Tuesday 14th 2C swimming
Wednesday 15th Church for the Y4 service. Please meet us there for morning registration
This week, some children have been disappointed with their meal choice due to not being on the dinner register in time. The kitchen will only provide a jacket potato to those children who have not been signed up. When you sign up for school dinners, do so before 7.30 to avoid the above situation. You can of course sign up their dinner choices for the week ahead, and the term.
We have noticed this week that children are not wearing the correct or full uniform. Please look at our uniform page as a reminder.
It was lovely to see so many reading diaries full of reading over the half term! Thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement with reading and the impact it is having. When you look at your child's reading diary, you will notice a sheet inside the front over. Please initial on the day you heard your child read. You can of course still comment in the diary with anything you feel we need to know, and fill in the diary as per. Thank you for your support with this.
As a reminder, there will be the Phonics screening in June for those children who did not pass or who were absent. It is a statutory assessment so your child will need to be in school for that week, usually in June. Please read with your child at least 3x a week and please use the Phonics Homework page where you will find free games to support learning as well as seeing what the children have been learning weekly.
In Maths, we have been looking at money. it is apparent that some children are confusing pence and pounds which, in an ever growing cashless society, can be expected. Please take advantage of the free money games on the Maths homework page to support their understanding, and in the event of having cash, please share the values with your child and the experience of when you shop. Also, speak with them about using cards and how they work especially if they have their own savings/bank account.
A massive thank you to the parents who volunteered to share their culture and language with the children this week. There was a wonderful atmosphere as the children travelled to each country to learn phrases, numbers and names and celebrate new cultures.
It's been a lovely, if chilly, first week back as we steam into Term 3, approaching half way through this academic year. Please ensure your child is wrapped up warm as lunchtime play can be long. Next week, we start the lunch clubs where your child is free to attend any in KS1. Please see the PDF below and share with your child when the clubs are.
Have a super week.
The year 2 Team
Friday 20th December - End of Year church service- All Saints
Friday 20th December - last day of term
January 6th 2025 start of Term 3 for all
January 7th 2K swimming
At the start of Week one, the whole school will be involved in a Cultural and Languages week. Year 2 will be doing their activities on the afternoons of Mon, Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you or your child speak another language or have any cultural artefacts they can talk about and you don't mind them being in school, could you please let us know. We would love to learn to count to ten in another language, say hello and goodbye. We would also love to hear about the different foods, flags and any other facts you can share with your child so they in turn can share with us.
Thank you
All that remains is to wish you a very Merry Christmas with your loved ones and enjoy this precious, most memorable time together. We hope you can still keep up the good work and progress with reading; some children have taken home some Phonics Comics to help with their sounds. Fingers crossed, Father Christmas brings new exciting books for us all to read! There are some fun maths games on our Maths homework page to kickstart the learning with money. Maths Games
We will see you tomorrow at church for our end of year service and then back in on Monday 6th January where we begin our Cultural and Language week.
Monday 16th FoFs Secret Shopping Event
Tuesday 17th December - 2C swimming
Tuesday 17th December KS2 Carol Service - 6PM at All Saints for those of you with KS2 children
Friday 20th December - End of Year church service- All Saints
Friday 20th December - last day of term
January 6th 2025 start of Term 3 for all
January 7th 2K swimming
Monday 9th December Nativity- 14.00 1R and 2K
Tuesday 10th December Nativity- 09.15 1P and 2C
Due to health and safety, we can only accommodate a maximum of 2 adults per child. Can we please ask that you make arrangements for younger brothers and sisters so as not to distract from the cast and performance.
Thank you
Tuesday 10th 2C swimming- please make sure all have kits otherwise they will not swim
Thursday 12th December - whole school Christmas Dinner- Christmas jumpers can be worn
Friday 13th December Father Christmas in the Forest- Christmas jumpers can be worn
Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th FoFs Secret Shopping Event- days to be confirmed for classes
Tuesday 17th December KS2 Carol Service -6PM at All Saints for those of you with KS2 children
Friday 20th December - End of Year church service- All Saints
Friday 20th December - last day of term
Januaury 6th 2025 start of Term 3
In Geography this week, the children creted a 3D, birdseye iew map of their classroom using Lego as part of our map work.
Saturday 30th November - Christmas Fair. please come and support the Fair for Sir Henry Fermor school
Tuesday 3rd December - 2K swimming. Please ensure full swimming kit is in so your child can swim. No kit - no swim
Monday 9th December Nativity- 14.00 1R and 2K
Tuesday 10th December Nativity- 09.15 1P and 2C
Due to health and safety, we can only accommodate a maximum of 2 adults per child. Can we please ask that you make arrangements for younger brothers and sisters so as not to distract the cast and performance.
Thank you
Tuesday 10th 2C swimming- please make sure all have kits otherwise they will not swim
Thursday 12th December - whole school Christmas Dinner
Friday 13th December Father Christmas in the Forest
Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th FoFs Secret Shopping Event- days to be confirmed for classes
Tuesday 17th December KS2 Carol Service -6PM at All Saints for those of you with KS2 children
Friday 20th December - End of Year church service- All Saints
Friday 20th December - last day of term
Januaury 6th 2025 start of Term 3
Thank you to those of you who have brought in costumes!!! We are terribly excited to see them all dressed up!The singing and the performance is coming along beautifully. Thank you for all your support in reading/rehearsing lines.
Monday 25th November all Nativity costumes due in. Please speak to a member of staff if you do not have a costume as we do have some costumes
Tuesday 26th November 2K swimming- please make sure all have kits otherwise they will not swim
Wednesday 27th November - Year 5 Church service
Saturday 30th November - Christmas Fair
Monday 9th December Nativity- 14.00 1R and 2K
Tuesday 10th December Nativity- 09.15 1P and 2C
Due to health and safety, we can only accommodate a maximum of 2 adults per child. Can we please ask that you make arrangements for younger brothers and sisters so as not to distract the cast and performance.
Thank you
Tuesday 10th 2C swimming- please make sure all have kits otherwise they will not swim
Thursday 12th December - whole school Christmas Dinner
Friday 13th December Father Christmas in the Forest
Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th FoFs Secret Shopping Event- days to be confirmed for classes
Tuesday 17th December KS2 Carol Service -6PM at All Saints for those of you with KS2 children
Friday 20th December - End of Year church service- All Saints
Friday 20th December - last day of term
Januaury 6th 2025 start of Term 3
Please make sure children are practising their script as they cannot have their scripts on stage. They must know their lines off by heart. It is amazing that some know their lines already and are so confident in their performance. The Nativity is coming along beautifully!
This week, the children worked in pairs (one as a robot and one giving instructions) to move their 'robot' around the classroom in Computing as an introduction into programming and algorithms.
Tuesday 19th November - No swimming. 2K will swim the following week.
Thursday 21st November- Phonics Lessons for EYFS and KS1 parents
Tuesday 26th November 2K swimming- please make sure all have kits otherwise they will not swim
Wednesday 27th November - Year 5 Church service
Saturday 30th November - Christmas Fair
Monday 9th December Nativity- 14.00 1R and 2K
Tuesday 10th December Nativity- 09.15 1P and 2C
Due to health and safety, we can only accommodate a maximum of 2 adults per child. Can we please ask that you make arrangements for younger brothers and sisters so as not to distract the cast and performance.
Thank you
Monday 11th Sccolastic Book Fair - 3.20pm - 3.50pm
Tuesday 12th - 2C swimming - please make sure swimming kits are in to avoid missing out on this important life skill
Friday 15th - Children In Need
Saturday 30th - FoFs Christmas fair
This week, children went home with their lines to learn for Nativity. They have been told that this is their reading for each week rather than their reading book. Obviously, if they wish to read books, then plesae do. Could you write in their diary for reading their lines as you usually would for reading as this will be included in the reading challenge. Thank you.
Dates for Nativity: Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th December. You will be given a date to see your class soon.
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Above are photos of our new Zones of Regulation display for the children to use independently so they are in the Green Zone for leanring. Also attached is the Y2 Reading Challenge Around the World. Please read at least three times a week to move across a continent (a third at a time). This also suppports our Geography facts about continents and oceans.
Happy Reading!
Tuesday 5th November first day of Term 2
Tuesday 5th November 2K swimming; please make sure all your child has their full swimming kit for this valuable life skill
Wednesday 6th November- Church service at All Saints for the Y6 worship
Friday November 8th Dress Down Day- please bring some chocolate for the Christmas Fair on Sat 30th November
Tuesday 22nd October 2C swimming. Please can you make sure your child has their swimming kit so they do not miss out on this valuable life lifeskill
Friday 25th October- wear your PJs to school day in exchange for a TOY in KS1, for the Christmas Fair. Any sibblings in KS2 will be brining a bottle for the tombola. Please could you make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear; school shoes or their black school trainers. No slippers/crocs etc for health and safety reasons.
Friday 25th October last day of Term 1
Monday 4th November INSET DAY
Tuesday 5th Novmeber first day back for Term 2 and the countdown to Christmas and Nativity!
Tuesday 5th November 2K will be swimming; please make sure all chidlren have their swimming kits in school for this valuable life skill.
Thank you to all our parent volunteers who have given up valuable time to support reading, swimming, Forest School and the trip to the Library.
Tuesday 15th October 2K swimming- if you can help, and have attended the Safe Guarding training, please let a member of the team know
Friday 18th October - Year 2 trip to Crowborough library. Thank you to all of you who have kindly volunteered. Due to the library being a public place and space limited, we are unable to take everyone who volunteered.
Parents Eve should go live next Monday eve (14.10.24). We look forward to seeing you.
Friday 25th October - dress down day in pyjamams - please bring in a TOY, in exchange for dressing down, for the Christmas Fair. KS2 will be brining in a bottle for the tombola.
Tuesday 8th October 2C swimming
Wednesday 9th October PE
Friday 18th October walk to Library - AM Thank you to those of you have offered to walk with us to and from the library. If you are able to join us, please let a member of the Y2 team know.
Tuesday 1st October 2K swimming
Wednesday 2nd October Church - Harvest Festival Service- if you can gift any non perishable food items, we would be grateful
Wednesday 2nd October NSPCC workshop
September 2024
Welcome to Year 2! Here are a few reminders for the start of the school year:
Every day your child needs to bring:
Important dates: Wednesday 4th September Church Service at All Saints.
We are looking forward to meeting you next Thursday 12th September at 9am for our Meet the Teacher session where we can answer any initial questions you have about the year ahead.
PE: Our PE lessons will be on Wednesdays, please ensure you send your child with the correct clothing and footwear for PE (if your child wears tights, please send a pair of socks in their PE bag).
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term on a Tuesday, we will notify you of the start date. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, flip flops or crocs and a swimming hat (and goggles if desired).
We are fast approaching the last week of term and the children are full of mixed feelings about leaving the safety of year 2 and moving on wards to their exciting new classrooms in year 3. Next week we will be spending time with the children discussing any further questions or exploring any anxieties they may have in our RHE lessons. In English we will be recounting our time in Year 2 and discussing our favourite things.
