
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Additional Task

Please can the children bring in one cereal box each for their art either this week or early next week. Thanks in advance.

Home Learning Term 3 Weeks 1 - 3

(to be brought in no later than January 21st please)

To complete some research about a river

Home Learning for Weeks 5 and 6 (to be returned by Friday 13th December)

Please see below for further information. Happy Making!


Additional Home learning - carol for the KS2 carol concert. To be learnt by Tuesday 17th December

Home Learning for Week 4 (to be completed by Friday 29th November)

We would like the children to make a Christmas decoration that can be hung on our tree or somewhere in the classroom for the festive season please.

These can be as varied as they wish!  Please see below for some suggested ideas.  Happy making.

Home Learning Term 2 Week 3 (to be brought in during the week, by Friday 22nd)

This week in science, we are learning about types of rocks, so for the home learning we would like the children to explore what rocks/stones are in the locality.

They can look in their gardens or on the way home from school or even further afield if they wish, such as Ashdown Forest or a visit to the rock formations around Tunbridge Wells.

They can bring in any stones/rocks that are smaller than their hands if they wish or send in a photograph or drawing.

Happy rock hunting!

Home learning for Term 2 (due in Friday 15th November)

We hope you are enjoying your half term break!

For our English unit about performance poetry in Term 2 we would like you to find a poem that you can perform aloud to the class or perhaps a video or sound recording of you performing at home.

Please watch the famous poet Michael Rosen giving advice about how to to this


You can choose a poem that is short or challenge yourself to perform a longer poem. You could choose your favourite poem or a new one - whether it is from a book that you have at home, or one that you've borrowed from the local library, or found from the websites below.  Please be rehearse it and when you feel confident, let us know so that we can share with the class.  Happy learning!


Additional Task - Egyptian Artefact (to be completed by Friday 25th October)























Home Learning Project (due in Friday 4th)

Thank you for the amazing food diaries that have been sent back, we are enjoying sharing them.  Here is the new activity that links with our DT learning. 

We will be resetting their Discovery Education passwords and sending them home on Monday. Apologies if they are unable to log in to the link in the home learning details.

Click on the image below for further information:

Additional Maths activities to support their learning:

We hope they are enjoying their science task of keeping a food diary - see below for more information.  However the games below are very useful at reinforcing the maths unit on place value that they are learning in school this week.  Have fun!

Science Home Learning 13th September

The children have been learning about what constitutes a healthy diet in their Science lessons this week and we have looked at an example food diary.  What we would like them to do for their home learning is to keep a diary over one week of the food that they are eating.  They have two weeks to do this and it only needs to be brought back by Friday 27th September.

Please click on the file below to see the template.  They are able to record this in any way they wish and we will also have some paper copies for them on Monday if they require it.

Home learning week beginning: Friday 2nd December






To promote their enthusiasm for learning their tables our first home learning task is to complete a times tables tournament on TTRS against the parallel class in Year 3! So come on, lets get winning - you have until Friday 13th to score as much as possible for your class team.














Present perfect tense verb activity

During the next week, we will be learning about the present perfect tense of verbs.

To rehearse this new grammar skill we would like the children to complete one of the following activity sheets.  

We will give these out as printed sheets from school this week also.

Please complete them and send in by Monday 1st July.

Many thanks.


Congratulations to 3MJ who won the times tables rock stars battle of the bands!

Times tables rockstar year group tournament

Unfortunately due to technical issues we have not been able to schedule this on Monday as promised but we have extended it until the end of Thursday 20th.  Please let your teacher know if you are having any problems logging on.

The winning class will be rewarded - come on Year 3!

Term 6 Half term break and week 1(due in by Monday 10th June)


Please can you save all recycled materials, such as cereal boxes, tubes such as the inside of kitchen roll or foil, dairylea cheese and egg boxes and plastic milk bottle tops for our DT project that is starting in Week 2.  Please can these be clean and sent in by Monday 10th June at the latest in a named bag.

