Australian themed creations like boomerangs and didgeridoos using lots of Aboriginal style decorations.


In Science we are continuing with our animals topic this week we compared animals into groups. Next week we will be exploring what animals eat, are they herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?


Thank you for all your donations on FOFs Dress down for Summer day, these will go towards the Summer raffle hampers. 


Have a lovely weekend.

The Year One Team

Week ending 11th June 2021


Welcome back to the final term of Year 1, we can't believe we've made it this far! The children have come back with an excellent attitude for learning and are very excited by this term's Geography topic of Australia.  If you have any interesting books or objects with an Australian theme we would love the children to bring them in.  This week we looked at where it is in the world, which continent it is in, some interesting landmarks and the ocean's that surround it


To inspire our journey to Australia we began English with the journey around the world of The Snail and the Whale.  This is a familiar story for most of the children so we were able to explore all the physical landmarks that the characters traveled to and then created our own story maps and adventures using adjectives to describe the new settings.  Next week we will be looking at Australian Animal Verses and creating our own descriptive phrases and poems.


In Math's this week we are focusing on numbers to 100. We have been practicing writing and reading numbers to 100. We then used our knowledge of counting in 10's to group objects to help us count them. Next week we are continuing to explore numbers to 100. 


In Science we have started our new topic of Animals. This week we investigated the different categories of animal this included: Mammals, Amphibians, Reptiles, fish and birds. The pupils enjoyed sorting the animals into the correct pile and talking about why they think they are a mammal, Amphibian, Reptile, fish or birds using scientific vocabulary. 


In Religious Education we explored the festival of light Hanukkah. We talked about how they celebrate the festival and why it is important to the Jewish faith. Next week we are learning about the menorah. 


Have a lovely weekend

The Year 1 team.

Week ending 28th May 2021


We've come to the end of a very full term 5 and are all looking forward to a good break over the half term holiday. The weather is even looking like it's going to co-operate too!  Thank you for all your support with African Celebration day, the children certainly had fun and as you will see from the photos and all the art work that has been sent home we've certainly enjoyed this topic.  


Next term's topic will be Australia so if you have any interesting books or artefacts from down-under we would love the children to bring them in.


This week in English we completed our African theme by looking at non-fiction books and writing non-fiction information on African animals.  The children enjoyed exploring the key stage one library and were quite shocked when we said they could 'go wild' and pick what ever suited their interests.  We will return to non - fiction work again in term 6.


In Maths this week we have been rounding off our topic of division. This week was all about splitting objects into quarters. We will be recapping division next term. 

We have also revisited our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. Next term we will be looking at numbers bonds to 10 and 20 and numbers to 100. 


Geography concentrated on looking at the physical and human elements of Africa. This is a key Geography curriculum target in year 1 so we will return to this subject matter when exploring the riches of Australia.


We are continuing to investigate parts of a plant in Science this week. This week we were investigating the stem of a plant and what its role is. We experimented what stems do with a piece of celery and red coloured water. The pupils enjoyed predicting what would happen and seeing the leaves gradually change colour.  


Have a lovely break and see you all again on Monday 7th June.


The Year One Team



Week ending Friday 21st May 2021


We have come to the end of the penultimate week of term 5. We're sure we don't have to remind you that we have one more week and then it's our final half term break of this academic year.


Our African topic is drawing to a close but we still have lots ahead of us. Please remember to bring in your African animal mask next week as we will be enjoying our African Celebration day on Thursday 27th May.


This week in English we have continued with Rachel Isadora's African Hansel and Gretel where we have been sequencing and drawing a story map then looking at the witch's Gingerbread house. We've been investigating what nouns and adjectives we could find in the house and then creating our own 'food' house which we then described using as many nouns and adjectives as we could find. Next week we will be investigating the difference between fiction and non-fiction books, looking in particular at some non-fiction books around our African topic.


In Maths this week we are continuing with division. The week began with cutting different objects into half. We talked about how when we cut an object in half it is cut into two equal pieces. We then went on to cut objects into quarters, again talking about how if we cut an object into quarters we are cutting it into four equal parts. Next week we are looking at splitting different amount of objects into quarters. 


In Geography we have been 'on Safari' where the children discovered that the literal meaning of the word Safari is 'to travel' or a 'journey'. We looked at the beautiful country of Namibia and the animals that we could see. The children then wrote postcards describing what they saw.


We are continuing to investigate parts of a plant in Science again this week. This week we were investigating the leaves of a plant and what they do. The pupils enjoyed going on a leaf nature hunt in the woodland area to find different leaves and describe them. Next week we are investigating the stem of a plant. As you can see from the pictures our cress seeds are growing nicely and most of them sprouting already.  


PS, Forest School 1H next Tuesday (25th May) next week. 


Have a lovely weekend

The Year One Team

Week ending Friday 14th May 2021


It has been an emotional week in Year One but we have all pulled together and we would like to thank the whole Year One family for being so open and supportive to each other. Co-incidentally this week has been Mindfulness Awareness week so we have had plenty of opportunities to take stock, reflect and discuss anything that the children felt they wanted to talk about. We included some activities throughout the week that have supported this ethos and they have embraced this fully.