Please note that Early Bird interventions have now stopped, thank you for all your support with these sessions.
Next week on Thursday or Friday the children will be bringing home many of their exercise books. Can we please ask that you give your child an extra carrier bag for them to carry these home.
Important information:
Church: End of year celebrations: Friday 19th July - priority seating for Year 6 parents but all welcome if seating can accommodate.
Swimming: No more swimming this term.
Reports: These will go out on Tuesday 16th July.
FOFs Great British Cake Sale: Tuesday 16th July
Another busy week as we start to draw towards the end of our Year 2 journey. This week the children wrote personal and heartfelt letters to their new Year 3 teachers. We will pass these on next week. It has been truly humbling and gratifying to read their letters which not only show how they have spoken from their hearts but also how their written work has come on this year. The transition morning went really well and they all came back to class buzzing about the things they will be doing next year. Back in year 2 we have continued to learn more about The Stone Age with an introduction to the village of Skara Brae. In art we created our own cave paintings of woolly mammoths and saber toothed tigers. Maths is consolidating our learning whilst focusing on trickier problem solving questions using subtraction and addition. In RE this term we have be contemplating special and sacred places thinking about where we and people of other religions go to contemplate, find peace and rest.
Important information:
Church: End of year celebrations: Friday 19th July - priority seating for Year 6 parents but all welcome if seating can accommodate.
Swimming: Swimming - thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support us on Monday afternoons, can we please ask one more time for any volunteers from both 2C and 2M to help out on this Monday. Next week will be our last swimming of this year so both classes will be together (in ability appropriate groups) enjoying a fun swimming session.
Reports: These will go out on Tuesday 16th July.
FOFs Great British Cake Sale: Tuesday 16th July
Another wonderful week was had by all! This week has been about exploring our Stone Age knowledge even further. In Art we used natural ingredients to make paint as the Stone Age People would. In English we discussed cave paintings and used descriptive language to imagine that we were inside a cave examining ancient drawings. And then our visit to the Ashdown Forest was a marvellous success and the children were a credit to the school. We had much fun learning how the forest was a suitable place for people to live and how they can trace evidence to people living there about 5000 years ago. We looked at artifacts made from local wood, stone and flint as well as animal skin used for clothing, bedding and shelter. We discussed how plants and wildlife were used for food and medicine as we reenacted being hunter gatherers. We then thought about how Stone Age people moved to different sites following food and the seasons so needed to make shelters along the way. We had to think about a site that was a suitable place to stay - view over hunting ground, shelter from the wind etc. And then we made the shelter out of what we could find in the forest. It definitely was a fun day out and the children had smiles on their faces all day! Thank you again for those of you who accompanied us on the day, we couldn't have these adventures without you.
Important information:
New class leaflet: published Monday 1st July
Transition morning: meeting their new Year 3 teacher - Thursday 4th July
Swimming: Swimming - thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support us on Monday afternoons. 2C next week.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
What a wonderful week. Sports Week has seen the children participate in House Group games, skipping skills, Sports Day competition, dance and so much more. We have had such fun and the weather has totally cooperated. Thank you for your support and remembering what clothes to wear what day! It really has been a memorable week with Year 2 showing so much determination, strength, resilience and a general joy for life - fantastic! We are now looking ahead to our class trip to Ashdown Forest on Thursday. It looks like the weather is going to be warm so please remember to apply sun cream before the children arrive at school. They will also need sunhats and water bottles - please refer to the original email for all the details about what to bring.
Important information:
Year 2 trip: Ashdown Forest - Stone Age adventure - Thursday 27th June.
Swimming: Swimming - thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support us on Monday afternoons. 2M next week.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Despite the chilly weather we have been busy this week with lots of summer term activities. We started the week decorating our pebbles and flower pots for the sensory garden and yesterday the children had an opportunity to see the fruits of their efforts. Next year when they are in Year 3 they will get the full benefit of this lovely quiet part of the key stage 2 playground. We have also been practising for next week's Sports Day events. Please look at the details below so you are up to date on what is going on next week sport-wise. The rest of the curriculum is still continuing: We have now begun 'Stone Age Boy' and the children loved miming as a Stone Age person meeting a modern day person. We have also been looking at some interesting facts about the Stone Age and how humans would use what they found on the land to feed, cloth and shelter them.
Important information:
Sports Week next week: Please remember the children may come into school in Sports clothes all week (no football shirts/kit please) including trainers. On WEDNESDAY 19TH however children must come in their PE kit with the correct house shirt. Key Stage 1's Sports Day will start at 9:15 am on the field. We would like as many of you to come along to support your child during one of the highlights of the school calendar.
Year 2 trip: Ashdown Forest - Stone Age adventure - Thursday 27th June. (email to follow)
Swimming: Swimming will resume in term 6 - thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support us on Monday afternoons. 2C next week.
Forest School: No Forest school next term.
As you are aware we are fast approaching the end of Year 2 and the children will be meeting their new teachers later this term. With that in mind may we remind you that the classes will be mixed and divided into two new classes for years 3 and 4. To make this a smooth process we ask the children to choose 3 friends that they would like to be with in their new class. We try to accommodate this as much as possible and will guarantee at least one of these choices. We are asking you therefore to please start to have conversations with your child regarding this. Next week we will be asking them to make their three (confidential) choices. The year 2 team will then formulate a list of the new class cohort in time for transition morning with their new teachers. If you have any queries regarding this please speak to your class teacher in the first instance.
It's been a lovely return for our final term in Year 2. In particular on 6th June the children were curious and respectful when we were talking about D Day. We have now started our new topic of Stone Age as we learn about Homo Sapiens and the three Stone Age periods. In English next week we will begin looking at Stone Age Boy to consolidate our understanding. Maths we are looking at statistics including tally charts, bar charts and pictograms. Next week some children will undertake the phonic screening test. If this is your child could you please look at the details below for more information.
Next week is the Phonics screening test which is a statutory requirement for Year 1 and any year 2 children who missed it in Year 1. Please make sure your child is in school everyday next week so they can take the test.
The children have all been involved in mock tests which is administered 1:1 in a quiet space so they know what to expect and have been very calm about it. There will be opportunities for some to take breaks during the test so it is not demanding or stressful. Without breaks, it takes about ten minutes for a fluent reader to read the forty real and nonsense words. The results will be with your child's school report. There are mock tests available online if you wish to take a look to see the expectations of which the children are very familiar with so please do not worry.
For your information, please visit this gov website and doc which will give you all the parental information you need. Also, please visit SHF Phonics curriculum page for support and how to say the sounds. You can also speak with us if you have any questions about the test.
The children have worked really hard on their phonics in various interventions during school and after as well as in their phonics lessons. The progression is astounding! We are all very proud of their hard work, positive attitude and dedication.
Important information:
Year 2 trip: Ashdown Forest - Stone Age adventure - Thursday 27th June. (email to follow)
Swimming: Swimming will resume in term 6 - thank you to those of you who have volunteered to support us on Monday afternoons. 2M next week.
Forest School: No Forest school next term.
We've had such a fun week problem solving how to fix our axles and wheels to our vehicles. Thank you so much to those parents who came in to help, we couldn't have done it so smoothly without you and if we're honest we think these are the best we've made yet! Tune in next week when we have our Wacky Races to see who's goes the furthest and fastest.
Important information:
Church Service: Founder's Day celebrations: Friday 24th May - everyone welcome.
National Numeracy day: Wednesday 22nd May
Year 2 trip: Ashdown Forest - Stone Age adventure - Thursday 27th June. (email to follow)
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
This term in History the children have been learning about significant explorers, for example Ibn Battuta, Captain James Cook and Ernest Shackleton. We have been discussing what makes them significant by exploring their unique journeys of discovery. This links in with our Geography where we are looking at the Continents and examining and identifying the equator and Poles. The vehicles they are making in DT have been designed for the purpose of modern exploration. This week we have concentrated on the chassis and next week we will be making and attaching the wheels and axles.
Important information:
Church Service: Founder's Day celebrations: Friday 24th May - everyone welcome.
National Numeracy day: Wednesday 22nd May
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
We have had much fun this week 'planting' our seeds in kitchen paper and water and watching it grow. We've already seen a few of them sprouting and look forward to charting their progression over the next few weeks.
This term's DT the children are making vehicles. Could your child please bring in their small box (tea bag size) or toilet roll with any accessories they need by Wednesday 8th please. We would also really like some parent helpers on Thursday 16th May to assist us and enable children to achieve their designs. If you are able to help, please let Mrs Crumbie and Mrs Miller know via your child's contact book.
Important information:
Church Service: Founder's Day celebrations: Friday 24th May - everyone welcome.
National Numeracy day: Wednesday 22nd May
Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
In Science the children are looking at plants and the differences and similarities between a seed and a bulb; next week we will be thinking about what beans need to grow. This will be part of the 'big project' which will not start until the end of term as the children will be growing a bean in class and then taking it home later in the term to see how it grows. If you are able to we would like you to 'pot on the plant' and see how it grows at home.
In DT this term, Year 2 children will be designing, making and evaluating their own vehicles. The children have been excitedly thinking about their designs and are looking forward to using tools to help them to make their chassis and cut the axles to size. We would really like some parent helpers on Thursday 16th May to assist us and enable children to achieve their designs. If you are able to help, please let Mrs Crumbie and Mrs Miller know via your child's contact book.
Important information:
Church Service: Wednesday 1st May - performed by Year 1.
Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Welcome back to the penultimate term in Year 2 and what a week. Thank you to all of you for your support during this Ofsted week we are so proud of how the children have conducted themselves. In our learning we have introduced a new book 'The Secret of Black Rock'. If you have the book please do not read it on as we will be drip feeding the story week by week. Next week will be be thinking of interesting verbs to describe the setting and weather. In Maths we have started our fraction unit. This week we were looking at halves and quarters and next week we will be considering thirds and wholes. As you are aware in DT we have started our vehicle unit. In the coming weeks we will need some volunteers to help assemble our own vehicles so could you please let your class teacher know if you are able to volunteer week commencing 6th or 13th May.
Important information:
Church Service: Wednesday 1st May - performed by Year 1.
Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
It has been a lovely week consolidating all our learning this term and in particular our Great Fire of London topic. Thank you so much to all of you who made your fantastic Tudor houses. We have all loved looking at each and everyone and have marvelled at all the different sizes and designs. As part of our Fantastic Finish we invited Leon's dad to come in and talk to the children about Fire Safety and we hope that the questionnaire your child brought home for you will be of some use. This topic has inspired so many creative lessons and the children have thoroughly enjoyed making their clay house designs.
Have a lovely Easter and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 15th April.
Important information:
Church Service: Wednesday 1st May - performed by Year 1.
Bank Holiday: Monday 6th May
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
This week we have put on our curly wigs and imagined that we are Samuel Pepys. The children have written their own diary entry as they describe the events of the Great Fire. In Maths we are looking at millilitres and litres and we discover the difference in capacity and volume. In RHE we have been thinking about teamwork and respect. We played some fun team games which involved working together and communicating with each other. Then we discussed how we can transfer these communication skills to the playground so that we can have happy playtimes.