We are looking forward to designing, creating and evaluating our Greek temple models and hope they look a bit like these:



Term 5 Weeks 5 and 6

Please continue to send in the research and fact sheets about the Greek gods, villains or heroes, as we have only had a few so far.  They will need them for their myth writing task next week, so Monday 20th at the very latest!

The new task for these final two weeks of term 5, is to use pencil to draw a plant from life e.g. to draw a plant in the garden or at a park, or alternatively a house plant or flower in a vase.

They have been exploring shading and shape using pencils and so we would very much like them to just use one colour and focus on the tone, shape and pattern.  Here are some other botanical drawings:



Term 5 History/English additional task  Weeks 3 and 4

The children have all become very interested in the heroes, villains, gods and goddesses from the Ancient Greek myths that we are learning about this term.

For their additional task, we would like them to research and present a fact file about their favourite mythical character.  This can be as a paper poster to be brought in or photo/ electronic file, that an be emailed in via the school office. We would like these to be completed by Friday 10th May please.

The following sites might help (or alternatively why not visit Crowborough library!)


Weeks 1 and 2 Task

For our computing lessons the children are going to create a presentation about themselves.  Therefore they will need to do some home learning first so that they are able to complete their task in school.

We would like them to research a bit about their family tree if possible.  We realise that this may be a bit of a "mine field" so if you do not have links with close family or have such a big family, then please only focus on one or two members.  If you would really prefer them not to engage in research about their own family, then they can choose a famous person or close friend that there would be some information on.

We need this recorded in any way that they wish, drawings, photos, written notes in their contact books but not anything on the computer.  It should be returned no later than Friday 26th April but anytime before would be useful.

Thank you for your support in this.

Easter Holiday Home Learning

During the Easter break, please visit places to watch the growth of plants such as a garden or park or even a garden centre. This is as preliminary learning for our science about growth and art about botanical drawing.  Look at the bulbs and blossom that are blooming at this time and the buds on trees and plants.  Notice bees or other pollinating insects that are beginning to visit the plants too and discuss the growth cycle as a recap from Year 2.


They all have individual spellings to work on or just keep learning the Year 3/ 4 spellings.


For maths, the children have found it a challenge learning to tell the time to the minute as well as time duration problem solving.  Please rehearse these new skills by playing the following games.

Happy Learning.

Term 4 Week 6

This week the children are completing their pneumatic models so please send in any extra bits for decoration.


Main task

This week we have organised a times tables tournament between both classes until Wednesday evening.

Head over to Timestables Rockstars to complete the challenge!

Term 4 Week 5

The children have been designing moving toys to explore the power of pneumatics in their DT lessons.  They now need to make the models of a monster or character like the picture below, so the home learning for week 5 is to collect any resources needed.  We suggest that they bring in a small box with a hinged lid such as a box of teabags and other items to decorate it such as pompoms or ping pong balls for eyes or antennae, milk bottle tops, plastic or paper straws, pipe cleaners, plastic or paper cups etc.  These need to be in school by Thursday 21st March please or before if possible. 

Please also encourage the children to identify any pneumatic systems such as bus brakes, balloon and bicycle pumps and other mechanisms that use air power such as windmills.  Thank you.

Term 4 weeks 2 - 4 Science project

The next few weeks are leading up to British Science Week starting on 11th March and we would like to set home learning in preparation for this based on the theme this year which is 'Time'. This also links with our maths unit of work which is telling the time!

There are two tasks that your children can complete or choose between if they only wish to do one.  Both tasks will need to be finished by Thursday 14th March.

Task 1 To create a water clock from a plastic bottle.

Task 2 Research the significant individual - Mary Anning 

Mary Anning lived and worked in Lyme Regis in Dorset which is an area that Year 3 are learning about in their geography unit 'Coastal Processes and Landforms'.

