
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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EYFS - Hedgehogs & Owls

Early Years Class Pages


Welcome to our class page. If you would like to see an overview of the year group and the content we cover, please check our year group or curriculum pages.

Please click on the relevant icon below to find out more information. 

School Information for September 2024



Drop off and Collection


Please bring your children to the KS1 playground for drop off and also wait there to collect them. The school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:10pm allowing you time to collect and drop off siblings at their relevant drop off points.



What to Wear and What to Bring


Please ensure all belongings are clearly named.

Please see our uniform page for full details. In addition children should bring in the following;

- Book bag containing only the following items: contact book, reading record and reading book (these will be given to your child in their first week)

- Coat

- Named Water bottle - water only please ( your child will be given this at their home visit)

- PE bag (PE kit will be sent home half termly to be washed)

- Wellingtons

- Waterproofs (trousers and jacket)


Wellingtons and water proofs will remain at school throughout the year and sent home in July.


Home school communication


During the drop off and collection times, there will always be a member of the year group team on hand who will always do their best to support with any questions or concerns. However, the most effective way to communicate with the class teacher is using your child’s contact book (which will be kept in their book bag) or by emailing the school office who will forward the message on.

If there is anything of a more confidential or sensitive nature, you can email the safeguarding team direct on




We are always looking for volunteers to help us with reading, swimming and Forest School each week. If this is something you would be interested in please go to our volunteering page to find out how you can get involved.