We look forward to meeting you all next week for parent consultation on Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st March. Please remember to book your appointment.
Important information:
Fire Safety visit: Tuesday 26th March. Thank you Leon's dad who will be talking to the children about Fire Safety and life in the modern Fire brigade. Please make sure your child's Tudor house is in by Monday 25th March.
Church Service: The last day of term Thursday 28th March will be year 5's Easter service.
FOFs Make the Rules day: Friday 22nd March
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place next term or term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
This has been one of those particularly busy weeks. Well done everybody for your fantastic enthusiasm for World Book Day from the amazing costumes, the 'dress a vegetable' competition, reading in unusual places and the book swap. There was a lot to fit in but it was such fun for the children and we're sure is one of the highlights of the school year for them. On top of that we also had our PEACE performance. The children were so amazing and performed so calmly and confidently. It is such an important milestone begin able to perform in front of an audience and they all did themselves credit.
Back in the classroom we are continuing our measuring unit in Maths where we have been looking at how to measure in grams and kilograms. Next week we will be looking at volume and capacity. In English we are still looking at The Great Fire of London and the children are considering the factors that caused the fire to spread.
Important information:
Fire Safety visit: Tuesday 26th March. Thank you Mr Boyles who will be talking to the children about Fire Safety and life in the modern Fire brigade. Please make sure your child's Tudor house is in by Monday 25th March.
Church Service: The last day of term Thursday 28th March will be year 5's Easter service.
FOFs Make the Rules day: Friday 22nd March
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place next term or term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
This week we have been busy rehearsing for our PEACE church service for next week. Please remember that you are all welcome to come along and sit at the back of the church. We know the children love it when you are able to come along. We have also begun our learning on Salvation - the Easter Story. The children enjoyed talking about what they think of Easter and discussing the different types of Easter Eggs! Please take a moment to look below for the events coming up but this week we want to draw your attention to World Book Day on Thursday. We would love you to send in photos of your child reading in the most interesting places. Please email the photo onto the office who will forward them on to us so that we can decorate our classrooms with the lovely images.
Important information:
Church Service: Year 2 church service Wednesday 6th March - all welcome. We will be rehearsing on Tuesday 5th March if anyone was able to accompany us to the church in the afternoon please let your class teacher know. Thank you.
World Book Week dressing up day: Thursday 7th March. Don't forget to enter the 'dress a vegetable' competition too!
FOFs Make the Rules day: Friday 22nd March
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place next term or term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Welcome back to Term 4. We have made a good start to the term and in particular are delighted that we've completed our puppets. The children have been so engaged in the lessons and activity and are rightly proud of what they have achieved. This term our new creative endeavours are working with clay making 3d sculptures and houses. This links with our overall termly topic of the Great Fire of London. Please look at the Big Project details in our Home Learning section to find out more about the children's Great Fire of London homework challenge.
Important information:
Church Service: Year 2 church service Wednesday 6th March - all welcome. We will be rehearsing on Tuesday 5th March if anyone was able to accompany us to the church in the afternoon please let your class teacher know. Thank you.
FOFs Make the Rules day: Friday 22nd March
World Book Week dressing up day: Thursday 7th March
Swimming: Swimming WILL NOT take place next term or term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: Don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Well done we've finally made it to the end of what we consider the hardest, darkest term! We've had a fun week working hard on our puppets and we're looking forward to sharing them with you next term. Thank you to all the parents who came in to offer their support and sewing expertise; they had just as much fun as the children. Please note next term there is NO swimming or forest school for year 2. We will begin our Great Fire of London topic so advanced warning to save a box for your big homework project.
We all hope you have an enjoyable and restful half term. See you on 19th February.
The Year 2 team
Important information:
Church Service: Year 2 church service Wednesday 6th March - all welcome.
Swimming: Thank you to those of you who have helped with our new system and volunteered. We could not have done it without you. Swimming WILL NOT take place next term or term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
The children have made a marvellous start to their puppets cutting out their puppet templates as per their designs. Next week the real work begins as we start to select the materials they need for the details and bring everything together with the joining and sewing. We will be concentrating on the sewing on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon next week. Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to help, it isn't too late if you feel you are able to lend us a few hours of your time.
Important information:
Church Service: The next service is on Wednesday 7th February - Year 4. Date for your diary: Year 2 church service Wednesday 6th March - all welcome.
Swimming: Next week is 2C only. Thank you to those of you who have helped with our new system and volunteered. We could not have done it without you. Swimming WILL NOT take place next term or term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
It's been a productive week as the children have been learning about the history of nursing and the significant female nurses who have paved the way for the profession over the last 150 years. May we remind you that this term's big homework project is for the children to make a medal for either Mary Seacole or Florence Nightingale - due in the last week of term. Well done for those of you who have bought one in already, they look fantastic! This week we also began our puppet sewing unit in DT. We had so much fun looking at the puppets. We will begin sewing the week after next so if any of you were able to give some time for a few hours to help the children with some basic stitching over the last few weeks of term could you please let your class teacher know.
Swimming request: thank you for those of you who have volunteered to help with swimming, we would still welcome more volunteers so that it isn't left to the same people each week. If you are still able to volunteer once or twice please speak to your class teacher. Only three more swimming sessions and then Year 2 are not swimming again until term 6.
Important information:
Church Service: The next service is on Wednesday 7th February - Year 4. Date for your diary: Year 2 church service Wednesday 6th March - all welcome.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming this term. (Year 2 will also swim in Term 6). Please remember to bring a swimming costume, hat and towel (goggles if required) in a separate bag.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for our parent phonics morning. It was lovely to see you all and allow the children to show you what they can do and how we teach phonics. This week in our Maths lesson we have begun our Money unit. Challenge: could you ask your child if they could identify the cash you have on you. Could they tell you how to make up an amount? e.g. £8 and 49p (we have not introduced the decimal point at this stage), how many different types of coins could they use to make this amount?
Swimming request: could we please remind you that we are always desperate for volunteers during our swimming sessions. We are required to have at least two volunteers per session otherwise unfortunately we may not be able to proceed with the lesson. If you are able to help we would really appreciate you informing your class teacher. (in year two it is just for this term and the final summer term).
Important information:
Church Service: The next service is on Wednesday 7th February - Year 4. Date for your diary: Year 2 church service Wednesday 6th March - all welcome.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming this term. (Year 2 will also swim in Term 6). Please remember to bring a swimming costume, hat and towel (goggles if required) in a separate bag.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Welcome back and Happy New Year to all our Year 2 families. Despite the shock of the early, dark, mornings the children have returned with positive enthusiasm and are already showing a willingness to learn whilst thinking about how we learn.
Things to note this term: swimming will resume from Monday and we will be hosting a parent phonic morning. Please see details below.
Can we please remind you that children should not bring rusk sacks to school as we are unable to facilitate these in the room we have for their pegs. All school related items should be in their book bags with PE clothes in their PE bag and wellies in a NAMED carrier bag. As swimming resumes this week that will also need to be in a swimming bag or carrier bag.
Important information:
Phonics parent visit: 9.05-9.25 on Thursday 11th January.
Church Service: The next service is on Wednesday 10th January - Year 4.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming this term. (Year 2 will also swim in Term 6). Please remember to bring a swimming costume, hat and towel (goggles if required) in a separate bag.
Forest School: No Forest school this term.
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Thank you all so much for you wonderful and generous gifts. We hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas and look forward to seeing you back in the New Year!
love from the Year 2 team
What a week! We started off with the amazing Nativity which we are so proud of. The children really stepped up and despite some nerves showed such passion and enthusiasm. Thank you again for all your support, this is a team effort and we couldn't have done it without the Year 2 family pulling together. Today has been another epic day with a visit from Father Christmas. Next week will hopefully be calmer but hopefully just as much fun! We will be spending the week exploring celebrations with our DT - Food technology unit. The children have been given a very important menu design remit by Father Christmas - let's hope they're up to the challenge ;)
Important information:
Church Service: The next service is on Friday 15th December which will be our end of term celebration.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas (Year 2 will also swim in Term 6). Please see below for more information regarding swimming at Sir Henry Fermor.
Forest School: is on Thursdays. Next week will be 2C
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Swimming information:
First, I would like to say Hello! My name is Elliott Stevens, and I am the owner of Swim Stars South East and founder of Heathfield Swim School. I am also one of the teachers that are now delivering swimming lessons and a new swimming programme to your children at the school. I just wanted to spend some time to give you all a quick update regarding the progress of your children this year to date. So far, the last two terms that me and my team have been delivering lessons at the site we have seen a huge increase in water confidence, technique, and swim skills so to everyone who has been participating I just want to say a HUGE WELL DONE, you are making excellent progress.
A small overview on what we have been doing:
Reception – Have been working on building Water Confidence, introducing Movement Skills and learning to stay safe in the water.
Year 1 – Have been improving water confidence and introducing leg kick on front and back. Also working on swim skills such as floating and push and glides.
Year 2 – Have been working on developing stroke leg kick and introducing arm actions. We have also worked on Push and Glides, Flotation and a range of swim skills.
Year 3 – Have been introduced to all four stroke kicks and are developing arm action/technique. We have also introduced forward rolls, backwards rolls, submersion and handstands.
Year 4 – Have been working on improving all four-stroke leg and arm actions, we have also introduced breathing + swim skills such as sculling and handstands.
Year 5 – Have been working on all four strokes breathing and timing. We have also worked on swim skills this term improving handstands, forward rolls, backward rolls and movement shapes.
Year 6 – Have been working on improving technique across all strokes, improving swim fitness and developing stamina.
We will be adding in a Water Safety element to all classes over the next two terms to include personal survival skills, lifesaving skills and how to stay safe when in and around the water. I look forward to seeing you all continue with the great progress and want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
December has finally arrived and we are so excited to show you what we have been working on for the past few weeks. Thank you again for all your help and support and we look forward to seeing you at our Nativity. Tuesday (2M) and Wednesday (2C)
Important information:
Nativity dates: PLEASE COME IN THROUGH THE YEAR 4 ENTRANCE (swimming pool entrance) 5th December (1K and 2M) and 6th December (1P and 2C) - due to health and safety we will be limited on the numbers per family. To confirm we are only able to accommodate 2 people per child. Please DO NOT bring any babies or toddlers. Thank you.
Church Service: The next service is on Friday 15th December which will be our end of term celebration.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas.
Forest School: is on Thursdays. Next week will be 2M
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
As well as practising performing our Christmas play, Year 2 have also been performing in class this week, using 'Readers' theatre'. We read aloud sections of our story, 'Leaf' in groups and focusing on reading with expression and adding actions and sound effects to enhance the storytelling. It was great fun! 2M made Christmas wreaths in Forest School. Your turn next week 2C!
