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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Weekly Newsletter

To all the children and families in Year 3 2023 - 24

The Year 3 team would like to say a massive...


...for all our lovely treats and presents.  We are extremely grateful and wish you all a happy summer holiday!


Term 6, Week 5

Well done, Year 3s! We have had a delightful week. We started off by discovering our exciting new Year 4 teachers, culminating in meeting them on Thursday for our induction morning.

Change can be daunting, and we understand this. Please talk to your trusted adults to help navigate your feelings. We can provide you with strategies to support you through these changes. Remember, we understand and are here to help—you are not alone.

This week, the children have continued to work diligently, learning more about shapes and fractions. Next week in Maths, we will recap addition and subtraction involving three-digit numbers.

In English, the children have been learning how to write instructions on creating a Parthenon. Next week, we will continue our investigations into writing instructions.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Term 6, Week 4. 

This week, the children have done a fantastic job with their assessments. Well done to all of you! We are so proud of your hard work.

In English, the students have been writing letters to their future Year 4 teachers, introducing themselves and expressing their excitement about moving up.

In DT (Design and Technology), they have been finishing their Parthenon models and delving further into the history of Ancient Greece. They even learned about Alexander the Great—why do you think he's called that?

Next week, we will be recapping shapes in maths and exploring instructions in English.

A few reminders as not all children are bringing these in:

  • Sun cream and hats
  • Water bottles
  • Swimming for 3AJ

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!

Term 6 Week 3. SPORTS WEEK!


We are excited to share with you the fantastic activities and achievements from our recent Sports Week in Year 3. Here's a recap of the fun-filled week:

  • Monday: We kicked off Sports Week with an energetic morning of football. The children showed great enthusiasm and sportsmanship while honing their football skills.
  • Tuesday: It was a skipping extravaganza with the fantastic team from Skip to be Fit! The children jumped, skipped, and laughed their way through an active and enjoyable day.
  • Wednesday: Sports Day was a highlight of the week, and we were thrilled to see all the children participate with such enthusiasm and determination. They showcased their athletic talents and cheered each other on throughout the day.
  • Thursday: The excitement continued with our Strike a Light event; a thrilling game similar to whack-a-mole. The children had a blast testing their reflexes and coordination in this engaging activity.
  • Friday: We wrapped up Sports Week with a splash during our Aquathon in the afternoon. The children had a fantastic time swimming and running around the school! Well, done to almost all of 3MJ who took part and those of you in 3AJ who also took part! You all did fantastically well done!

Throughout the week, we witnessed incredible teamwork, sportsmanship, and a true love for physical activity from all our Year 3 students. We are immensely proud of their achievements and the positive attitudes they displayed during each event.

Thank you to all the parents and guardians for your support and encouragement throughout Sports Week. We look forward to continuing to foster a love for sports and fitness in our students throughout the school year.

Next week we continue assessment week, final stretch until we are finished! Keep it up you are all doing brilliantly.

Term 6 Week 2 

Well done, Year 3!

Another week is complete, and they have worked hard finishing their units on mass and capacity. Next week, we will continue to look at shapes.

In English, the children have written their own endings to "Leo and the Gorgon's Curse." Next week, they will be writing recounts of Sports Week.

Sports Week Notices:

  • Monday and Tuesday: The children are allowed to come to school in their own sports clothes. Please note, no football shirts or kits are permitted; this has been explained to both classes.
  • Wednesday: They must wear their PE kits. This is to be within their house groups to foster a team spirit.
  • Friday Afternoon: The Aquathlon is scheduled. If your child has signed up for it, please ensure they bring their swimming kits.

Additionally, some children are still coming to school without water bottles. As the weather will start to get warmer, please ensure they have a water bottle with them throughout the day.

Good luck to all of Year 3 during Sports Week! I am sure they will do brilliantly.

Swimming Next Week:

Class 3AJ will have swimming next week. Thank you to those who have volunteered. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch with the office.

Term 6 Week 1. 


What a great first week back! The students have started some interesting topics. In history, we have begun studying Alexander the Great by looking at King Philip of Macedon. In science, we have explored different parts of the tooth. In RE, we are discussing what is wrong in the world, which has led to topics of prejudice that we have briefly touched on.

In English this week, we are exploring the world of Leo and the Gorgon's Curse, focusing on how we can describe a setting and a person, using key words to describe characteristics, behaviors, and appearances.

In maths, we have continued with mass and capacity while also looking at shapes on Fridays.

3MJ will have their swimming week next week. A big thank you to the last-minute volunteers; this means that swimming can go ahead for this term.

Please continue to inform us about any incidents of lice, even if they have been treated. That would be fantastic.

As a reminder, it is starting to get warmer, so the children must have water bottles, sun hats, sun lotion, and a jacket just in case it gets cold.

Thank you. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Coming into Term 6.

We hope you all had a fabulous half-term break!

As we approach the final stretch before the summer, here are some important reminders as the weather gets warmer:

  • Sun Protection: Ensure the children have sun hats and sun cream with them every day.
  • Hydration: Make sure the children bring water bottles every day to keep them hydrated during learning time.
  • Healthy Lunches: Please do not include sweets in their lunch boxes.
  • Home Learning: Look out for our home learning projects; you will need recycled materials for DT (Design and Technology) projects this term.

For the first week, swimming lessons are scheduled for class 3AJ. If anyone would like to volunteer for our Tuesday swimming days, please contact the school. We are always looking for people to help out and support the children throughout the term.

We look forward to seeing you all soon and apologize for the delays in the newsletters.

Friday 18th May 2024 Week 5.

This week, the lovely Year 3s have explored how Christians spread love through the community and how this love can extend across the world. Please encourage the children to spread the love by picking up little when you see it.

They are all excited to write their own Greek myths next week, following their work on playwriting acting out scripts and learning about The Odyssey in history. They will be using their homework to help support them in English to write their own myth.

In Maths next week, the children will be learning about mass and capacity. This exploration will continue into the following term.


  • Please ensure that the children have healthy snacks and lunches, with no sweets. We have noticed a few children bringing sweets in their lunches.
  • Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers. If you are able and willing to help support the classes, please feel free to join in. It is never too late in the year to take part.
  • Homework due in next week is a botanical drawing.

Week 4.


Firstly, I would like to say a massive well done to our lovely swimmers! Well done to all of you and the commitment of the year 3 swimmers arriving at school early to practice these last few weeks has really shown! Our school came 3rd and they all had a lovely time and gave it their all! 

We are doing our best to finalise a trip; we understand that the anticipation of trips are rather exciting, but unfortunately, we are struggling to get coaches that are affordable within everyone’s budget. We are currently looking at a few other options where all can experience an enjoyable treat. Apologies for the delay; we will put a letter out as soon as things are finalized. 

The children have done wonderful learning this week, which included writing and performing scripts, using the art technique of frottage in art, continuing to excel in statistics in maths, and loving history's Greek topic. 

Thank you all for your homework; they are creeping in, and it is so wonderful to see our favourite heroes, villains, gods, and goddesses! We can’t wait to see the rest of them. Don’t forget that there is one last week for the history fact file; these will be used in our English learning.

 The year three team wishes you a wonderful weekend. Enjoy that sunshine!! Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Week 3 Summer Term.


Apologies for the lack in the weekly newsletter.

Our first few weeks have been amazing, even with our visitors. The children have made great progress in learning, finishing maths and continuing with fractions, including adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Next week, we will commence our new topic on statistics.

We have commenced our new English topic, which ties in with our study of the Greek myths in History. During our class discussions, we have become aware that a few children across both classes are playing Fortnite, a game rated 12+ due to mild violence and online features. If you need any advice or support regarding online gaming, please get in touch or visit our online gaming safeguarding page.

We have been exploring the stories of Perseus and Icarus, which we have thoroughly enjoyed! I wonder, who is your favourite Greek god, villain, or hero?

