
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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EYFS (Reception) – RR Owls RH Hedgehogs

Welcome to our EYFS information page

(Early Years Foundation Stage)


If you would like to know more about our curriculum please visit our curriculum page. If you would like to know more about EYFS please click on our class page.

                Early Years Teachers 


                                                                                        Hedgehogs                                 Owls 

                        Miss Holczimmer                                   Mrs Keene 

Early Years Teaching Assistants:



                  Miss Volavka                                         Miss Chalkley

Forest School is taught by Mr Woods 






We have swimming every week from Term 3. Swimming will take place on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit on that morning that includes a swimming costume or trunks/shorts, a swimming hat, goggles and a towel.


Forest School

Forest School will take place every Tuesday. This takes place in our attractive woodland area. Experiences include outdoor woodland games, craft in the natural environment and cooking over the fire. Play is recognised as an important part of Forest School and activities are based on the children's interests and unique way of learning.

This is an outdoor activity, so your child will need: Wellies, warm, waterproof clothing, spare socks and a coat. 


'Forest School is an inspirational process that offers children, young people and adults, regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands on learning experiences in a local woodland environment'

Forest Education Initiative (FEI)

Home Learning 

Once your child has settled into school we will begin 'monthly challenges', which we encourage your child to explore at home. Phonics activities will also be shared with you when appropriate. 


The EYFS Curriculum 

The Early Years Foundation Stage aims to develop children to their full potential through play based learning. The areas of learning are divided into 7 areas of learning:

Prime Areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Specific Areas:



Understanding The world

Expressive Arts and Design


At Fermor, we provide a safe and stimulating environment. The teachers and TAs observe and assess learning to inform next steps. We see every child as an individual and plan exciting learning opportunities to meet each child's specific needs. Throughout the day, there are opportunities for adult led, adult-initiated and child-led activities. 

Discovery Time which is child-led learning is a key part of our day in Early Years, where the children explore their own interests and ideas, indoors and outdoors. During this time we focus on the 'Characteristics of Effective Learning', these are split into three key areas:


- Playing and Exploring 

- Active Learning 

- Creative and Critical Thinking 


We aim for all children to become active learners, who take ownership of their learning, through thinking about how they can challenge themselves in their play.

Parent Partnership

At Fermor we pride ourselves on our partnership with parents. We enjoy opportunities to invite parents in to share activities with us, swimming, forest school and for special events. 

Each week we will share key news from Early Years, this can be found on the class page of our website. Please also make sure you read our weekly whole school newsletter for key dates and information. 


At Fermor we feel that the transition from pre school to nursery is a big step for children (and parents). Therefore we provide supportive opportunities for the children to visit their new classroom and get to know the team through stay and play sessions, story times and nursery visits in term 6. Before children start in Reception, a home visit is offered to new parents, giving the opportunity to talk informally with the Early Years Foundation Stage staff.

Parent quote: “I love how much time they spend learning outdoors. The muddier my son is when I pick him up the more fun he has had learning that day”

Parent V

British Values

We promote British Values through Learning and Play. We support children's Personal Social and Emotional development (PSED)  by developing their self confidence and self awareness; giving opportunities to the children to make choices about what they choose to learn and the resources they will need. We encourage the children to manage their own feelings and behaviour. The children put together a list of expectations and rules and this is reflected on regularly.

Fruit of the Spirit Value

Each Fermor class has a class value. Hedgehogs and Owls share the value of Love.