Nativity information: you should have received your child's nativity costume requirements in their contact books. If you do not know what your child needs please contact your class teacher. Thank you also for those of you practising your words and songs at home, all your efforts are really beginning to show!
Important information:
Nativity dates: 5th December (1K and 2M) and 6th December (1P and 2C) - due to health and safety we will be limited on the numbers per family the hall can accommodate so please look out for separate correspondence regarding this.
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 29th November which will be led by Year 5.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas.
Forest School: is on Thursdays. Please look out for a separate email regarding which week is your child's class. If you would like to volunteer to help please can you check with the office that your DBS is up to date.
Spelling & Phonics: You should now have received confirmation of phonics group for the next unit, don't forget homework is posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
This week we began one of the most exciting events in Year 2 the Nativity rehearsals. The children have approached the singing and acting with enthusiasm and we're really looking forward to polishing it over the next couple of weeks. If your child has words to remember we will be forwarding their part of the script to you in their contact books over the next few days so please look out for this.
Nativity information: you should have received your child's nativity costume requirements in their contact books. If you do not know what your child needs please contact your class teacher.
Important information:
Nativity dates: 5th December (1K and 2M) and 6th December (1P and 2C) - due to health and safety we will be limited on the numbers per family the hall can accommodate so please look out for separate correspondence regarding this.
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 29th November which will be led by Year 5.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas.
Forest School: will begin in Term 2 on Thursdays. Please look out for a separate email regarding which week is your child's class. If you would like to volunteer to help please can you check with the office that your DBS is up to date.
Spelling & Phonics: are posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Year 2 consolidated their castles learning with an energetic Castles workshop this week. The children got into an imaginary time machine which sent them back to 1066. They pretended to be farmers, jesters, servants, Kings and Queens, learnt about medieval feasts and reenacted a jousting competition. We then wrote recounts of the workshop in our English lessons this week.
Nativity: you should have received your child's nativity costume requirements in their contact books. If you do not know what your child needs please contact your class teacher.
Important information:
Nativity dates: 5th and 6th December - full details which dates you can attend and times will follow.
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 29th November which will be led by Year 5.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas.
Forest School: will begin in Term 2 on Thursdays. Please look out for a separate email regarding which week is your child's class. If you would like to volunteer to help please can you check with the office that your DBS is up to date.
Spelling & Phonics: are posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Welcome back to Term 2. This is a very busy term for year 2 but we're all very excited about the events coming up. We have begun the process of practising for our key stage Nativity and will shortly be forwarding to you your child's part and costume requirements. We will also from next week publish the Nativity song words on this webpage so that your child can practise them at home as much as they can. They are already very excited to find out what part they have and get down to the serious matter of rehearsals. Before the Nativity however we have next week's Castles workshop on Tuesday.
Important information:
Castles workshop: Tuesday 7th November - please remember to confirm via parent pay.
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 8th November which will be led by Year 6.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas.
Forest School: will begin in Term 2 on Thursdays. Please look out for a separate email regarding which week is your child's.
Spelling & Phonics: are posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Year 2 were lucky with the weather with our sunny walk to Crowborough library this week. The librarian, Suzy, talked to us about types of books and how they are categorised, all of the different things we can borrow from the library (including micro-bit kits) and read us a story. We then all chose a book and brought it back to school to read! Thank you to all of the parents who helped us we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Important information:
Castles workshop: Tuesday 7th November - please remember to confirm via parent pay.
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 8th November which will be led by Year 6.
Swimming: Year 2 will resume swimming in Term 3 after Christmas.
Forest School: will begin in Term 2 on Thursdays. Please look out for a separate email regarding which week is your child's.
Spelling & Phonics: are posted on our Home Learning page every Friday. Spellings are also placed in contact books with a practise sheet.
Thank you all for the prompt response regarding the help with our library visit. We are thrilled that it can go ahead. We want to continue to encourage these library visits so we are delighted that the library were able to offer us another opportunity this year.
Important information:
Library visit: Tuesday 17th October - thank you to those parents who have volunteered to assist. Please meet us by 9.50am to leave at 10am. We aim to return to school by 12pm in time for lunch.
Castles workshop: Tuesday 7th November - please remember to confirm via parent pay.
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 8th November which will be led by Year 6.
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term on Mondays. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, hat (and goggle if desired). We would also like children to bring flip flops to help their transition from the pool to the classroom.
If you are able to volunteer every or some afternoons could you please let your class teacher know.
Forest School: will begin in Term 2. Please look out for a separate email regarding this.
Spelling: will be posted every Friday on the Learning page. Please check your child's contact book to see which group they are in and for the practise sheet. Phonics groups will be detailed in your child's contact book.
Year 2 have been exploring how Fox is feeling this week in our English lessons. He has lost his friend Star and is all alone! We have been thinking of interesting adjectives to describe how he feels inside but also role playing how we show our feelings with our bodies. Teddy wrote, "I felt so disappointed. I curled up and used my tail as a blanket." Mila said, "All around me the forest was lonely, dark and dense, how could Star do such a thing? So, I curled up into a frightened ball hiding in my dark den.
Important information:
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 8th November which will be led by Year 6.
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term on Mondays. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, hat (and goggle if desired). We would also like children to bring flip flops to help their transition from the pool to the classroom.
If you are able to volunteer every or some afternoons could you please let your class teacher know.
Forest School: will begin in Term 2. Please look out for a separate email regarding this.
Spelling: will be posted every Friday on the Learning page. Please check your child's contact book to see which group they are in and for the practise sheet. Phonics groups will be detailed in your child's contact book.
We are now fully immersed in the Year 2 routines. This week the children had fun in science searching for mini-beasts and their micro habit across the school grounds. We managed to find a lizard, a frog, a slug and many, many worms!
Important information:
Church Service: The next service is this Wednesday 4th October which will be our Harvest Festival.
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term on Mondays. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, hat (and goggle if desired). We would also like children to bring flip flops to help their transition from the pool to the classroom.
If you are able to volunteer every or some afternoons could you please let your class teacher know.
Spelling: will be posted every Friday on the Learning page. Please check your child's contact book to see which group they are in and for the practise sheet. Phonics groups will be detailed in your child's contact book from today.
It was lovely to see so many parents at our Meet the Teacher meetings last week. If you were unable to attend but are able to help us by volunteering to help with swimming or hearing children read, please let your child's class teacher know.
Year 2 have been busy making paper pumpkins to decorate All Saints Church for our Harvest Service next Wednesday. Making the pumpkins involved teamwork to hold and attach the top and base, then we wrote on the leaves what we were thankful for and attached them to the stalks.
Important information:
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term on Mondays. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, hat (and goggle if desired). If you are able to volunteer every or some afternoons could you please let your class teacher know.
Spelling: will be posted every Friday from Friday 22nd on the Learning page. Please check your child's contact book next Friday to see which group they are in and for the practise sheet. Phonics groups and homework will be published from next Friday 29th September.
The children have continued to settle in well and have adapted to the new routines. They have had fun creating their own self portraits and exploring the school grounds as part of their Science looking for things that are 'alive', 'once alive' and 'never alive'. You will see some of the photos below.
Thank you to those of you who were able to attend this mornings 'Meet the parent' session. For those of you who were not able to attend please look at the 'presentations' icon for a copy of the presentation power-point.
Important information:
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term starting Monday 18th September. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, hat (and goggle if desired). If you are able to volunteer every or some afternoons could you please let your class teacher know.
Spelling: will be posted every Friday from next Friday 22nd on the Learning page. Please check your child's contact book next Friday to see which group they are in and for the practise sheet.
Welcome to Year 2!
This week, we have been busy settling back in and establishing routines.
Year 2 started our History learning this term by looking at our History timeline and learning about the history of Sir Henry Fermor CE School. They learnt that the children used to wear silver badges with the school emblem on and that the girls wore long skirts. They were very happy that they didn't have to wear the thick, woolen uniform this week! We look forward to learning more about the History and Geography of our school and local area this term.
Important dates: We are looking forward to meeting you next Friday 15th September at 9am for our Meet the Teacher session where hopefully we can answer any initial questions you have about the year ahead.
Swimming: Year 2 will be swimming this term starting Monday 18th September. Make sure your child has a swimming costume, towel, hat (and goggle if desired). From this year we are encouraging children to bring in flip flops for pool side for their comfort - please look out for a separate email regarding this.
Year 2 had a visit this week from Sammy the dental nurse (Harry and Max's mum). This was part of our science unit: understanding good hygiene is part of a healthy lifestyle. Sammy spoke to the children about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day for 120 seconds each time and we had fun trying to estimate how long 120 seconds was. We all came away with a better understanding of dental health and some of us were reminded that it was time we made our next appointment to visit our dentist! Thank you again Sammy!
Important notices
Swimming: Friday 14th July is our last swimming this year - the children WILL NOT be swimming on the last day of term
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Friday 21st July
End of Term 6: Friday 21st July
Our learning next week
English: The children will be writing up their favourite memories of year 2.
Maths: consolidating this year's learning we will be having some fun Maths games to end the year
RE: Let's compare the sacred places of worship we have learnt this term.
DT: We finally get to build our vehicle with the wheels and axels.
The children were amazing this week with their Transition morning and we have had glowing reports from their new year 3 teachers - well done all! Well done also to everyone for bringing in their resources for their explorers vehicles. They are coming along nicely and we will continue with their construction next week.
Important notices
Swimming: Please let us know if you are able to spare a few hours to help this Friday.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Friday 21st July
End of Term 6: Friday 21st July
Our learning next week
English: What is a riddle? Inspired by our love of Meerkats the children will be watching a video of Meerkats lovingly tending some pomegranates and creating their own riddles using this as their inspiration.
Maths: How do we add fractions? The children will be developing different techniques to solve this mathematical problem
RE/art: Sacred Places of Worship - what is it like in a synagogue?
DT: We will be working on the finishing touches of our chassis and then building and fixing our axles and wheels.
We had a fantastic time at Drusillas Park and were so lucky with the weather. Well done everyone for being so well behaved and focusing on our learning and enjoyment. A big thank you to all the parents (and Nanny) for supporting us on the day, we couldn't have done it without you!
Important notices
Swimming: Swimming is back again on Friday afternoons.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Friday 21st July
End of Term 6: Friday 21st July
Our learning next week
English: We will be intrepid news reporters looking into a local incident!
Maths: We will be looking at fractions, consolidating our learning from this year.
RE/art: Sacred Places of Worship - what is it like in a mosque? The children will continuing with their mosaic creations.
DT: We will begin to construct the chassis of our vehicles.
Thank you all for your support this week with all the sporting activities, particularly Sport's day. This was the first full Sports Day for Fermor since lockdown and we were proud of how the children embraced the day with such enthusiasm! Next week is an equally exciting one as we have our trip to Drusillas Park and for many of the children it will be their first trip on a coach - very exciting! Can we please remind those of you who have not done so to complete your payments and lunch options.
Important notices
Swimming: Do to the Sports Week timetable there was no swimming this week but it will resume as usual next week.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Friday 21st July
Year Group trip to Drusillas:
Wednesday 28th June.