In Science, we have been studying plants and their seed dispersal mechanisms, germination, and how water travels through the plant. We explored this by using food dye and monitoring every two days the amount of water absorbed by the flowers.

Happy Easter Holidays year 3.

We hope you've been enjoying a wonderful Easter holiday so far! We apologize for the delay in reaching out; we encountered some technical difficulties, but we're back on track now.

As we enter our final week before the break, we're excited to share some highlights of what our students have been up to. It's been a bustling week filled with creativity and learning.

Our students embarked on an exciting journey of creativity, spending their time decorating cards and diving into new topics. It's been heartwarming to witness their enthusiasm and artistic talents shining through.

In Design Technology (DT), the culmination of weeks of hard work was celebrated as our students completed their amazing pneumatic monster toys. The dedication and effort they put into this project truly paid off, and the results were nothing short of fantastic! The classroom was buzzing with excitement as these unique creations came to life.

Additionally, our young advocates have been busy crafting persuasive letters addressed to His Majesty's government and the House of Commons. Their passion for environmental conservation has been inspiring as they call for greater action to protect our oceans. It's empowering to see our students engage with real-world issues and make their voices heard.

As we wrap up this term, we want to extend our gratitude to you, our supportive parents, for your continued involvement and encouragement. Together, we're nurturing the minds and hearts of our future leaders.

Wishing you all a restful and joyful remainder of the Easter break! See you all soon!

Week 5.


Friday 22/03/2024


This week, the lovely Year 3s have been finishing up Time in Maths and exploring persuasive letters in English. Next week, the students will be starting on Money, converting pennies to pounds and using different operations of adding and subtracting within Maths. In English, we will continue with persuasive letters.

As we are finishing up Term 4 next week, we will be creating our monster heads in DT, making Easter decorations, and introducing the next topics for Term 5.


Thank you all for attending the lovely parents' evening. It was great to sit and chat about how your children are doing. If you were not able to see us, please send us an email if you would like to catch up or have any questions for us.


Thank you again to our wonderful volunteers who have helped us this week. It's amazing to see you every week and to have your support. Next week, there will be an Easter egg decoration competition, so please bring in your decorated hard-boiled eggs. Each entry is £1. I wonder who will hop away with the Easter prize!

Science Day!

 Science Day! Friday 15/3.

Such a great way to spend the last day of the week! The children had lots of fun exploring forces and time! It was a day full of experiments and active learning; they learned about the effects of friction and that magnets have different strengths.

This week, the children had great fun learning how to create hanging mobiles in RE as they explored the Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Following this excitement, we have been working on our reading fluency and time in Maths!

We also had a few of our students go to the Royal Albert Hall with the choir to do some beautiful singing and have a fantastic afternoon/night. They didn't return until late but appeared on Wednesday eager to learn! Well done, girls!

Thank you to our lovely helpers once again; it's so nice to see your faces and have that extra pair of hands where needed. A big thank you! If you haven't done so yet, please book in to catch up with us on parents' evening, either Tuesday or Thursday. If you cannot make those dates, let us know, and we can arrange a phone call or an after-school meeting where applicable.

Swimming is on next week for 3AJ, and please remember your PE kits for Thursday. Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 8th March.


This week at school, we have been trying our hardest with our learning, writing our newspaper reports in English, and doing arithmetic in maths. We've enjoyed various fun activities related to World Book Day and explored new areas in the Indus Valley and our coastal landforms. The next time you explore a coastal landform, ask the children if they are at a bay, sand beach, shingle beach, cliff, or headlands.

We also had a fantastic day with lots of joyful activities on Thursday for World Book Day! Well done to our lovely Treehouse from the Treehouse series by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton for the best costume. If you haven’t had a chance to read them yet, Year 3 highly recommends them as we have enjoyed them greatly.

A big thank you to our lovely parent helpers. This week, we have managed to get all of 3AJ into swimmers, and we hope that next week, 3MJ will be just as confident in their swimming!


If you haven't already, please book in to see us at our Parent Consultations; they will be happening on the 19th and 21st of March. We look forward to seeing you all and having a chat about the brilliant work we have been doing. If you are unable to attend these two dates please contact us and we can arrange a separate time. 

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to come see and chat. We always have an open door and are more than happy to chat with you about any concerns.

World Book Day!!


Friday 1st March Term 4. 

Week 2 has come to a close; bring on World Book Day and the delightful activities we have planned! This week, the lovely Year 3s have been working hard across their subjects. Time continues to fly, and we're almost there with it. They're being asked throughout the day what the time is. In English, we've been engrossed in reading "The Iron Man," and the students have crafted some beautiful newspapers about the incident, utilising witness reports to include dialogue in their papers. Who knew Mrs. Birkby and Miss Groves witnessed the incident firsthand!

We also had a fantastic time in RE, where we tried Challah Bread and delved into the exploration of Shabbat. Additionally, we enjoyed watching ocean videos as waves crashed against the coastline, eroding it away. The children actively participated, simulating the transportation of materials in the waves.

Both classes had swimming this week; a heartfelt thank you to our lovely volunteers, especially those who joined us on Monday, which is not our usual day. Everything is set to return to our normal schedule, with 3AJ swimming this week on Tuesday.

Looking ahead, next week is World Book Week.

The children can bring in three books for a book exchange. They'll exchange their books for a token, and on Thursday, they will have the opportunity to use those book tokens to acquire new books from the ones other children have contributed. If you're concerned about missing out, there will be an additional opportunity on Friday for children without book tokens to explore the available books.

We would also like your 'reading in the most unusual places' photos sent in, either electronically via the office or printed for our classroom displays.  In addition, why not participate in the 'Create a book character out of a vegetable' competition to win our WBD text Flooded; check out the mystery reader reading this book on our website. 

On Tuesday morning some of the year group will have the opportunity to visit the Beacon Academy library for collaborative reading sessions with their Year 8 students. We are sorry that we cannot take all the year group but please be assured that there will be further opportunities to link with Beacon throughout their Key Stage 2 journey.

Finally, it's World Book Day on Thursday! Your Year 3 team has collaborated on our costumes, so we hope to see lots of creatively dressed individuals. Get ready to write a review of your favourite book as well as stop, drop and read, teacher swap at story time and much more book related fun!

The trip to the Ghyll!

Welcome back, and what a fabulous start to term 4!

Despite the weather, the children had an amazing trip down to the Ghyll, where we measured the current of the water and explored rivers, leading onto our new topic of coastal processes and land formation. We have kicked off our new English topic on Newspapers. This was initiated this week by having the students write a recap of what they had done in the half term. I wonder what our news writers will headline next.

At the start of term 4, we have begun exploring time. Please support us by encouraging the children to read analogue and digital clocks as much as possible to help build up their understanding and vocabulary, including terms like "quarter to," "quarter past," and "half past."

In other areas of the curriculum, we are delving into magnets and forces in science, the Indus Valley in history, and emotional vocabulary.

A big shoutout to our lovely parent helpers this week! Thank you so much for joining us on the Ghyll trip. Despite the weather, we hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Notifications for next week:

Monday will be 3AJ swimming day. Thanks to those who have said they are able to come and help out. We still need a couple more volunteers for the afternoon swimming session, so if you can assist, please let us know.

3MJ, it is your swimming day on Tuesday. Again, a big thank you to our lovely helpers. Please show your support by volunteering.

After this week, swimming will return to its normal routine, with 3AJ on the following Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Term 3 week 6.

Happy End of Term!!

Woo-hoo! A massive round of applause to each and every one of you for rocking this week with your incredible hard work and dazzling performances! You're all shining stars, and guess what? You've earned those well-deserved Class Fermor awards – go you!

As we bid farewell to Term 3, let's take a moment to celebrate the awesome learning journey we've had. From crafting sculptures in art to unraveling the mysteries of The Neolithic period in history, you've aced it all! Special shoutout to our fantastic RE helpers for their guidance and demonstrations – we don’t know what we have had done without you.