In particular in Art/Mindfulness we made some Traditional Maasai necklaces as part of our Africa topic.  This project involved a lot of quiet threading to create the bead affect of the necklace, the children were amazingly adept at this task and were very quiet and focused in their endeavours.


We continued in computing to explore the 'paint' programme on Wednesday as we created our African Savannah landscapes, photos of which you will see below.


Continuing the African topic in English we introduced another Traditional Tale adaption by Rachel Isadora. This time we explored Hansel and Gretel and discussed and described the characters.  Next week we will be designing our own Sweet and Gingerbread House using nouns and adjectives to describe it.


In Maths this week we are continuing with division. The week began with making arrays of different amount of objects. We then ended the week grouping and sharing different amounts. Next week we are beginning to learn about fractions.


We continued to investigate in Science parts of a plant. This week we were investigating the flower part of a plant. The children enjoyed talking about different flowers the knew and describing what they looked like. The pupils then planted cress seeds, discussing what they need to help them grow. We are excited to see the results next week. 


Ps Forest School 1M next week.


Have a lovely weekend.

The year one team


Week ending Friday 7th May 2021


It has been another busy week in Year 1. It was 1M's turn to enjoy the return of forest school this week, the pupils really enjoyed their time back in the woods. It will be 1H's turn again next Tuesday so please remember to come fully equipped for all weathers.  Number day was a triumph! What a selection of accessories we had for number day today. Well done for all effort the pupils and you have put in-they all looked fantastic and the children loved showing them to each other. 


Maths has taken over this week! Our week started with an introduction to division, learning about sharing an amount of objects into equal groups, adding equal groups together (repeated addition) and the end of the week we had number day! 


We looked again at African Rapunzel by Rachel Isadora in English and discussed what was the same and what was different about the African and European version. The children then practised using the joining words and & but to connect two clauses. Next week we will be looking at another Traditional Tale with an African slant by Rachel Isadora.


Art again explored the vibrant colours of Africa, the children created some amazing African animal sunset silhouettes and we will be putting some photos of these up in next week's newsletter.


In Religious Education we are continuing to learn about Judaism. This week was all about helping people who have less than we do. The children were introduced to the tzedakah and made their own boxes. 


Best wishes for the weekend.

The Year One Team

Week ending Friday 30th April 2021


Well despite the weather being rather chilly we've still been out and about. 1H have been lucky enough to resume Forest School and fun was had by all. It will be 1M's turn next Tuesday so please remember to come fully equipped for all weathers as they are forecasting rain over the weekend. 


This week as been another busy learning experience. We have continued with our Africa theme across many of our subjects. Our new class read for this week and next week is Rapunzel (or African Rapunzel as many of the children like to refer to) by Rachel Isadora. They have really enjoyed looking at an alternate version of a familiar story. Next week we will be exploring the similarities and differences to the traditional tale we know and love.


In Maths we have been learning about position and direction. At the start of the week we learnt about turning half and whole turns. By the end of the week we were learning about turning a quarter and three quarter turns. Next week we are beginning to learn about division. 


In art we have been learning about the tradition of African mask and then went and designed and created our own versions. You will see some of these creations in the photos below.  We have also been creative using more modern technology in our computing lesson. Using the paint programme the children have been learning how to create their own African animal. As part of computing we have been discovering how to turn on and access a laptop and navigate the mouse. They have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and we will be continuing computing for the next few weeks. 


In Science we continued to learn about the parts of a plant. This week was all about the roots of a plant and what their job is, to suck up water and nutrients from the soil. The pupils carefully found the roots of the plant and then we planted them in the outdoor area. We are excited to learn more about other parts of a plant next week. 


In Geography we have been looking at life in Africa compared to the UK discussing the similarities and differences. We saw a story of a day in the life of a girl in Ethiopia and the chores she had to do before and after going to school. Some of the children were surprised at how much she did at home but we were pleased to find out how many children helped at home here - well done Year 1! We also discussed how the equator goes around the world right across Africa with our inflatable globe. They were remarkably clever at identifying the continent and its surrounding oceans.


We hope you have a lovely, longer, weekend. Don't forget it's the bank holiday on Monday so we will see you on Tuesday.


Best wishes

The Year One Team

Week ending Friday 23rd April 2021


Happy St George's Day!  Well the children have returned to school happy and enthusiastic and have got back into the swing of things with ease. We have been lucky to be one of the first year groups to start to use the field for break times and they have loved exploring the larger area and stretching their legs. We will continue to use the field as long as the weather allows.



In class we have introduced the new topic of Africa and as a hook to this subject in our English lessons we looked at the book Handa's Surprise. This is an excellent book to help the children sequence a story and we used this to draw our story map, write some interesting sentences with time conjunctions and adjectives. They also wrote a book review which is a good opportunity to encourage them to give their own opinion on a book.  Next week we will be looking at another African themed book and comparing it to a similar European book.