End of Term 6: Friday 21st July
Our learning next week
English: The children will be writing a recount of their trip to Drusillas plus a postcard from Sunny the main character in Meerkat Mail.
Maths: Continuing our focus on the 3 times table.
RE/art: Sacred Places of Worship - what is it like in a mosque? The children will be recreating the colourful patterns common in mosques using wax and paint.
DT: Designing and planning our 'explorers' vehicle.
Science: We are looking to understand what to eat to keep healthy.
Please note that it is our Fermor Sports week next week (week beginning 19th June). We have asked the children to come in sports wear all week, apart from Tuesday 20th June as they will need to be in their uniform for photo day and have their sports wear packed in a bag. On Sports Day (Wednesday 21st June) the children must wear their PE kits to compete in their house colours! Any further information regarding sports week and day you can find here on the PE page of our website.
Important notices
Swimming: Do to the Sports Week timetable there will be NO swimming next week only but will resume the following Friday.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Friday 21st July
Year Group trip to Drusillas:
Wednesday 28th June.
End of Term 6: Friday 21st July
Our learning next week
English: Using Meerkat Mail as our class reader the children will be exploring different ways to communicate when you're travelling e.g. writing a letter or sending a post card.
Maths: We will be focus on counting in 3s and multiplication of 3.
RE: The children will be making a word cloud as they consider what makes a sacred place so special to people.
DT: We will begin our explorer's vehicles project looking at different modes of transport and elements of vehicles eg chassis, wheels and axels.
Welcome back to the final term in Year 2. We have made a good start and have enjoyed delving into new units. Can we please remind, if you have not already done so, to check parent pay for the Drusillas permission, lunch and payment page.
Important notices
Swimming: Will resume this term on Friday afternoons. Although we do have volunteers we could always do with more so if you are able to assist us on Friday's could you please let us know as soon as possible..
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Wednesday 14th June
Year Group trip to Drusillas:
Wednesday 28th June.
End of Term 6: Friday 21st July
Our learning next week
English: This term in preparation to our trip to Drusillas we have been collecting facts about Meerkats. Next week we will be pretending that we are working in a zoo and will recall our experiences.
Maths: We will be looking at directions and graphs
RE: What do we consider a sacred place. The children will be looking at sacred places of worship in different religions around the world.
History: Comparing polar explorers from now with explorers in the 19th century.
We made it to the end of the 'quiz' term! Well done one and all. We all hope you have a well deserved restful half term break whatever you are doing and we look forward to seeing you next term.
Can we please remind you that we will resume swimming next term on a Friday so please let us know if you are able to volunteer even if it is only for one of two Fridays. Also a reminder, if you have not already done so, to check parent pay for the Drusillas permission, lunch and payment page.
Look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 5th June 2023.
best wishes
The Year 2 team
We have now completed our 'quizzes' and have enjoyed a fun 'movie and popcorn' day to celebrate, this added to the fun of pj day! We are now counting down to the end of this epic term and looking forward to next term. As some of you may be aware we are planning a trip to Drusillas Park next term. Full details will be sent to you next week.
Important notices
Swimming: Will resume in term 6 on Friday afternoons. If you are able to assist us on Friday's could you please let us know as soon as possible as the more volunteers we get the more sessions we will be able to complete for each class.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Friday 26th May - Founder's Day Service.
End of Term 5: Friday 26th May
Our learning next week
English: The children have loved The Secret Legend of Black Rock. Next week they will complete a book review where we will encourage them to explain their views and opinions.
Maths: Next week we will continue to consolidate our learning on telling the time concentrating on time to the nearest 5 minutes and calculating problems with time.
RE: What is Jesus' Good News? The children will consolidate their learning from this term.
We have all been working so hard this week, the majority of the quizzes are out of the way for most but we will still have a few more next week. The children have been amazingly mature with their approach to their work. Well done each and every one of you.
Important notices
Swimming: Will resume in term 6 on Friday afternoons. If you are able to assist us on Friday's could you please let us know as soon as possible as the more volunteers we get the more sessions we will be able to complete for each class.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be 26th May - Founder's Day Service.
FOFs Dress Down Day: PJ day - 19th May
Our learning next week
English: The children are loving The Secret Legend of Black Rock. Next week they will be retelling the whole book. They will also be preparing and completing the grammar 'quiz' paper
Maths: Next week we will be consolidating our learning on telling the time concentrating on time to the nearest 5 minutes and calculating problems with time.
RE: What is Jesus' Good News? How do we know God loves us? How do we feel about ourselves? Do we love ourselves?
Geography: We are explorers, we will be tracing some of the journey's of explorers and discovering which oceans and continents they are travelling through.
The children have worked very hard this week and have started the 'quizzes' with the Arithmetic paper. We are all very proud of how they have conducted themselves and how much effort they have put into doing their best. Next week we will continue with some Maths, Reading and Grammar papers. We had a lovely end to this week with our Coronation red, white and blue day. Even though the weather forcast is looking like rain we all hope you have a lovely long weekend however you are celebrating this historic event.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School next term.
Church Service:
The next service will be 26th May - Founder's Day Service.
Bank holidays: Monday 6th May.
FOFs Dress Down Day: PJ day - 19th May
Our learning next week
English: The children are loving The Secret Legend of Black Rock. Next week we will be making a poster to help Erin save Black Rock. We will also be beginning our SATs reading and grammar papers.
Maths: Next week we will be recapping our Year 2 learning. Some of the children will then complete Paper 2 Reasoning and Problem Solving.
RE: What is Jesus' Good News? This week we are going to be looking at how Jesus explained thankfulness.
History: We are explorers, we will look at Captain James Cook and what made him significant.
We are beginning to prepare for the coronation, thank you Nanny Pat for helping with the King Charles collage! Don't forget Friday 5th May is red, white and blue day. Although we will be starting the 'quizzes' next week we will not be doing them on 5th as we want the children to enjoy the celebrations.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School next term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Year 1's service on Wednesday 3rd May.
Bank holidays: Monday 1st and Monday 6th May.
Our learning next week
English: The children are loving The Secret Legend of Black Rock. Next week we will be retelling parts of the story thinking about shades of intensity to get stronger adjectives.
Maths: Next week we will be recapping our Year 2 learning. Some of the children will then complete Paper 1 Arithmetic.
RE: What is Jesus' Good News? This week we are going to be looking at parables and how they encourage forgiveness
History: We are explorers, we will look at the North African explorer Ibn Battuta.
Welcome back to the penultimate term in Year 2. This term we are building up to our 'quizzes' and the children have continued to work diligently towards this goal. Please continue to practise your times table rock stars and reading comprehension but if you have any queries regarding these please as usual to your class teacher in the first instance.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School next term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Year 1's service on Wednesday 3rd May.
Bank holidays: Monday 1st and Monday 6th May.
Our learning next week
English: We will be delving further into The Secret Legend of Black Rock - and looking at how the characters of Erin and Archie are feeling. We will be examining how we can use questions in a piece of writing.
Maths: We will be looking at fractions. How can we work out a 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, & 3/4 of a number?
RE: What is Jesus' Good News? The children will be looking to understand the story of Luke 11:9-13 in the context of Good News.
History: We are explorers, what is an explorer?
We finally made it to the end of term, let's hope the weather improves for the holidays. Can we please direct you to the SATs page of our class page where we have set the children some Easter homework. If you are able to, we would really appreciate them dipping into some of the questions to keep them fresh for next term. Thank you so much for all you kindness and support this term, we really couldn't do it without the help of parents and grandparents. In particular we would like to say thank you to the amazing Nanny Pat who has been in every week to support and we would also like to thank Nanny Cathy, Nanny Janet and Vicki Russell who have helped with the puppet sewing, it really has been a fantastic and relaxing way to end a very busy and sometimes intense term. Have a lovely break and we will see you on 17th April.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 5 but will resume in term 6.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School next term.
Church Service:
The next service will be Year 1's service on Wednesday 3rd May.
First day of term: Monday 17th April
Our learning next term
English: Next term's reader will be The Legend of Black Rock - please do not show the children the book in advance as we will be gradually revealing the story throughout the term.
Maths: Measurement unit - we will complete this unit looking at telling the time before reviewing all that we have learnt this term.
RE: What is Jesus' Good News?
History: We are explorers, looking at different explorers from a variety of eras and parts of the world.
It was lovely seeing you all this week for parent consultation and thank you to all of you for your support. Today was grandparents book look, it was so lovely seeing the pride in the children as they showed what they have been doing recently.
Important notices
Sewing: The children will be sewing their puppets on the last week of term so if you are able to volunteer your services to help any afternoon that week could you please let your class teacher know - thank you.
Swimming: Will not take place during term 4 but will resume before the end of Year 2 - you will be notified when it is Year 2's turn again.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be the Year 5 Easter celebration on Thursday 30th March.
Last day of term: Friday 31st March
Our learning next term
English: Inspired by this term's class reader - The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas the children will be looking at non fiction texts on robots as they explore more information on the subject. They will complete the unit by planning and creating their own story about robots.
Maths: Measurement unit - next week we will be looking at volume and capacity.
RE: Salvation - The culmination of the build up to Easter the children will be discussing what they have learnt this term.
DT: The big sew! We will spend time creating the base of our puppets shaping by cutting and sewing. All volunteers welcome if you are free Monday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoon.
Science: Human and animal life cycles. The children will be writing instructions on how to look after and keep healthy a new puppy. We may possibly have a visitor on Friday!
Thank you for those of you who were able to attend today's parent book. We hope that your child was able to show you what they have been doing this year and how proud they are of their progress. It was lovely catching up with some of you. Don't forget that next week is parent consultation week so please remember to book your appointment time.
Important notices
Sewing: The children will be sewing their puppets on the last week of term so if you are able to volunteer your services to help any afternoon that week could you please let your class teacher know - thank you.
Swimming: Will not take place during term 4 but will resume before the end of Year 2 - you will be notified when it is Year 2's turn again.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be the Year 5 Easter celebration on Thursday 30th March.
Bring your grandparents to school: Friday 24th May at 2pm. More information to follow.
Our learning next term
English: Using our class reader - The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas the children will consider how the illustrations add to the text. We will then be looking to see if we can predict the remainder of the story and recount what has happened. Can we use some of the descriptive language to create a poem?
Maths: We will begin our new measurement unit looking at weight and the mass of objects.
RE: Salvation - considering the meaning of salvation how does this fit in with the events of Holy Week?
History: We will be introducing Vlad and the Florence Nightingale adventure where the children will be looking at Scutari hospital where she tended the wounded soldiers.
Science: Human and animal life cycles. We will be naming the off spring of a variety of animals.
We've had a full week completing assessments in Maths and Reading comprehension. The children have worked very hard and should be proud of how well they are progressing in Year 2. Well done in particular to 2C for winning Reggie the Rabbit for having the highest attendance of the week.