Now, hold onto your backpacks because Term 4 is about to head off to some seriously cool learning adventures! Picture this: a jaw-dropping start with a trip to the Ghyll on the first Thursday back in week 1. And if any parents are free in the morning, we'd much appreciate your help; we're aiming to leave around 9 am.

Take a break, recharge those batteries, and have a wonderful time during the well-deserved half-term break. We can't wait to see your smiling faces when you return, ready for more awesome adventures together!

Term 3 Week 5

Friday 2nd February.


This week has been truly wonderful at our school. We had the pleasure of being captivated by the fabulous author Jordan Scott all the way from Canada. His book delved into the enchanting world of reading with a fluency disorder, likening it to a flowing river with its boulders and physical challenges, especially when reading aloud. The students had the opportunity to engage with the author through a session of insightful questions.

In the realm of Forest School, 3MJ had an enjoyable time learning the art of cooking pancakes outdoors. This engaging activity has set the stage for 3AJ, who will be taking their turn at Forest School next week. The anticipation is high for the adventures that await them.


Excitement filled the air during 3AJ's first swimming lesson with our new instructor, Mrs. Russell. The students exhibited flawless behaviour, making us immensely proud. As we transition to next week, it will be 3MJ's turn to dive into the swimming lessons. We wonder if they will be just as wonderful as their counterparts?


Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the volunteers who generously offer their support. If you have a desire to volunteer with us, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Look out for a message in the contact books today regarding the worship rehearsal scheduled for Monday to see if there is anything that the students need to bring in. We eagerly anticipate your presence on Wednesday at the church to witness the remarkable performance that the children have diligently prepared.

Term 3 Week 4.

Friday 26th January 2024.

This week marked the start of our exciting journey into a new mathematics unit, focusing on fractions. We delved into unit, non-unit, and whole fractions, aiming to enhance our understanding of these fundamental concepts. As part of our home learning, we encourage you to explore various fractions, perhaps incorporating activities like our personal favourite—slicing pizzas.  

Simultaneously, in our English sessions, we used our home learning to create our own non-chronological reports. It's truly inspiring to witness the creativity and effort that each student is putting into this task, and we look forward to the final piece.  

Forest school.

Our Forest School adventure for the week involved 3AJ, where they immersed themselves in the wonders of bird watching. The students had the chance to discover and identify various bird species, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world. Next will 3MJ will be returning to the woods to enjoy their turn at forest school so please remember your outdoor clothing. 

Swimming notices.

Thank you once again for your continued support on Tuesday's swimming lessons, and for our lovely volunteers who have come in to do reading with both classes.  We are going forward going to alternate which class that will be swimming. Therefore, next week will start with 3AJ swimming, please continue your support by volunteering to ensure all the children have this opportunity to swim.  

Friday 19th January.

Sorry for the delay in releasing the weekly newsletter, we had some technical difficulty. 

Math Adventures: 

This week, our students wrapped up their maths learning on multiplication and division. They did a fantastic job! Next up on the agenda: fractions. Get ready for some exciting maths discoveries in the coming week! 

English Explorations: 

In our English sessions, we've been diving into the world of non-chronological reports. The children are really getting into it and will soon be creating their own reports about a local river. It ties in perfectly with our geography studies on rivers, giving them a chance to apply their knowledge in a creative way. 

Swimming Thanks: 

A big thank you to the parents who've been lending a helping hand during our swimming sessions! Your presence has made a real difference. We'd love to keep the swimming sessions going strong every Tuesday afternoon, so your continued support is crucial. If we don't have enough volunteers, we would have to cancel that week’s swimming sessions, so your involvement means a lot. 

Forest School Fun: 

This week, 3MJ had a blast at Forest School. Looking forward to seeing 3AJ's turn next week. These outdoor experiences are not just fun but also contribute a lot to the development of their social skills. 

Dress Code Reminder: 

Just a quick reminder to make sure children have the right clothing for PE, swimming, and Forest School. It makes a big difference in their learning experience and ensures they can fully participate in all the fun activities. 


Thanks again for all your support. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask. We appreciate your partnership in your child's education. 

Friday 12th January.


As we wrap up our second week of term 3, it brings me joy to share that we've had an engaging week of fun learning experiences. 

Academic Highlights: 

In our history classes, students have delved into the fascinating discoveries of Dorothy Garrod, contributing to a week filled with educational excitement. Additionally, it's 3AJ's turn for Forest School, adding an extra layer of hands-on learning. 

New Swimming Pool Policy: 

We'd like to draw your attention to a crucial update regarding our swimming pool policy. In an effort to enhance safety and participation, we are seeking additional helpers for our Tuesday afternoon swimming sessions. For more detailed information on this please contact us. A heartfelt thank you to those who already volunteer; your support is invaluable. If you are only able to volunteer every other week, we wholeheartedly welcome your assistance. It's essential to have a minimum of three volunteers for the entire afternoon to ensure the continuity of swimming sessions; otherwise, regrettably, swimming will have to be cancelled on that day. 

Forest School - Week 3 (3MJ): 

As we approach week 3 of Forest School, scheduled for 3MJ, we kindly request parents to ensure their children come prepared with all necessary Forest School gear, including welly boots and layered clothing, considering the dropping temperatures. 

Art Term - Sculptures: 

This term's focus in art revolves around sculptures. To facilitate a creative session on Monday the 15th, we request parents to send in newspapers with their children. 

Early Bird Learning: 

Our Early Bird Learning program will continue as usual this week. We eagerly anticipate the participation of all students and look forward to seeing those bright and enthusiastic faces. 

Your involvement and support in your child's educational journey are truly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. 

Friday 5th January  

Happy New Year to you all! 

We have all enjoyed our short but busy first week of the new term.  Lots of the learning has focused on promoting metacognitive skills and waking our brains up after the Christmas break; including exploratory play with light boxes and torches in science, investigating water as a stunning start for the topic on 'River Deep, Valley Wide' and research using non-fiction texts. We also are looking forward to the Forest school learning this term which started for 3MJ on Thursday. Please see the curriculum page for further information on what we are learning this term including how you can support your child. 


Important Information 

PE, Forest School, Swimming kits: Please can we ask that all PE kits are back as soon as possible and a reminder that PE is on a Thursday for the class not having forest school and on a Monday if there is forest school that week.  The unit is gymnastics so they will need shorts, T-shirt and bare feet (please inform your child’s teacher if they have a verruca and need to wear trainers). Please ensure that earrings are removed or have tape available to be applied if they have just been pierced as our school policy requires. 

Swimming will continue as previous terms, please make sure that they have the complete kit sent in with named items to avoid the number of previous losses that occurred in terms 2 and 3.  Let your child’s teacher know if you are still awaiting items to be returned. 

Forest school will take place alternate weeks for each class and you will have received a letter about this last term. Please ensure they have the correct kit but welly boots should stay in school in a named carrier bag at all times. 


Early Bird Learning: Please look out for the letters regarding early bird groups as the sessions are changing slightly.  Due to Church attendance   

on Wednesday we are only starting them from Thursday 11th January, so please return the slips for consent as soon as possible. Let your child’s teacher know if there is an issue regarding attendance. 


Art Learning this term: The art learning this term is about sculpture and they will need to bring in some materials some weeks if possible.  This week, they will need one empty cereal box to be brought in by Wednesday please.


Thank you for your continued support. 


Friday 8th December 

Well, while we are steaming towards the end of the term, we have been very busy this week with lots of exciting things happening! On Monday, the children were lucky enough to have another free workshop from Kerry, this time all about volcanoes! We learnt about how they are formed, the different types of volcanoes and then we even got to experience an interactive volcano outside! We then got to make and taste our own soups on Thursday morning and we also had a delicious Christmas lunch from the kitchen (a massive thank you to them for a lovely meal with Christmas songs and festive cheer)! Finally on Friday we had a very exciting visit from a very special person (The big FC himself!- a huge thank you to FoFS for making that happen). We have had a fabulous week and cannot wait for the last week of term- have a wonderful weekend everyone.