She was significant for her work in paleontology and her findings.  Please can they research more about her and present their findings any way they wish e.g. a poster or fact sheet, a word document, a written biography, a cartoon strip etc

Click on the following pictures for some very useful sites:



Term 4 Half term holiday project (to be completed by Monday 19th Feb)                        

The children did so well learning their song for the Church worship - well done!

If you would like to participate, there is an optional task as a starter to next term's geography unit.

The children have been reading a poem about a river through the changing seasons.  Over the half term, if you are able to we would like the children to visit a local river or beach (our new learning unit) and observe the seasonal changes, the location, uses and the wildlife of the area.

We are hoping to visit the Ghyll in Crowborough but perhaps you are able to visit the Country Park which the Ghyll runs through, or perhaps the ford on Palesgate Lane.

They can record their observations any way they wish - a non-chronological report, a poster, a video or photographs etc.

Alternatively if they are able to visit the library, then any nonfiction books about coasts will support their learning for term 4.

Happy Half Term!

Term 3 Weeks 4 - 6  To be completed by Wednesday 7th February

The children will need to learn the song that we are going to be singing in our church worship on Wednesday 7th February.  We are rehearsing in class too but they will need to learn the words off by heart.  If they are reading anything during the service, then they will bring these home to practice during week 5.  Please help them with this task so that they are confident and ready for the performance.

Happy singing!


Term 3 Weeks 2 - 4 to be brought in before Wed 24th January

To complete some research about a river.

Home learning week beginning: Friday 27th January

Home Learning Term 3

We are setting a times tables tournament this week from Monday 8th - Monday 15th. Lets see which class wins!

Watch out for the next topic related task coming next Friday but in the meantime, please can each child bring in an empty cereal box for the art lesson on Wednesday.

Home learning week beginning: Friday 14th July

Home learning week beginning: Friday 23rd June

Home learning week beginning: Friday 16th June

Home learning week beginning: Friday 9th June

Home Learning week beginning: Friday 19th May

Home learning week beginning: Friday 12th May

Home learning week beginning: Friday 21st April 2023

Home learning week beginning: Friday 24th March

Home learning week beginning: Friday 17th March 2023

Home learning week beginning: Friday 24th February

As it is half term, there will be no home learning next week. We will be setting a big, creative project for when we come back - watch this space! Have a restful week!

Home Learning week beginning: Friday 3rd February

Home learning week beginning: Friday 6th January

Home learning week beginning: Friday 9th December

Home Learning week beginning: Friday 25th November

Home learning week beginning: Friday 4th November

Home learning week beginning: Friday 14th October 2022

Home learning week beginning: Friday 7th October

Home learning week beginning: Friday 30th September

Home learning week beginning: Friday 16th September

No home learning this week, winding down for Summer!

Home learning week beginning: Friday 8th July - Friday 15th July

Home learning week beginning: Friday 1st July

Home Learning week beginning: Friday 10th June

Home learning week beginning: Friday 20th May

Home learning week beginning: Friday 13th May

Home learning week beginning: Friday 6th May - Friday 13th May

Home learning week beginning: Friday 22nd April - Friday 6th May

Home learning week beginning: Friday 25th March - Friday 1st April

Home learning week beginning: Friday 18th March

Home learning week beginning: Friday 11th March

Home learning week beginning: Friday 25th February

Home learning week beginning: Friday 4th February

Home learning week beginning: Friday 28th January 2022

Home learning - Monday 10th January - Friday 28th January

Home learning - Tuesday 4th January - Friday 7th January

Home learning - Friday 19th November - Monday 13th December

Home learning - Friday 5th November 2021 - Friday 19th November 2021

No home learning this week due to half term - will resume on Tuesday 2nd November

Home learning - Friday 15th October - Friday 22nd October

Home learning - Friday 8th October - Friday 15th October

Home Learning - Friday 1st October - Friday 8th October 2021 Complete on sheet or copy onto paper

Home Learning - Friday 17th September - Friday 1st October