Important notices
Book look: Friday 17th March - 9.00 - 9.30 am
Make the rules day: Friday 17th March
Swimming: Will not take place during term 4 but will resume before the end of Year 2 - you will be notified when it is Year 2's turn again.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be the Year 5 Easter celebration on Thursday 30th March.
Sewing: We will be returning to our design technology sewing unit this term where the children will be creating their own bird or robot inspired by their English reader 'The Robot and the Bluebird'. We are hoping to have a few sewing afternoons towards the end of term and would appreciate any budding needlework volunteers who would be able to volunteer some time in year 2 to assist the children. If you were able to offer your time could you please let your class teacher know. thank you
Our learning next term
English: Using our class reader - The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas the children will concentrating on letter writing.
Maths: We will begin our new measurement unit looking at height and length.
RE: Salvation - we will consider the meaning of salvation as save and talking about how Jesus 'saved'.
Geography: As part of our Florence Nightingale unit the children will be completing their leaflet on the culture, geography and history of Turkey.
Science: Human and animal life cycles. We will be looking at the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog..
It's been a very busy week. We're so proud of the children's performance in church on Wednesday. Thank you to all of those who were able to attend it means a lot to the children. On the same day we had a lovely 'little' visitor who arrived asleep and awoke to 60 year 2 children staring at her. She was the calmest toddler we've ever seen so thank you so much for helping us with our science topic! The week continued with World Book Day which was a fantastic celebration of the wonders of books, well done for all those amazing costumes. We've put a mixture of photos of our week below.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 4 but will resume before the end of Year 2 - you will be notified when it is Year 2's turn again.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
The next service will be the Year 5 Easter celebration on Thursday 30th March.
Sewing: We will be returning to our design technology sewing unit this term where the children will be creating their own bird or robot inspired by their English reader 'The Robot and the Bluebird'. We are hoping to have a few sewing afternoons towards the end of term and would appreciate any budding needlework volunteers who would be able to volunteer some time in year 2 to assist the children. If you were able to offer your time could you please let your class teacher know. thank you
Book look: Friday 17th March - 9.00 - 9.30am
Our learning next term
English: Using our class reader - The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas the children will be retelling the story and then pretending to be the robot and considering how he will act and what he will say. We will be focusing on adverbs and words with suffixes.
Maths: We will be completing our unit on money considering problem solving and reasoning.
RE: Salvation - we will be sequencing the events of Holy Week.
Geography: As part of our Florence Nightingale unit the children will be creating a leaflet on the culture, geography and history of Turkey
Science: Human and animal life cycles. We will be looking at the stages in the life cycle of a chicken.
Welcome back, we are now entering the second half of the year and working hard. There is lots to look forward to in the coming months but foremost in our minds is next week's church service lead by year 2. We would love to see as many of you attend as the children have been practising their songs and readings.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 4 but will resume before the end of Year 2 - you will be notified when it is Year 2's turn again.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
Wednesday 1st March. You are very welcome to come along to watch your child(ren).
World Book Day: Thursday 2nd March. Please see separate email regarding competitions and events. Don't forget to come dressed as a character from a book. You are also invited to bring in a book of your choice for the 'stop, drop and read' sessions.
PE: This will be on Friday's term.
Our learning next term
English: Using our class reader - The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas the children will be describing characters and settings with the focus on using apostrophes in contractions.
Maths: Next week will be concentrating on assessing their understanding of problem solving and reasoning questions.
RE: Salvation - we will contemplate why Easter matters to Christians.
Geography: As part of our Florence Nightingale unit the children will be identifying where Crimea and Turkey are on a map and considering their similarities and differences to the UK.
Science: Human and animal life cycles. We will have our first (human) guest to visit the children.
We made it through the coldest darkest term and hopefully can look forward to the warmer spring term. We hope you have a lovely restful half term whatever you are doing and we will see you back on Monday 20th February.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place during term 4 but will resume before the end of Year 2 - you will be notified when it is Year 2's turn again.
Forest School: Year 2 WILL NOT be doing Forest School this term.
Church Service:
Please note that Year 2's church service where your child will be performing on the class value of PEACE is on Wednesday 1st March. You are very welcome to come along to watch your child(ren).
PE: This will be on Friday's next term.
Our learning next term
English: Next term we will be looking at a new class reader - The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas
Maths: In Maths we begin our unit on money including recognising coins and notes, adding and subtracting money and answer reasoning and problem solving questions. We will also be assessing their learning from terms 1, 2 & 3.
RE: Salvation - we will be beginning our countdown to Easter.
Science: Human and animal life cycles. We will have a few surprise guests for the children too!
We have had an exciting end to our week with the 'big burn' of our own Great Fire of London models. The children discussed how the fire started, what materials their models were made of and the weather conditions in September 1666 compared to today. We then went outside with Mr Strand to recreate the streets of London. We grouped the houses into streets of 8-10 houses and waited. It didn't take too long before we spotted smoke appearing amongst the 'timber framed' building and not before long flames began to appear. Many of us were surprised at how quickly the fire took hold and before long all that remained were the smouldering ashes. Afterwards we all made our way to the outdoor classroom to reflect on our experience and how we thought the people of 1666 would have felt.
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place this term.
Forest School: Please remember to bring in appropriate clothing and footwear as well as your child's school uniform. Next week will be invite only so please look out for the email to see if your child has been selected for the extra session.
Church Service: Our next church service date is now Wednesday 8th February.
Please note that Year 2's church service where your child will be performing on the class value of PEACE is on Wednesday 1st March. You are very welcome to come along to watch your child(ren).
PE: This will be on Friday's this term.
Our learning next term
English: The children will be recounting their exciting 'great burn' experience focusing on adverbs and past tenses. They will then complete their Great Fire of London learning with a final summary of all that they have learnt this term.
Maths: Linked to E-safety day the children will be discussing their favourite online computer game and then using this to make tallys and creating a pictogram.
RE: The children will be consolidating all their learning on Islam for term's one and three and recalling what they have learnt.
Science: working with materials, how do they change shape and how can they be manipulated?
Thank you to all of you who have brought in your Tudor house. We have extended the deadline to Thursday 2nd February so a few more days to get creative!
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place this term.
Forest School: Please remember to bring in appropriate clothing and footwear as well as your child's school uniform. Next week is 2Cs turn.
Church Service: Our next church service date has changed and is now Wednesday 8th February. Please check the main newsletter for further details.
Please note that Year 2's church service where your child will be performing on the class value of PEACE is on Wednesday 1st March. You are very welcome to come along to watch your child(ren).
PE: This will be on Friday's this term.
Our learning next term
English: We will be considering Londoners as refugees and imagining that they were in the Great Fire of London. What would they have needed to take with them? The children will be concentrating on writing lists using commas. They will then use this list to write an informal letter detailing their experience of the fire and what possessions they managed to save.
Maths: Thinking Mathematically the children will further their understanding of multiplication and division by looking at 5 & 10 x tables and their related division. We will be looking at how we can apply this to problem solving questions Well done those of you using Times Table Rock Stars, it has been a great start.. Keep it up!
Design Technology: We will continue practise how to thread a needle and make simple stitches on binca material. The children really enjoyed starting this week and we already have some amazing sewers!
RE: The children will be discussing how Muslims show compassion and then as a class attempting to create a Islamic inspire mindfulness picture.
Science: Continuing to understand materials the children will investigate which material will be best to block a hole in a bucket!
It's been a busy and productive week. 2C had fun outside during their first Forest Day of the year. Despite the chilly weather they enjoyed listening out and trying to spot what birds were in the area. Some of us also had fun at the Beacon multi skills afternoon. The children were a credit to the school showing maturity and leadership skills - well done!
Important notices
Swimming: Will not take place this term.
Forest School: Please remember to bring in appropriate clothing and footwear as well as your child's school uniform. Next week is 2Ms turn.
Church Service: Our next church service is this Wednesday 1st February.
Please note that Year 2's church service where your child will be performing on the class value of PEACE is on Wednesday 1st March. You are very welcome to come along to watch your child(ren).
PE: This will be on Friday's this term.
Our learning next term
English: This week the children will be looking at the diary of Samuel Pepys. They will be understanding what we can learn from a diary then pretending to be Mr Pepys and writing their own Great Fire of London diaries concentrating on past tense verbs
Maths: We will continue with our unit on multiplication, expanding our knowledge of grouping equally. We will then begin to experiment with sharing and discover that this is what we mean by division. Thank you to those of you who have begun the Time Table Rock Star challenges. Keep it up!
Design Technology: We will begin to think about sewing as going forward the children will be designing and creating their own puppet. Next week we will begin to explore and practise how to thread a needle and make simple stitches on paper and/or material.
RE: We are going to look at how Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr
Science: Looking at materials used to make building in 1666 we will further explore materials in modern building and consider the materials found in the school building and if modern buildings are safer than 17th century buildings.
We are now back into the swing of school life and have completed our first 5 day week. 2M have thoroughly enjoyed their first Forest School of Year 2 and despite the wet and windy weather had a fantastic time. We have added a few photos of their muddy explorations!
Important notices
Multi skills: If your child has been selected for this year's multi skills afternoon at Beacon could we please remind you to return their signed letter of authorisation. If any parents are able to volunteer for 15 minutes to help walk them down to the school we would really appreciate it. Unfortunately because we are restricted with numbers we can only have 2 members of staff and one already selected volunteer to stay with the children. Please remember to collect them at 3:30pm FROM BEACON ACADEMY.
Swimming: Will not take place this term.
Forest School: Please remember to bring in appropriate clothing and footwear as well as your child's school uniform. Next week is 2Cs turn.
Church Service: Our next church service is this Wednesday 1st February.
Please note that Year 2's church service where your child will be performing on the class value of PEACE is on Wednesday 1st March. You are very welcome to come along to watch your child(ren).
PE: This will be on Friday's this term.
Our learning next term
English: This week the children will be sequencing the events of the Great Fire of London and recounting the events. In grammar we will be focusing on how to use exclamation marks. We will then be looking at questioning and how to write open questions.
Maths: We will continue with our unit on multiplication, expanding our knowledge of grouping equally. We will then begin to experiment with sharing and discover that this is what we mean by division. Thank you to those of you who have begun the Time Table Rock Star challenges. Keep it up!
Computing: We will continue to look at our coding curriculum using Espresso coding.
RE: Returning to Islam we will be looking at Ramadan and why Muslims celebrate the festival linking it to the phases of the moon.
Science: Developing further our understanding of properties of material the children will be linking their learning to the Great Fire of London and considering how the fire started and then spread by discussing what flammable means.
Welcome back to another year and another term. Please note that the children will be attending Forest School this term so look out for the email detailing which session your child will be attending. If you are able to volunteer on a Thursday morning or afternoon could you please let you class teacher know (even if it is just for one day.) We are starting our new 'Emergency Services' unit which includes the Great Fire of London. Can we please refer you to the 'Home Learning' page where we have detailed the exciting 'big project'. This is due in a little earlier that usual as we need this for the finale of the project - the great burn! More details to follow.