Please note:

The early bird sessions will change for term 3 but it is the last one this week for:

Success with reading and Success with maths on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

The Thursday and Friday sessions will not run due to other commitments on Thursday and our Christmas service on Friday.



Friday 1st December

Hello and welcome to December! We have been completing assessments this week and the children have been working really hard- we are very proud of them!


Important Information

As part of our food technology unit this term, the children will be tasting seasonal vegetables including cooked potatoes, leeks, carrots, sweet potatoes and celery. They will be cooked with a Morrisons stock cube. Please can you let us know about any food allergies ASAP if you haven't already. Thank you. 

Friday 24th November

Hello one and all! We have had a very exciting and busy week in year 3 with Kerry (a STEM ambassador) coming to visit us to talk about rocks with the children and engage them in a hands- on, interactive workshop for free! The children loved learning about the different types of rocks, did some myth busting around rocks they use in Minecraft and found out about the many different jobs people can do with rocks! On Thursday we had an arts and crafts day, creating some beuatiful decorations for the Christmas fair (so keep an eye out for our lovely bells on Saturday)! We have also been thinking about our 8 times table in Maths and how to edit accurately in English.  Have a lovely, restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday! Enjoy the fair everyone!


Friday 24th November

Friday 17th November 

Good afternoon! We have all been working really had in year 3 this week! We have been testing our chopping and grating skills in DT, using our times table knowledge to answer questions in maths, planning stories about Pompeii in English, learning about the Cradles of Civilisation in history and so much more! Well done on another lovely week year 3, have a fabulous weekend and we will see you on Monday! 


Important Information

Please can we ask that all uniform including socks and shoes is labelled as we have had a few items go missing in the last few weeks. 


Thank you to all the children who have returned their slips regarding early bird groups and who came to the first sessions this week! If you haven't already please make sure to return the slips so that we have accurate registers for the groups. Thank you.


Next week we have a STEM ambassador visiting us to talk about rocks and soils! You don't need to do anything but watch this space for photos and after the event!



Friday 10th November 

Good afternoon! Many apologies for the lack of weekly newsletter last week- there were some technological issues with our website. However, we are back with a bang this week!


We have had a wonderful week in year 3; in English we have been learning about prepositions and how to use them correctly in sentences, please, PLEASE test our knowledge because we were all so engaged and enthusiastic about our learning with these. In Maths, we have just started our multiplication and division unit, so any extra TTRS sessions you can do at home will really help extend and strengthen our knowledge. In Geography we are continuing to learn about volcanoes and how they are formed as well as rocks and the structure of the earth in Science! 


Important Information

Thank you so much for all for your donations for our Christmas fair today- it has been lovely seeing all the children in the pyjamas for the day!


The school book fair will be at school from Monday next week. If you have any questions please come and find us.


Please could you check your child's swimming kit as we have had a few items go missing including; goggles, a swimming costume and a full swimming kit.  




Friday 20th October 

We made it! Well done to all of year 3 for your hard work and enthusiasm this term! We have had an amazing start to the year with lots of fabulous learning taking place. We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing break and can't wait to see you all back on Tuesday 31st October.


Important Information: 

We will be continuing with swimming next term and will be losing one of our lovely parent volunteers on a regular basis (thank you so much for your support this term). If there is anyone who can help us out it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Please see below for a list of lunchtime clubs that your child can participate in.


Next term we will be starting up our early bird groups, so please keep an eye out for more information about this soon. 


A reminder that the Monday after half term is an INSET day so we will be coming back to school on Tuesday 31st October. 

Term 1's Egyptian home learning. Well done for all your hard work!

Friday 13th October 

We have had another busy week in year 3! We have been reading 'Marcy And The Riddle Of The Sphinx' as a class and making inferences based on what we read, learning about column method addition and subtraction in maths, learning more about the mummification process in history and making different types of mountains (and making some of these) in geography! It has been a busy week and the children have worked really hard- one more week to go until half term! We would also like to say a massive well done and thank you to all the children who have brought in their homework about Ancient Egypt- we have been blown away by the creativity, enthusiasm and effort shown in their work! The pieces are all incredible- well done.


Important Information

We are nearing the end of our TTRS tournament so keep going everyone until 6pm tonight! The winners and certificates will be awarded on Monday. Please make sure to keep practising those tables- we are definitely getting quicker and the speedier we can be, the better!

Parent consultations are next week:

3AJ will be held on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October 

3MJ will be held on Monday 16th and Thursday 19th October.

NOTE: 3AJ has run out of free slots on the above days, but if you would like to make appointment with Miss Jarvis, please speak to us and we will find a convenient time on another day to accommodate you. 

Friday 6th October

It was National Poetry Day on Thursday 5th October and the children have thoroughly enjoyed their English learning this week where they have been composing and performing poetry.  They looked at the different features of poems, identifying descriptive vocabulary and rhythm and then created their own poem based on Ten Things in a Wizard's Pocket.  They enjoyed collaborating and performing poems in a group.

We have also enjoyed seeing the fabulous history home learning coming in about our new topic of the Ancient Egyptians; there have been pyramids, mummies and fact files so far.  We are looking forward to even more!

The flip flops worked really well for swimming this week, please send them in again as it helps the flow of children into the pool building and gives them more time in the water.  Thank you for the voluntary helpers also.

Important Information: Times tables Rock stars Tournament 

We have challenged the year group to a TTRS tournament this week It opened at 6am this morning and will run until 6pm next Friday - may the best player win!

Don't forget your logins are at the front of the contact book.

Important information.

Please can the children bring flip flops or crocs with their swimming kits from now on so that they can slip these on when entering the building which will speed up the process and they have more time in the pool.

Thank you for those of you who are able to help however we are still in desperate need of even more volunteers, please let us know if you can give some time.

Friday 29th September 2023

We have been so lucky this week to have the amazing Lauren from 'Portals To The Past' for our Ancient Egyptian Day! The children had lots of fun on the day; learning about Tutankhamun, Cleopatra, what they believed, how they dressed,  lived, played and worked, as well as an interactive mummification lesson complete with canopic jars and (material) body parts! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and can't wait for next week to dive further into Ancient Egypt through our history lessons!


Important Information

Please can we ask that parents ensure children know whether they are having a packed lunch or a school dinner when they come into school, as there has been some confusion this week resulting in some hastily made extra dinners being prepared by our lovely chef. Thank you.

Ancient Egyptian Day!

Friday 22nd September 2023

Wow! We have come to the end of another week in year 3. The children have all worked very hard this week in their learning! 

We have been learning about; numbers up to 1000 in Maths, writing beautiful setting descriptions from our book 'Stone Age Boy' in English, creating prehistoric cave drawings with charcoal in Art, the Story of Creation in RE, what people use mountains for in Geography, balanced and healthy diets in Science and ball skills in PE! Phew!

We would also like to say well done to all the children for their effort in their spelling tests this week- we are very proud of all of them.


Important Information:

  • Next week (week beginning 25th September) we will be starting swimming- apologies for the delay in starting but we are very excited to start from next Tuesday afternoon. Please can we remind all children to bring in a swimming costume, swimming cap, goggles and a towel in a named bag ready for Tuesday! We can't wait!
  • Thursday 28th September is our 'Ancient Egyptian Day' which is very exciting! The children do not need to dress up. Lauren from 'Portals To The Past' will be joining us for the day and there are lots of fun, interactive activities for us to enjoy.


15th September 2023

What a busy week we have had in year 3!

The children have been very busy bees this week doing lots of assessments and working very hard- we are very proud of all of them- well done!


Thank you to all the parents who came to our 'Meet The Teacher' morning on Thursday- we really appreciate your time and hope it was useful (even with Miss Jarvis' floundering with paper)! The slides can be found on the website if you weren't able to make it or wish to see the information again. 


