
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Big Project

Term 2

This term, we ask that the children learn the words to the songs for our Nativity. All words are up on our Nativity Page in Home Learning.

If they have lines to learn, could they please practise so they know them off by heart as scripts cannnot go up onto the stage. 

Thank you for all your support and hard work with reading and Nativity. 


September 2024 Term 1

Science habitat diorama

This term in Science, we are learning all about animals and their habitats. We will be thinking about why a habitat is suitable for the organisms that live there and what it provides for them to enable them to survive there. We would like you to choose a habitat and make a diorama (small scene) in a shoebox to show that habitat and the animals who live there. You could label it or write a fact card to go alongside it too, if you like! Here are some examples below to give you ideas: 

If you'd like to find out more about habitats, you might like to look here:

We look forward to seeing your dioramas!

DUE DATE: Monday 21st October (Last week of Term 1)

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Term 5/Term 6


This term we will be sending a partially grown bean seed home. In class we will be experimenting this term with growing environments so you will not receive the bean straight away. At the end of term we will send your child's bean home for you to re-pot and record its growth. More details will follow later this term.

Edit: you should now have your child's plant grown in class hydroponically. Please re-pot the plant in soil and use the attached plant diary to track it's progress. We would like to see the diary by week 4 of next term. Thank you


Term 4


This term our topic it 'The Great Fire of London' and our big project is an exciting one which all children in Year 2 look forward to.  We would like you to make a Tudor House similar to that seen in London in 1666. Make sure the material you use is flammable. In the past children have used cardboard boxes as their base.  Please may we have these in on Monday 25th March at the latest as we will need to show these as part of our Fire Brigade talk.

Last year's Tudor Homes for inspiration

Term 3 

Design a Medal


In 1883, Florence Nightingale was awarded the Royal Red Cross by Queen Victoria. In 1907, she became the first woman to be awarded the Order of Merit. In 1908, she was given the Honorary Freedom of the City of London. Mary Seacole did not receive any recognition in her life time.

Imagine that you are Queen Victoria and you want to award Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole with a specially designed medal for their significant work in nursing during the Crimea War. 

What would your design look like?

What words would you include?

What important features, important to the individual person, would you include?


Children to design their medal.  This can be a drawing or they can make their own medal using materials of their choice.


Below is a copy of the medal awarded to Florence Nightingale by Queen Victoria as inspiration.

Term 2

Nativity Scene


This term we would love the children to create their own Nativity scene. This links with our RE - Incarnation as well as our Nativity performance.  The children can be as creative as they want. Below you will see a few examples.


These are due in by Monday 11th December 2023


Have fun!








Term 5


There will be no term 5 big project as we would like the children to continue to prepare for this term's assessments.  Please continue to practise Times Table Rock Stars and let your teacher know if you would like any additional assessment sheets.


thank you

            Term 4


Research the life and achievements of Mary Seacole


To enhance and consolidate our learning this term we would like the children to research the life of Florence Nightgale's contemporary Mary Seacole.  We would like them to present their research in a media of their choosing. In the past we have had posters, pamphlets, paintings, powerpoint presentations and videos. Be creative!  The deadline for their research is Monday 27th March which will give us time to showcase their work to the rest of the year group. 


You may find the following links helpful:


If you would like further information regarding Florence Nightgale we would recommend the following museum website:




        Term 3

Create your own Tudor Home (Great Fire of London)

This term we have a very exciting project where the children will be creating their own Tudor building. This links in with this term's Great Fire of London topic.  Although the Great Fire of London was in the Stuart era most of the buildings in London were made in what we would recognise as the traditional Tudor style. Once these have been completed we will recreate the Great Fire culminating in a 'Great Burn' in the school grounds.


Deadline for the project is Monday 30th January.

Examples of houses from last year

          Term 2

Nativity Animal Poster


Please click on attached document to find the details of this term's exciting projet!