Important notices
Home learning: Please also click on the home learning icon for this week's new spelling and the new Maths termly challenge.
Swimming: Will not take place this term.
Forest School: Please remember to bring in appropriate clothing and footwear as well as your child's school uniform.
Church Service: Our next church service is this Wednesday 11th January.
PE: This will be on Friday's this term.
Our learning next term
English: This term's English is linked to The Great Fire of London. The children will be delving into Vlad and the Great Fire of London. This week we will be looking at verbs and adverbs in the story and developing our own poem based on this
Maths: We will begin our unit on multiplication and division. We will be looking at equal groups, how to add equal groups and recognising the multiplication symbol.
Computing: We will continue to look at our coding curriculum.
RE: Returning to Islam we will be looking at how they use stories to discuss morals.
Science: This term we are starting our Materials unit and revisiting what we learnt last year and identify and naming properties of materials.
Geography: Linking with The Great Fire of London we will be looking at a grid map of London to locate and describe a location.
What a full and exciting week, well done for those of you who managed to be in for four days or one day, we really appreciate it. We've struggled in through colds and snow but through it all the children have remained happy and enchanted in their excitement for the Christmas festivities.
We would like to say a big thank you for those of you who have been so generous with your gifts and card. We appreciate each and every one and do not take them for granted.
We want to wish you all an amazing Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year.
We will see you all again on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
Mrs Miller, Mrs Crumbie, Mrs Birkby and Miss Crush.
Such a busy week, thank you so much for you support at both the nativity, Father Christmas and the fair. We have put as many photos as we can below.
Important notices
Church: End of Term service - please arrive usual church time on Thursday 15th December.
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings, a Maths challenge and this term’s ‘big project’.
Swimming: Will not take place this term due to time needed for the Nativity. We will confirm to you when your next sessions are at a later date.
Our learning next week
Next week we will be completing all units and reflecting on what we have learnt.
The dress rehearsals have been a marvellous success and we're really looking forward to seeing you all on either Monday or Tuesday to show you what we have been doing over the past few weeks.
Important notices
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings, a Maths challenge and this term’s ‘big project’.
Swimming: Will not take place this term due to time needed for the Nativity. We will confirm to you when your next sessions are at a later date.
2C parent attending on Monday 5th December 2pm - 2 - 3pm
2M parent attending on Tuesday 6th December 9:30am - 10:30am
Father Christmas: Wednesday 7th December - you may wear a Christmas jumper too!
Christmas Fair: Friday 9th December
Our learning next term
English: Looking at our class reader 'Leaf' the children will be considering how to ask a question and then writing a diary where the children will pretend to be the character Leaf and recounting what adventures have happened to him in the story.
Maths: Looking at faces, edges and vertices in 3d shapes. We will also be considering how we know if a Maths problem is an addition or subtraction equation.
Computing: We will return to look at our coding curriculum.
RE: Why does Christmas matter to Christians? This week we will be discussing why Christians enjoy Carols at Christmas and will listen to a few examples. What adjectives can we think of when we listen to these songs?
What a fantastic afternoon with zoolab. The children had so much fun looking at different creatures and were a credit to the school. Please look below where we have published some of the photos.
Important notices
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings, a Maths challenge and this term’s ‘big project’.
Swimming: Will not take place this term due to time needed for the Nativity. We will confirm to you when your next sessions are at a later date.
2C parent attending on Monday 5th December 2pm - 2 - 3pm
2M parent attending on Tuesday 6th December 9:30am - 10:30am
Father Christmas: Wednesday 7th December
Christmas Fair: Friday 9th December
Our learning next term
English: We will be writing recounts based on our Zoolab visit.
Maths: When to exchange when adding 2 digit numbers and methods for subtracting two digit numbers. We will also begin to look at symmetry in shapes.
Nativity: Our rehearsals coming along nicely, please remember to continue to practise your words. We will need ALL costumes in by Monday 28th November.
RE: Why does Christmas matter to Christians? This week we're looking at understanding ways in which Christians use the nativity story in churches.
We had fun meeting Slinky the snake, Twinkle Toes the Millipede, Echo the Gecko, Turbo the giant snail and Rose the Tarantula.
We've had such great week starting with the library visit which was such fun thanks to the hilarious Henry who explained to the children the function of a library, the difference between a library and a book shop and what kinds of books you can find in a library. The school was given a year 2 library card so the children were able to borrow a book which we have kept in the classroom. They have enjoyed reading these books and are now swapping them with some of their class friends. Don't forget that the library is free and they encourage you all to make a trip with your child to join up at anytime. We ended the week with dress down day for Children in Need, thank you so much for your kind donations to our Christmas Fair.
Important notices
Parent Book Look: We are looking forward to seeing as many of you who are able to come into class on Monday 21st November at 2.30pm. This is a lovely opportunity for your child to show you what they have done particularly in Maths and English and your child's teacher will be available if you have any questions.
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as some new Maths challenges. We will post the 'big project' next week.
Swimming: Will not take place this term due to time needed for the Nativity. We will confirm to you when your next sessions are at a later date.
Zoolab: Please refer to the email which will have been sent to you today - Friday 25th November. Can we remind you to register and pay for this on parentpay.
2C parent attending on Monday 5th December 2pm - 2 - 3pm
2M parent attending on Tuesday 6th December 9:30am - 10:30am
Father Christmas: Wednesday 7th December
Christmas Fair: Friday 9th December
Our learning next term
English: Returning to our class read Leaf the children will be discussing how the character's feel using the correct tense in their writing.
Maths: We will continue with addition and subtraction - adding in 10s and subtracting 2 digits from a 2 digit number.
Nativity: Our rehearsals are well under way, please remember to practise your words ready to use without your prompt sheets next week.
RE: Why does Christmas matter to Christians? Why do we think Jesus may be thought of as a King?
Can we please direct you to your child's contact books this week. Along with the usual spelling sheet you will find a note outlining your child's costume for their Nativity along with highlighted parts of the script if your child has to learn some of the line. If you have any questions regarding any of this please speak to your class teacher at the beginning or end of the day or if you are unable to speak to us then please email the office who will forward your question on to us.
Important notices
Year Group visit to the Library: This will take place on Monday 14th November. We are really looking forward to this trip. Thank you so much for all of you who have volunteered to join us. We will proceed to the library as soon as we have completed the register in the morning.
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as some new Maths challenges. We will post the 'big project' next week.
Swimming: Will not take place this term due to time needed for the Nativity. We will confirm to you when your next sessions are at a later date.
Zoolab: Please refer to the email which will have been sent to you today - Friday 25th November
Father Christmas: Wednesday 7th December
Christmas Fair: Friday 9th December
Our learning next term
English: This week the children will be recounting their trip to the library and editing their work
Maths: We will be looking subracting 1 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers by exchanging
Nativity: We will begin our rehearsals which will take up a lot of our time over the next few weeks, please keep practising those lines!
RE: Why does Christmas matter to Christians? We will be looking at what makes a King
Welcome back to term 2 - The Christmas Term as we like to call it. We have started to dip our toe in the water regarding the nativity and correspondence will be out to you as soon as we've firmed up dates and details. At present we can confirm that the performances will be week of the 5th December (the penultimate week of term). Once we have the definite dates and times we will of course forward this on to you. We will also allocate the children's parts next week and you will be notified in your child's contact books what part they are playing and the costume they will need.
Important notices
Year Group visit to the Library: This will take place on Monday 14th November as part of our English curriculum, the children will also be playing Geography 'eye spy' along the route looking for Physical and Human features of Crowborough. If you are able to volunteer to assist with this trip and are able to attend please speak to your class teacher if you have not already done so.
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as some new Maths challenges. We will post the 'big project' next week.
Swimming: Will not take place this term due to time needed for the Nativity. We will confirm to you when your next sessions are at a later date.
Church: The next Church service will be Wednesday 9th November
Zoolab: Information to follow - Friday 25th November
Father Christmas: Wednesday 7th December
Christmas Fair: Friday 9th December
Our learning next term
English: The term our class reader is Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann. We will be focusing on non-fiction writing particularly information linked to our Science.
Maths: We will be looking at adding and subtracting across 10.
Science: Continuing with animals and their habitats we will be looking at conditions animals need to live in to survive.
History: Continuing to look at time lines we will be ordering castle styles in their chronological order.
RE: Why does Christmas matter to Christians? We will be looking at what characters make up the Nativity story.
Computing: How to navigate our way around a tablet safely. The children will begin their journey into the world of coding.
Wow, what a busy but fun week. Celebrating the culture and language of Mexico and the USA year 2 have immersed themselves in the art, food, geography, music and language of these fascinating counties. We will put as many photos up as we can this week but if we run out of time we will add some more next week. We hope that they had an enjoyable time. As Teddy in 2M said, it was the "best week ever!"
Important notices
Spelling Test: due to Culture and Language week the children did not have their weekly spelling test so this weeks words will roll over until next week.
House Group Day: Will take place on the last day of term when the children come to school in their PE colours. We will send their PE bags home beforehand so that you have them for the morning. The day will be full of fun activities and lunch which they will share with other year groups across the school who are in their house.
Year Group visit to the Library: This will take place on Monday 14th November as part of our English curriculum, the children will also be playing Geography 'eye spy' along the route looking for Physical and Human features of Crowborough. If you are able to volunteer to assist with this trip and are able to attend please speak to your class teacher if you have not already done so.
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as the full detail of this term's big project. Thank you to all of you who have already sent in your 'big project' please remember we would like as many in by Monday 17th October.
Swimming: Will be on Wednesday's this term.
Church: The next Church service will be Wednesday 9th November
Our learning next term
English: The children will complete the story of The Fox and the Star and retell the story in their own words. We will be looking in particular at when we use exclamation marks in our writing.
Maths: Looking at fact families and related facts e.g. if 3 + 8 = 11 then 11 - 8 = 3 and 11 - 3 = 8. We will also be relating number bonds to 10 to number bonds to 100.
Science: We will discuss and investigate which habitat woodlice prefer.
History: We will look at the history and founding of Mexico or USA
Art: We will be completing our Gustav Klimt paintings.
RE: The children will be discovering the meaning behind Muhammed's stories
Computing: In preparation for next term the children will be discussing their understanding of e-safety.
We've had a busy week, please do look at the photos below where you will see the children exploring outside looking for micro-habitats, pretending to be Fox from The Fox and the Star and recreating the school and classrooms as part of their Geography topic aerial photography and 'plan perspective'.
Important notices
Culture and Language Week: We are all very excited to be spending a whole week diving into our chosen countries. As a reminder 2C are exploring Mexico and 2M the USA.
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as the full detail of this term's big project. Thank you to all of you who have already sent in your 'big project' please remember we would like as many in by Monday 17th October.
Swimming: Will be on Wednesday's this term.
Church: The next Church service will be Wednesday 9th November
Our learning next term
Maths: This week we will be looking at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s but we will also be leaping into the world of counting in 3s.
Geography: The children will be exploring the Geography of Mexico or USA looking at the physical and human features. We will be labelling a map and researching some fun facts.