Important Notices: 

We have a very exciting opportunity for an Ancient Egyptian expert to come in and do some workshops with the children later in the term which is very exciting! Please keep an eye out for a letter that will be coming out to you shortly explaining all the information you will need to know.


Swimming starts up again next week on Tuesday 19th September. Your child will need a hat, goggles, swimming costume and a towel (all in a named bag please). This will remain the same day throughout the term and if there any changes we will let you know. If there are any willing volunteers to help us on a Tuesday afternoon with swimming please come and speak to your class teacher- it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Friday 8th September

Year 3 really enjoyed opening the new books for the classroom! They also loved finding out more about their new classmates and the learning for this term.

Friday 14th July 2023

Important Dates and Messages

- Year 3 booster swimming will not be taking place next week.

- Early bird groups will not be running for the remainder of the term.

- We kindly ask for all children to be sent into school with a bag for life that can be used to take their books home on the last day of term. 



This week we have continued reading our text: Leo and the Gorgon's Curse. We have learnt about letter writing, writing a letter to Athena as Leo.



This week we have been adding and subtracting mass and measuring volume. Next week we will be adding and subtracting volume and learning about temperature.



This week we have continued exploring the life cycle of a plant by observing different plants. 


This week we have been learning about humanists and how they show they care for the world. Next week we will learn about how non-religious people care for the world.



This week we have been learning about sheep farming in Wales.

Friday 7th July 2023

Important Dates and Messages

Year 3 booster swimming - Every Friday morning 11-12 - You would have received an email regarding this if this applies to your child.

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July - Payment should have been sent in by Wednesday, if this is still outstanding, please do send in payment ASAP.

Early bird groups will not be running for the remainder of the term.

We kindly ask for all children to be sent into school with a bag for life that can be used to take their books home on the last day of term. 



This week we have continued reading our text: Leo and the Gorgon's Curse. We have been predicting what will happen next by creating a comic strip and then turning our dialogue into a punctuated piece of writing.



This week we have begun learning about mass by comparing and measuring mass in kilograms and grams. Next week we will continue learning about mass.



This week we have explored the life cycle of a plant, learning about germination, growing and flowering, pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal. Next week we will be exploring this in more detail.


This week we have been learning about how Muslims try and make the world a better place. Next week we will explore how non-religious people try and make the world a better place.



This week we have been learning about how the food we eat affects farming. Next week we will be learning about sheep farming in Wales.

Friday 30th June 2023

Important Dates and Messages

Year 3 booster swimming - Every Friday morning 11-12 - You would have received an email regarding this if this applies to your child.

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July - please see Parent Pay for payment. This must be paid by Wednesday 5th July.

Early bird groups will not be running for the remainder of the term.



This week we have started reading our new text: Leo and the Gorgon's Curse. We have analysed the front cover and described the character Leo. Next week we will be describing the settings and looking at the dialogue in the story.



This week we have been recognising and describing 2D and 3D shapes. Next week we will begin learning on mass and capacity.



This week we have focused on the enquiry question: Will the temperature affect the water transportation process? We have discussed how water is transported through a plant and set up an investigation with white carnations, water and blue food colouring. We have added the colouring to two pots of water and put the flowers inside. We then placed one in a cold place and one in a warm place to see if this impacts the transportation process. Next week we will learn about the life cycle of a plant.


This week we have been learning about inspirational Christians who were inspired by the idea of Jesus' sacrifice. Next week we will learn how Muslims try to make the world a better place.



This week we have been learning how farming changes the landscape. Next week we will food affects farming.



This week we learnt about philosophy and why the Greeks loved philosophy.

Friday 23rd June 2023

Important Dates and Messages

Year 3 booster swimming - Every Friday morning 11-12 - You would have received an email regarding this if this applies to your child.

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July - please see Parent Pay for payment.


Thank you to all who could come to watch our Sports Day! This made a wonderful atmosphere and a memorable day for the children!



This week we have focused our writing around sports week! Writing as if we were a football fan watching our favourite team play using the 'show don't tell' strategy. Next week we will be beginning our new text - Leo and the Gorgon's Curse.



This week we have been learning about acute, obtuse and right angles. We have also learnt about horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines. Next week we will be recognising and describing 2D and 3D shapes.



This week we have focused on the enquiry question: What do plants need to survive and grow? We have begun an experiment by depriving a plant of one important element, either: light, water, suitable temperature or soil. We will be recording the results as we go. Next week we will be investigating how water is transported through plants.


This week we have been learning about the Jewish idea of repairing the world and rescuing the Earth. Next week we will be looking at who is inspired by the idea of Jesus' sacrifice.



This week we have been learning about pastoral farming. Next week we will be learning about how farming changes the landscape.

Friday 16th June 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Year 3 booster swimming - Every Friday morning 11-12 - You would have received an email regarding this if this applies to your child.

Sports Week: W/C 19th June 

Sports Day: Wednesday 21st June (BACK UP-19th July)

KS2 Aquathlon: Friday 23rd June

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July - please see Parent Pay for payment.


Please note that it is our Fermor Sports week next week (week beginning 19th June). We have asked the children to come in sports wear all week, apart from Tuesday 20th June as they will need to be in their uniform for photo day and have their sports wear packed in a bag. On Sports Day (Wednesday 21st June) the children must wear their PE kits to compete in their house colours! Any further information regarding sports week and day you can find here on the PE page of our website.



This week we have been learning about writing instructions, specifically how to make a tuna and cucumber sandwich. Next week we will be writing up these instruction and doing some 'sports week themed' writing.



This week we have completed our learning on time and will now be moving on to shapes, turns and angles.



This week we have been researching into the enquiry question: Do all plants require the same conditions to survive and grow? We researched about cacti, pond lilies and snow drops and how they differ. Next week we will be conducting an experiment on what conditions plants need to grow.


This week we have been learning about the 'Golden Rule' - treat others how you wish to be treated. We created a poster to represent this Golden Rule in our own way.



This week we have been learning about the Ancient Greek epic 'The Odyssey'. Next week we will be learning about Ancient Greek philosophy.



This week we have been learning about arable farming. Next week we will learn about pastoral farming.


Friday 9th June 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Year 3 booster swimming - Every Friday morning 11-12 - You would have received an email regarding this if this applies to your child.

Sports Week: W/C 19th June

Sports Day: Wednesday 21st June (BACK UP-19th July)

KS2 Aquathlon: Friday 23rd June

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July


You would have received an email regarding swimming booster groups on a Friday morning if this applies to your child.



This week we have been learning about present perfect tense and paragraphs. Next week we will be learning about writing a set of instructions.



This week we have been learning about time, focusing on duration of time and the 24 hour clock. Next week we will be measuring time in seconds and problem solving.



This week we have begun our plant topic by learning about the five main parts of a flower. We chose a part to research and wrote some facts on what we found out. Next week we will be exploring the requirements for plants to grow.


This week we have begun our learning around the enquiry question: How can we make the world a better place? We discussed things we felt were wrong in our town and country and represented this in an artistic way. Next week we will be learning about the 'Golden Rule'.



This week we have been learning about the importance of theatre in Ancient Greece. We drew an example of an ancient Greek theatre and labelled this with the new vocabulary we learnt. Next week we will be learning about the Odyssey.



This week we have begun our agriculture topic with an exicting visit from South Brockwells farm and learning about what agriculture means. Next week we will be learning about arable farming.

Friday 26th May 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Year 3 booster swimming - Every Friday morning 11-12 - You would have received an email regarding this if this applies to your child.

Farm visiting Fermor - Thursday 8th June

Sports Week: W/C 19th June

Sports Day: Wednesday 21st June (BACK UP-19th July)

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July


Early bird groups will remain the same as they are this term, next term. Please continue to send your child in for their early birds as normal next term. Thank you for support on this!



This week we have been learning how to write in present perfect tense and answer questions in full sentences. We have also written our own myth inspired by those we have heard this term. Next term our writing will link to: instructions, poetry and myths.