Maths this week we have been recapping counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. The children have produced some fantastic work and have come on a long way since joining us in September. Next week we will be learning about position and direction: whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns.  


in our Geography lessons we explored where Africa is in the world using a globe and google earth and discussed the differences between a continent and a country. We also explored the oceans surrounding Africa and labelled a map with some of these oceans and countries. We also had fun in Design & Technology imagining that we were an explorer like Amelia Earhart flying across to Africa, as you know we then discussed how to make our own paper plane and tested them out in the playground. In Music we were introduced to the music of Africa. We listened to some African instruments and even had a go at playing native African instruments. In Religious Education we began our topic about Judaism we asked lots of questions and we are excited to learn more about Judaism in the next few week.


As you may be aware we will be starting Forest School very soon so could we please remind any of you who have not already done so to bring in their wellie boots to stay in school.


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

The Year One Team

Week ending 1st April 2021


Thank you so much for bringing in your Easter Gardens this week. They were so fantastic and the pupils loved talking about how they made them and what features of an Easter Garden they made sure they had. 


Week Ending 26th March 2021


What a busy week we've had. Looking at our pictures we have been making fossils, rockets measuring with balance scales and been creative with onomatopoeia.


Maths has all been about exploring weight and mass, we've tackled problem solving as we've we've explored the mathematical fact that something doesn't necessarily weigh more if it's bigger.


In English this week we have been exploring the book 'Race to the Moon and Back.' This week we used the book to write a list about how we would make our own rockets for this weeks art lesson. The week ended with a role play lesson where we acted out words that resemble their meaning, also called onomatopoeia words. The pupils then created an onomatopoeia word book. 


In Science we are continuing to look at the seasons, this weeks lesson we investigated the position of the sun in different seasons and in what season is the sun hottest. 


In History and art we have been looking at the remarkable woman who was Mary Anning. She was an early fossil hunter and researcher with a lot of her work forming early research at the National History Museum.  The children were thoroughly absorbed with what a fossil is and how they are formed, some of them certainly taught us a thing or two. In art we made our own fossils out of clay and the children will be bringing these home next week.  


Linking in with our class read we made some fantastic rockets out of toilet rolls kindly donated by Ella Smith in 1M, we hope you can agree that they look amazing.



Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.

The Year One Team



Week ending 19th March 2021

We have had a lovely week getting back into the swing of thing, the children have been working really hard.  Thank you to those of you who have brought in your wellies, as you can see we have our brand new wellie-rack which we have started to use and we hope to be out as much as possible to enhance their learning.


In English this week we have been continuing to look at the book 'The man on the Moon, a day in the life of Bob.' The week started with a recap of diary writing and then using our knowledge we wrote a diary entry for Bob's day. Later on we asked Bob questions about the moon, what is the moon like? What is it like to be an astronaut? We ended the week by writing a list of things we would take with us if we were going to the moon, the pupils had lots of fun writing their lists. As a class we came up with, food, water, tent, sleeping bag, camera and a TV. 


In Maths we have been recapping our number bonds to 10 and 20.  The children have produced some fantastic work and have come a long way since they first joined us in September. Next week we will be looking at weight and mass whilst using scales.


In Science this week we went on a scavenger hunt to find the first signs of spring. The pupils had lots of fun using their detective eyes to spot the signs of spring, these included: tree buds, bees, daffodils and blossoms.


In Religious Education we are continuing with our topic of Salvation. This week we went ous Educationout into the woodland area to find things to help us start making an Easter Garden. We came back together to see if we had all the pieces to make an Easter Garden. Making sure we had sticks for the cross, a stone for the door of the tomb and grass. 


Our History topic this term is looking at significant individuals and the children learnt about Henry VIII and his six wives and Elizabeth I. They were fascinated that he cut off some of his wives heads! Many of them explained that they enjoyed watching Horrible Histories which we linked to this lesson so we would thoroughly recommend you watching these series of programmes as they are an excellent introduction to History.


We linked our art to The Man on the Moon with the children using the media of chalk to create some amazing moon scenes.


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.

The Year One Team



Week ending Friday 12th March 2021


Welcome back to all our families, it has been so lovely seeing you all at drop off and pick up time and despite the odd tear when the reality of being back has hit us for the majority of the time it has been laughter and smiles.  


We have eased the children in gently for the first few days along with the fun of World Book day when we explored the book The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. From next week we will be resuming our usual timetable of subjects.  This week and over the next coming few weeks we will be assessing the children and planning where we need to go to support their learning but at the same time stretch them to be the best we know they can be.


With this in mind we will not be giving you any homework this week (we feel you parents could do with a little break) but it will resume again next week with the normal phonics, spelling and one other subject. We will also have a larger Easter project which hopefully you will have received an email about.


Please look at the photos below showing you what we have been up to this week. 


Have a lovely weekend

The Year One Team

1M and 1H Photos 