History: We will look at the history and founding of Mexico or USA
Art: Each class will be discovering and recreating art from their chosen country. 2C will be looking at the work of Frida Khalo and 2M Jackson Pollock.
DT: Each class will be creating food from their chosen country. Please let your class teacher know if there are any allergies that we need to be aware of.
RE: The children will be discovering who the Prophet Mohammed is.
Next week the school will be celebrating the culture and language of a variety of different countries across the world. Each class has chosen a country to explore and celebrate. Year 2 will be concentrating on the following countries so if you and your child would like to do some additional research at home we would love to see what you have done.
2C - Mexico 2M - USA
Thank you with your patience as we navigate the new swimming schedule. We will continue to swim every Wednesday across the year group but will move PE back to Friday afternoons so that the children get the full benefit of the PE curriculum.
Important notices
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as the full detail of this term's big project.
Swimming: Will be on Wednesday's this term.
Church: The next Church service will be our Harvest Festival on Wednesday 5th October.
Our learning next term
English: Continuing to explore the wonderful book The Fox and the Star the children will be predicting what happens next. They will be getting in touch with their creative side as they role play the part of Fox as we consider how he feels.
Guided Reading: The children are considering the meanings of words and answering comprehension questions on a text. This is being done as a whole class experience but will eventually develop into an independent activity. This term we are looking at the Katie Morag series of books by Mairi Hederwick.
Maths: Are we brave enough to estimate a number? The children will be attempting this as we look at number lines. We will also continue with place value and writing numbers to 100 in an expanded form.
Geography: The children will be introduced to aerial photographs and plan perspectives as they attempted to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features of the area around the school.
History: Using a time line of real historic events including when Sir Henry Fermor School was founded.
Science: We are investigating micro habitats in the forest area.
RE: We will be thinking about the Muslims represent the image of Allah with art.
Even though it's been a shorter week we've been very busy and the children have worked really hard. Despite the weather turning colder and wetter we will still endeavour to go out as much as possible so can we please remind you to make sure your child has a coat and suitable footwear at all times. Could we also remind you that PE kit needs to remain in school until half term as we experiment with PE and swimming schedules.
Important notices
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published as well as the full detail of this term's big project.
Swimming: Will be on Wednesday's this term.
Church: The next Church service will be our Harvest Festival on Wednesday 5th October.
Our learning next term
English: Digging deep into our new reader The Fox and the Star we will be putting Fox in the hot seat asking questions about his friend Star.
Maths: Continuing with our place value we will also be exploring greater than and more than and recapping what we mean by odd and even numbers.
Geography: The children will be introduced to aerial photographs and plan perspectives as they attempted to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features of the area around the school.
Science: Understanding what a habitat is. Looking at habitats as a home for an animal and a plant and considering the environments that dictate these habitats.
RE: We will be thinking about the many names for God/Allah.
We have had a busy and productive week and the children have really settled into the routines of Year 2. Thank you for all your positive comments at the start of term. Please remember that we will be closed next Monday 19th September in respect of her Majesty the Queen's funeral.
Important notices
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details, you will find this week's spellings published there.
Swimming: Will be on Wednesday's this term.
PE: PE will also be on Wednesdays until further notice. This term's sport will be team building games, we will be outside as much as possible so please can the children bring in tracksuit bottoms as the weather is unpredictable.
Our learning next term
English: We will be describe the setting of our new book The Fox and the Star using expanded noun phrases.
Maths: Recapping on recognising tens and ones revisiting our number bonds to 20. We will also practise partitioning two digit numbers to 50.
Geography: We will be learning new Geographic language and looking at the location and landscape of Crowborough.
Science: No science this week due to the bank holiday.
RE: Discussing the fact the fact that Muslims call God Allah.
Welcome to the first newsletter of this academic year. We all hope you have had a restful summer and are ready for this next chapter.
It is always a daunting prospect starting a new year with an unfamiliar class room and new routines to navigate. For most there have been new teachers or teacher assistants to get to know but the children have adapted brilliantly.
In class we have started to reacquaint the children with their new timetable and curriculum:
Important notices
Home learning: Please click on the home learning icon for further details.
Swimming: Will be on Wednesday's this term.
PE: PE will be on Wednesdays. This term's sport will be team building games, we will be outside as much as possible so please can the children bring in tracksuit bottoms as the weather is unpredictable.
Our learning next term
English: We will be refreshing our knowledge of nouns, verbs and adjectives by looking at some interesting pictures.
Maths: We will be assessing their arithmetic and problem solving skills.
History: We will be looking at timelines and sequencing our timeline up to and including our first week in Year 2.
Geography: We will be learning new Geographic language and looking at the location and landscape of Crowborough.
Science: We will decide how we know if someone is alive, has never been alive or is not alive.
RE: We will be starting our termly topic of Islam discussing what if anything we know about this world religion.
Friday 24th September 2021
Welcome to the first newsletter of this academic year. We all hope you have had a restful summer and are ready for this next chapter.
It is always a daunting prospect starting a new year with an unfamiliar class room and new routines to navigate. For most there have been new teachers or teacher assistants to get to know but the children have adapted brilliantly. In particular we would like to welcome the new children who have started with us this term, they have been amazing and although understandably nervous on day one they have settled really well and are already making friends and learning the Fermor routines. Well done everyone for making them so welcome!
In class we have started to reacquaint the children with their new timetable and curriculum:
We began the week by talking about our summer holidays and sharing with the class where in the United Kingdom we have travelled to. The children then identified on a map where they had been and wrote a few sentences about their summer. This links well with our Geography topic but also consolidated the UK work they did last year. We have also been introduced to the Katie Morag stories. The children were able to predict what they thought would happen in the first story ‘Katie Morag Delivers the Mail’ and as part of their guided reading lessons we were identifying and clarifying the meaning of new words in the text. We also revisited nouns and adjectives as we began to described the Isles of Struay. Next week we will continue to explore the books of Katie Morag and develop our knowledge of nouns and adjectives eventually moving on to expanded noun phrases later in the term.
This week has all been about consolidating the children’s place value knowledge. We have had lots of fun with manipulatives including diens bricks and bead strings trying to find new and innovative ways to make two digit numbers. We have also been reminding ourselves how to count in twos, fives and tens. At the end of the week we began to work as a whole class looking at how to read a variety of Maths questions. Next week will be focusing on assessing what they have remembered from last year and this will inform the planning for the remainder of the term.
We had fun in the sun this week as we began our topic of living things and their habitats. We went out into our wooded area to explore what living things, dead things and none living things we could find and then sorted them into categories back in our classrooms. We had much fun trying to decide whether a feather was living or dead or if a twig was dead once it fell off the tree. Next week we will continue this theme and will examine some of the different habitats of animals and plants.
We began this term's topic Time Team by comparing the aerial views of Crowborough and the Isle of Coll which is the inspiration for Katie Morag's Isle of Struay. We used Google Earth to find Crowborough and had fun trying to find the school and All Saints Church which we had been to that morning. The children also challenged themselves to remember the four countries that make up the UK.
Please make a note to look at the letter regarding swimming. Children will need to bring in their swimming costume/shorts, hat, towel and goggles (if the children wish). The first lesson is with 2M on Tuesday 14th September. (2J will be the following week). If you are able to volunteer to support and help with this please can you let the office know.
Walk into Crowborough - Wednesday 22nd September from 1:30pm
Finally we have sent you a letter regarding the year 2 walk into Crowborough as part of this term's topic. We would really appreciate some helpers to support us and the children as they walk into and back to town. Please could you let your class teacher or the office know as soon as possible if you are able to help us in this regard.
The children have worked really hard this week so we hope that they and you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday.
Best wishes
The Year Two Team.
Our first newsletter for this academic year will go live on Friday 10th September. Please check back then to see what interesting and exciting things the children have been doing during their first full week back.
Swimming will start next week (week beginning 13th September) and the Year 2 swimming day is Tuesday, running alternate weeks for each class. Please ensure that your children have a full swimming kit to include a swimming costume/ shorts, a towel, a hat and if your child would like goggles please send these also.
You will receive a letter to remind you about the dates that each class are in the pool.
Year 2 have been very busy this week! We have finished our marvellous wheeled vehicles, following our plan carefully. Thank you for all the junk bought in so that the children could achieve their creation! We have also been able to watch the James and the Giant Peach film to sum up our learning in English this term! We had an exciting visit from author David Fuller and had a snippet of one of his stories, starring the main character Alfie Jones!
As you know, we have had our sports week this week and we have had a fantastic time taking part in various sporting activities! We started the week with the Sussex games on the field, learning and trying different games like 'under and over' and a assault course challenge! We then had a HIIT workout in the hall. On Wednesday it was our swimming gala, which was a fantastic event and everyone tried really hard! Finally we ended the week with our sports day and the daily mile challenge!
We are beginning our exciting DT project next week, can we kindly ask for your child to be sent into school with a variety of junk modelling materials to create their vehicle!
This week we have continued with part to of the story Lakshmi and the Washerwoman. We had a go at clarifying any words we did not know by ourselves and noting these down to look up in a dictionary later. We then wrote a couple of our own comprehension questions, predicted what the sequel to this story might be and then summarised what had happened. We also had a go at sequencing the story.
We have been continuing subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number using number-lines and then solving the problems mentally using the column subtraction method. We have also learnt how to tell the time to quarter to the hour.
We have been learning about some 20th century explorers: Jessica Watson, David de Rothchild and Ellen MacArthur. We looked at their early life and their exciting explorations! We then wrote about our favourite 20th century explorer and why.
We have been diving deeper into the continent of Asia, by learning about the country India. We found India on the globe and then learnt about ways of life in India and looked at some pictures. After that, we wrote about some similarities between India and a country in Europe using conjunctions.
Transition morning - Monday 12th July
There will be no forest school for either class on Tuesday 13th July.
This week we have been continuing our learning on poetry. We had a look at the features of a listed poem and how they have numbers and repeat until the end. We used our prior knowledge of mini-beasts and chose one we would like to write a poem about. We mind mapped ideas for adjectives and verbs related to the mini-beast of our choosing and wrote our own poem about it using these words. Next week we will be sequencing stories and reading the next part of Lakshmi and the Washer woman.
We have been continuing how to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number using tens and ones and number-lines. We learnt how to subtract doing more than one jump at a time using our tens and ones knowledge. We have also continued learning about time and how to tell the time to quarter past. Next week we will continue with subtraction and will be learning how to tell the time to quarter to the hour.
We have been busy preparing for Sports Day this week and making sure we have practised all the activities ahead of Wednesday! We also took part in the charity day hour group challenge and had t try and throw five bean bags in a bucket! We have raised lots of money for the wonderful charity NSPCC.
Sports week: Week beginning 5th July
Sports day: Wednesday 7th July
Swimming gala for all of year 2: Wednesday 7th July
Transition morning - Monday 12th July
Forest school for both classes - Tuesday 13th July - 2J in the AM, 2N in the PM.