This week we have been learning about time, hours in the day and months of the year. Next term we will continue learning about time.



This week we have finished our learning on 'settlements' by learning about the city of Cardiff. Next term we will be learning about 'agriculture'.



This week we have been learning about the Parthenon. Next term we will continue learning about Ancient Greece.

Friday 19th May 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Swimming 3N - Thursday 25th May, 1.15-3PM - please let us know if you can volunteer to support 3N swimmers!

Founders Day service: Friday 26th May

Sports Week: W/C 19th June

Sports Day: Wednesday 21st June (BACK UP-19th July)

Greek Day: Wednesday 12th July


Year 3 will not be swimming next term. However, we do have an instructor who is leading a weekly hour session on a Friday morning between 11-12. If this involves your child, you will be emailed separately about this.


Early bird groups will remain the same as they are this term, next term. Please continue to send your child in for their early birds as normal next term. Thank you for support on this!



This week we have continued our learning on the myth King Midas and have written a play script linked to this myth. Next week we will be building up to writing our own version of King Midas.



This week we have completed our learning on fractions by adding and subtracting them and have begun to learn about time. We also celebrated National Numeracy Day this week!



This week we explored magnets once again by learning about the two poles of a magnet and when they attract or repel each other. Next term our learning will be on plants.



This week we learnt about the kind of world Jesus wanted and explored the importance of the value 'love'. Next term our RE learning will be on the enquiry question: How and why do people try and make the world a better place. 



This week we have learnt about the city of London. Next week we will be learning about the city of Cardiff.

Friday 12th May 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Swimming 3R - Thursday 18th May, 1.15-3PM - thank you to our wonderful volunteers who are supporting our 3R swimmers!

Swimming 3N - Thursday 25th May, 1.15-3PM - please let us know if you can volunteer to support 3N swimmers!

Early bird groups have changed slightly this term, please make sure you have received an up to date invite to these groups.



This week we have begun a new myth: King Midas. We have used this to learn how to punctuate dialogue using inverted commas. Next week we will learn about pay scripts.



This week we have been finding equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. Next week we will be adding and subtracting fractions.



This week we explored magnets further using coins to test which metals were magnetic. We were surprised to find that some 2p and 1p coins were magnetic and some were not! Next week we will study magnets and how they have two poles.



This week we had a visitor from All Saints church - Pete! He told us about his role within the church clergy and what a typical day looks like for him. Next week we will make links between Bible stories and the importance of love. 



This week we have learnt about what a city is. Next week we will be taking a closer look at the city of London.



This week we continued our learning on Ancient Greece, learning about Cleisthenes' big idea: democracy. Next week we will learn about the Peloponnesian War. 

Friday 5th May 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Swimming 3N - Thursday 11th May, 1.15-3PM - please let us know if you can volunteer to support 3N swimmers!

Swimming 3R - Thursday 18th May, 1.15-3PM - thank you to our wonderful volunteers who are supporting our 3R swimmers!

Church visit from All Saints - Tuesday 9th May

Early bird groups have changed slightly this term, please make sure you have received an up to date invite to these groups.



This week we have continued with the myth Perseus and used this to plan and write our own Greek myth. Next week our English will link to the coronation.



This week we have been finding fractions of amounts, for example 3/4 of 24. Next week we will be learning about equivalent fractions.



This week we explored magnets in the classroom, learning about what materials in our classroom were magnetic or not.



This week we have learnt about different ways members of the church clergy show love to all through their work at the church. Next week we will be visited by a member of the All Saints church to tell us more about their work.



This week we have learnt about what a town is. Next week we will be learning about a city.



This week we paused on our Ancient Greece learning to learn about coronation. Next week we will learn about the history of democracy in Ancient Greece.

Friday 28th April 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Swimming 3R - Thursday 4th May, 1.15-3PM - thank you to our wonderful volunteers who are supporting our 3R swimmers!

Swimming 3N - Thursday 11th May, 1.15-3PM - please let us know if you can volunteer to support 3N swimmers!

Early bird groups have changed slightly this term, please make sure you have received an up to date invite to these groups.



This week we have begun a new myth: Perseus. We have used this story to focus on conjunctions of time and cause and swapping clauses. Next week we will continue with the myth Perseus and use this to plan out a story.



This week we have learnt about tenths and tenths as decimals. Next week we will look at fractions of objects.



This week we conducted an experiment to learn about friction and how objects move on different surfaces. Next week we will observe how magnets attract and repel.



This week we have learnt about the parable of Jesus healing the leper (Matthew 8). We linked this to the idea of what Christians can learn from Jesus' actions towards the leper. Next week we will learn about how members of the church clergy follow Jesus' teachings.



This week we have learnt about what a village is. Next week we will be learning about towns.



This week we have begun our learning on Ancient Greece. Next week we will be learning about democracy in Ancient Greece.

Friday 21st April 2023


Important Dates and Messages

Swimming 3N - Thursday 27th May, 1.15-3PM - please let us know if you can volunteer to support 3N swimmers!

Swimming 3R - Thursday 4th May, 1.15-3PM - thank you to our wonderful volunteers who are supporting our 3R swimmers!

Early bird groups will be starting this week for year 3, you would have received a letter regarding these at the end of last term if this applies to you.



This week we have begun learning about Greek myths, we read the myth Daedulus and Icarus. We then did some shared writing in pairs and groups and wrote our own paragraph on part of the story. Next week we will be moving on to learning about conjunctions through the myth Perseus.



This week we learnt how 2/4 is equivalent to a half, how to count in fractions and about unit and non-unit fractions. Next week we will be learning about tenths.



This week we have begun the topic of forces and magnets, learning how about the forces push and pull. Next week we will learn how different surfaces effect how things move.



This week we have begun our topic on the Gospel - what kind of world Jesus wanted. We learnt about the parable 'The calling of the first disciples'. Next week we will be learning about the parable of Jesus healing the leper.



This week we have begun the topic of settlements, learning about what a settlement is. Next week we will learn what a village is.

Friday 31st March

Important Dates

Swimming - 

Please check our school's main newsletter for whole school dates.


This week we have continued focusing on non-fiction writing, this time writing our own recipe for making a salad! This linked to our DT learning on Wednesday where we made our own salad! Next term we will be learning about myths, using the book: The Orchard Books of Greek Myths,



This week we have been learning how to find a quarter and recognise and find a third. Next term we will continue learning about fractions, looking at unit and non-unit fractions.



This week we have been looking at some of the art found in the ancient civilisations we have been learning about. Next term we will be moving on to learning about Ancient Greece.



This week we have been learning about different west coast Wales and tieing together all we have learnt this term about coastal processes and landforms. Next term we will be learning about settlements.



This week we made our own salads using delicious ingredients!

Friday 24th March

Important Dates

Thursday 30th March - 3R forest school

Please check our school's main newsletter for whole school dates.


This week we have focused our writing on non-fiction, writing a non-chronological report on a well known coastline. We identified features, planned and researched and wrote our own non-chronological report. Next week we will be writing recipe for our DT learning.



This week we have begun learning about fractions, focusing on equal parts, recognising a half and a quarter. Next week we will move on to learning about thirds.



This week we have been looking at the similarities and differences between the four ancient civilisations: Shang, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Indus Valley. Next week we will be learning about art from these ancient civilisations.



This week we have been learning about different coastal habitats. Next week we will learn about West Coast Wales.



This week we have begun our learning on making a healthy salad. We explored four different types of salad: bulgur, mixed bean, crispy and crunchy and cous cous. Next week we will begin planning and making a salad.

Friday 17th March

Important Dates

Thursday 23rd March - 3N forest school

Thursday 30th March - 3R forest school

Please check our school's main newsletter for whole school dates.


This week we have continued with the legend: Gilgamesh the King and we have been planning our own legend, thinking carefully about the heroic character, evil character and the problem and resolution. We have then used our plans to write up our legend. Next week we will be moving on to learning about writing a non-chronological report.



