All of our meals are prepared and cooked on our premises by Chartwell cooks. The meals are varied, can meet most dietary requirements and and the menu changes regularly to ensure the children receive healthy, balanced and interesting meals.
The 'Master Chef' style cookery competition was a huge success and the children were very excited to be involved.
In just 15 minutes, the Green Team prepared and cooked Mexican Bean Burrito with Tomato and Cucumber Salsa, whilst the Red Team prepared and cooked Thai Green Curry with Aromatic Rice.
The twelve food tasters gave their critiques and the school voted for the Mexican Bean Burrito with Tomato and Cucumber Salsa, however Mrs Strand thought the Thai Green Curry with Aromatic Rice was absolutely delicious!
Please book school dinners using Parent Pay, before 8:00am on the day. Packed lunches must include a drink, no sweets or chocolate or fizzy drinks. Please do not send any glass containers into school.
Children can bring a piece of fruit for their morning snack.
All meals booked through the parent pay website will be e-mailed directly to the kitchen. If you haven’t managed to book online before the cut off period, we would ask you to provide a packed lunch for your child.
If you need financial support, you can apply for Free School Meals. Please click here to apply.
If your child has an allergy or special dietary requirement, then please ask the office for a Special Dietary Form.