This week we have been learning how to add and subtract lengths, converting them into the same unit of measurement beforehand. Next week we will be moving on to learning about fractions.



This week we have learnt about the ten commandments and what these mean to Jewish people. We then had a go at writing out own.



This week we have been learning about the four cradles of civilisation: Shang, Indus Valley, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. We learnt that this is where people were no longer nomadic and usually built cities around rivers. Next week we will focus on their similarities.



This week we have learnt about the Jurassic Coast. Next week we will be learning about coastal habitats.

Friday 10th March

Important Dates

Thursday 16th March - 3R forest school

Thursday 23rd March - 3N forest school



This week we have been focused on the text: Gilgamesh the King, a retold version of the oldest epic in the world. We have learnt about features of a legend and we are building up to writing our own legend which we will continue next week.



This week we have  begun learning about measurement, focusing on cm and mm and equivalent lengths. Next week we will continue learning on length.



This week we have conducted an enquiry and recorded our results in a bar chart. We asked year 5 and 6 what type of toothbrush they use, manual or electric. Next week we will write up what we found out from our enquiry and learn about the inventor of toothpaste.



This week we have learnt about the festival Pesach and the history of the Exodus story. We created a seder plate and spoke about why these foods are important to Jews. Next week we will learn about the Ten Commandments.



This week we have learnt about the Epic of Gilgamesh which links well with our English. We learnt about where Gilgamesh was from and what the word 'epic' means. Next week we will learn about other cradles of civilisation.



This week we have learnt about four different types of coastlines: headland, bay, cliff and beach and how these are formed. Next week we will learn about the Jurassic Coast.

Friday 3rd March

Important Dates

Thursday 9th March - 3N forest school

Thursday 16th March - 3R forest school


Mr Gilbert would like to make drums in music on Monday afternoon. If you have any pots or small containers like cups, pringle pots, shoe boxes, that the children can use to fill with rice for their instrument please can these be sent in with them on Monday. If you have more than one for other children to use, that would be great. Many thanks, year 3 team.



This week we have been focused on the World Book Day text 'The Sea Saw'. we have enjoyed reading this story and writing a newspaper report about the missing bear being found after years. Next week we will be moving on to the text: 'Gilgamesh the King'.



This week we have been learning about pictograms and bar charts. Next week we will be measuring.



This week we have continued observing our egg experiment, the one in orange juice is looking particularly disgusting! We have also made posters giving advice on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Next week we will be creating bar charts on what type of toothbrush year 5 and 6 use.



This week we have learnt about the festivals Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Next week we will learn about Pesach.



This week we have learnt about two other early civilisations and where they were in the world. Next week we will be learning about the Epic of Gilgamesh.



This week we have learnt about other ways coastlines are formed through transportation and deposition. Next week we will learn about different coastlines and what they look like.

Friday 27th February 

Important Dates

Wednesday 1st March - church morning

Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day

Thursday 2nd March - 3R forest school


Mr Gilbert would like to make drums in music on Monday afternoon. If you have any pots or small containers like cups, pringle pots, shoe boxes, that the children can use to fill with rice for their instrument please can these be sent in with them on Monday. If you have more than one for other children to use, that would be great. Many thanks, year 3 team.



This week we have been focused on SPAG. Next week we will be starting our World Book Day text: The Sea Saw by Tom Percival.



This week we completed our learning on money by subtracting money and giving change. We will now move on to learning about statistics.



This week we have begun our STEM topic: Teeth and eating. We have set up our observational enquiry to see the effect acidic drinks have on egg shells.



This week we began our topic on Judaism by having our own Shabbat with crackers and cranberry juice. Next week we will be learning about Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.



This week we began our topic on Mesoptamia, learning about the two rivers that surrounded the land: Tigris and Euphrates. Next week we will learn about trading and writing.



We have begun our topic by learning about coastal processes and landforms by learning about how waves shape the coastline by eroding the land. Next week we will be learning about other ways coastlines are formed. 

Thursday 9th February

Important Dates

Every Thursday will be forest school with year 3 next term, for term 4 only. A letter will be sent out from Mrs Patient regarding communication about this.

Thursday 23rd February - 3N

Thursday 2nd March - 3R

World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March



We have written out own adventure stories. Next term we will be focusing on our world book day school text: The See Saw. We will then be looking at the story 'Gilgamesh the King' which is linked to our History topic.



We have begun money this week which we will continue next term.



This week we completed our learning about light by learning about the change in shadow size the closer the light source is. We will be learning about teeth and eating next term.



This week we completed our learning about rivers by finding out different ways rivers are used. Next term we will be learning about coastal processes and landforms.


Have a great week!

Friday 3rd February

Important Dates

Wednesday 8th February - Year 3 church service



This week we have been reading the story 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx' and using this story to learn about writing direct speech. Next week we will be writing our own adventure story.



This week we have been learning how to divide a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number. The method we have used is:

75 divided by 3=

70 divide by 3=20 remainder 10


15 divided by 3= 5


Next week we will be focusing on different ways of calculating.



This week we completed our learning on Islam by learning about Ramadan and Eid. Next term we will be learning about Judaism.



This week we have been learning about Tutankhamun and hieroglyphics. We created a leaflet about Tutankhamun and wrote our name in hieroglyphics.



Friday 27th January

Important Dates

Church service TBC

Friday 3rd February - Walk to the Ghyll in the morning



This week we have begun reading 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx'. We have been using this text to support our descriptive writing and use of conjunctions. Next week we will be preparing poems for our church service and more work linked to the story.



This week we have begun long multiplication and using this to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Next week we will continue with this and look at division.



This week we have explored shadows further by exploring how shadows change when an object is translucent or opaque. Next week we will be learning about the sun and its dangers.



This week we have been learning about mosques and why they are important to Muslims. Next week we will be learning about Ramadan.



This week we have been learning about verbs and how the endings change depending on who is doing it.

Friday 20th January

Important Dates

RESCHEDULED: Friday 3rd February - Walk to the Ghyll and Bag 2 School



This week we have been writing our own versions of Egyptian Cinderella. Next week we will be starting a new story: 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx'.



This week we have been learning the 8 times table. Next week we will be learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.



This week we have learnt about shadows and how they are formed. Next week we will be exploring this further.



This week we have learnt about why prayer is so important to Muslims. Next week we will be learning about mosques.



This week we have been learning about the water cycle. Next week we will be going on our trip to the Ghyll and using fieldwork skills.



This week we have learnt about what life was like in Ancient Egypt. Next week we will learn about the mummification process.

Friday 13th January

Important Dates

Friday 20th January - We may have potential swimming sessions for 3R to start for the next 3 weeks starting on this date - please await confirmation via email which we will send as soon as we have heard back from our swim coach

Friday 27th January - Walk to the Ghyll



This week we have begun reading 'The Egyptian Cinderella' by Shirley Climo. We have learnt about comparative sentences and how to infer a character's feelings. Next week we will be holding a debate as to whether the ending was happy or not.



This week we have been learning the 4 times table. Next week we will be moving on to the 8 times table.



This week we have been learning about reflection and what makes items reflect more. Next week we will be learning about shadows.



This week we have been learning about the opening chapter of the Qur'an. Next week we will be learning why prayer is important to Muslims.



This week we have been learning about dams. Next week we will be learning about the water cycle.

Friday 6th January

Happy New Year to you all!

Important Dates

Wednesday 11th January - Year 3 Egypt Day

Friday 27th January - Walk to the Ghyll - Letter to be sent soon



This week we have dived into our topic of 'Ancient Egypt' by watching a fictional short video of an archeologist and his camel discovery a pyramid. Next week we will be beginning the text 'Egyptian Cinderella' by Shirley Climo.



This week we have been dividing by 5, 10 and 3 and multiplying by 3. Next week we will be continuing with multiplication and division.



This week we started our topic 'Light and Dark'. Focusing on what we know about light and what is darkness. We identified different light sources and discussed whether or not you can see in the dark. Next week we will be learning about reflection.


This week we have started learning about Islam, focusing on key vocabulary and what we know so far. Next week we will be learning about the opening chapter in the Qur'an.



This week we started our new topic 'Ancient Egypt' focusing on where Egypt is and what it is like. Next week we will be learning about what life was like in Ancient Egypt.

Friday 9th December

We have had an eventful and exciting week this week with the Christmas grotto, Christmas lunch and the Christmas fair! We are looking forward to performing in the KS2 carol service Tuesday evening. Please come along if possible! 


Important Dates

KS2 carol service: Tuesday 13th December - 6PM

End of year Christmas service at All Saints - Thursday 15th December

Egypt Day - Wednesday 11th January - details of payment have been emailed out this week

FOFS Secret Shopping Room: Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th December



This week we have been learning about Christmas around the world, how it is celebrated traditionally in the UK, Italy and Australia. Next week we will be preparing an acrostic poem for the end of year service on Thursday.



This week we have been focusing on dividing by sharing and grouping and how to divide by 2. We will continue with multiplication next term as our mornings next week will be focused on acrostic poetry for the carol service and making our Stone Age tool.



This week we have been learning how fossils are formed. Next term we will begin learning about light and dark.



This week we have learnt how Neolithic people made pots using clay. Next term we will be learning about Ancient Egypt.



This week we have learnt about how Abraham obeyed God in the Bible story. Next term we will be learning about Islam.


Friday 2nd December

Next week, year 3 will be completing their DT learning - by making their Stone Age tools. We kindly ask if you have any newspapers at home, to send these in at any point over the next two weeks so we can use these for paper mache. Thanks, year 3 team.

Important Dates

Wednesday 7th December - Father Christmas in the Forest - Children can wear a Christmas jumper and/or sensible accessory alongside their normal uniform. 


Thursday 8th December - Christmas Dinner - Once again, children can wear a Christmas jumper and/or sensible accessory alongside their normal uniform. 


Tuesday 13th December - KS2 Carol Service - Children who tie their hair back can wear tinsel in their hair. All other uniform remains as normal.


Thursday 15th December - Christmas Golden Time - Children can bring a Christmas hat or headband to wear in the afternoon only. (Children must not wear this in church in the morning.)


Monday and Thursday afternoons - PE - kit will be sent home Thursday.


11th January - Ancient Egypt Day - details to follow before the end of term



This week we have been writing our own performance poem inspired by 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. Next week we will be learning about how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world.



This week we have been recalling the 2 and 5 times table. Next week we will be learning more about division.



This week we became pedologists and studied different soil samples. Next week we will be learning about fossils.



This week we learnt about how people of God obey God today through the Salvation Army. Next week we will be exploring God's promises to Abraham.



This week we learnt the difference between a Stone Age dwelling and a Neolithic home. Next week we will be learning about how Neolithic people made clay.



This term we have been learning hockey skills.




Friday 25th November

Important Dates

PE every Monday and Thursday afternoon



This week we have been focusing on performance poetry and have learnt a poem off by heart and performed this to EYFS. Next week we will have a go at writing our own poem.



This week we have begun learning about multiplication and division, focusing on recognising and adding equal groups. Next week we will focus on the symbol and the 2 and 5 times tables.



This week we have conducted two experiments and some research on rocks. We tested to see which rocks were permeable and which eroded easily. Next week we will be learning about fossils and soils.



This week we have been learning about the story of Abraham and his covenant with God. Next week we will be exploring how Christians today obey God.



This week we have been learning about active, dormant and extinct volcanoes and the 'ring of fire'. This was our last session on volcanoes.



This week we have been learning about Neolithic farmers and the changes made from hunting and gathering food to tending and growing crops. Next week we will be describing Neolithic living.



Friday 18th November

Important Dates:

Monday and Thursday - PE



This week we have been focusing on our editing skills, looking at the year 3 expectations to support us with our editing. Next week we will be learning about poetry.



This week we have been adding and subtracting two 3-digit numbers. Next week we will be estimating and checking our answers.



This week we had a visit from our STEM Ambassador, Kerry. She taught us lots of interesting facts about rocks, soils and fossils. She then showed us a glimpse at what she gets up to as a geologist. Next week we will be conducting an experiment to investigate which rocks are permeable and rocks that easily erode.


This week we have been learning how the story of Noah teaches Christians about responsibility. Next week we will be exploring how Christians obey God.



This week we have been learning about how volcanoes are formed. Next week we will be learning about how volcanoes affect people's lives.

Friday 11th November

Important Dates:

Change in PE times - Monday and Thursday afternoons

Rock Workshop with STEM Ambassador Kerry - Monday 14th November



This week we have been learning about prepositions and alternative verbs. Next week we will  be learning how to edit a piece of writing.



This week we have been learning how to use column addition and subtraction to add and subtract a 3-digit and 2-digit numbers. Next week we will focus on two 3-digit numbers.


Science and Geography

This week we have been focusing on the layers of the Earth. We even made our own Earth out of playdoh! Next week our learning will be focused on the visit from our STEM Ambassador!



This week we have been learning about to the story of Noah and what Christians learn from this. Next week we will be linking this story to taking responsiblity.



We have completed our learning on the Stone Age this week by completing a quiz. Next week we will begin learning about the Neolithic Age.

Friday 4th November

A polite reminder to please send your child to school with a full, named water bottle and a piece of fruit for break-time.

Important Dates

Monday 14th November - STEM Ambassador, Kerry visiting to lead a rock workshop

No swimming this term for year 3

PE - Thursday and Friday afternoons



This week we begun our new text: 'Escape to Pompeii'. We have been focusing on synonyms, what these are and how we can use a thesaurus to support us in writing with them. Next week we will continue with this text learning about subordinate clauses.



This week we have been identifying patterns in calculations and using the column method, which we will continue next week with 3-digit numbers.



This week we have begun our topic on 'Rocks and Soils'. We have learnt about which rocks are natural and which are man-made. Next week we will learn about the layers of the Earth.



This week we have begun our new topic on 'People of God: What is it like for Christians to follow God?' We mind-mapped our ideas about this question and what Christians might learn about the story of Noah from Genesis. Next week we will learn about the word 'covenant'.



We had an exciting start to our new topic of Volcanoes this week! Kerry, our STEM Ambassador visited us and spoke to us about volcanoes and we even watched an experiment! Next week we will learn about the Earth's layers, similar to our Science learning.



Friday 21st October

Important Dates

Wednesday 2nd November - STEM Ambassador visit - Volcano Talk

Friday 14th October

Important Dates

Swimming - every Thursday for both classes

House Group Day - Friday 21st October


Culture Week

We have had the most wonderful week immersing ourselves in all things Italy! We spoke confidently and clearly during the Fermor Expo green screen and our own expo to the rest of the school as well! There are a few photos to celebrate!



This week we have been writing up fact-files about Italy. Next week we will resume back to our topic of the Stone Age.



This week we have been subtracting a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number. Next week we will be adding and subtracting a 2-digit number to and from a 3-digit number.



This week we learnt about the Italian Alps, Mount Vesuvius and where Italy is in the world. Next week we will be back to our topic of mountains.



This week we learnt about two of Italy's most well-known landmarks: The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum. Next week we will return to our topic on the Stone Age.



As part of culture week, we have been learning the Italian colours and days of the week. We will return to Latin next week!


Friday 7th October

Important Dates

Swimming - every Thursday for both classes

Wednesday 5th October - Harvest festival service at church

Week beginning Monday 10th October - Language and Culture Week

Tuesday 11th October - Ashdown forest trip



This week we have been focusing on descriptive writing and tense work. Next week our English will be centred around culture week!



This week we have been adding 1s to 3-digit numbers. Next week we will move on to subtraction and exchanging.



This week we have been learning about muscles, focusing particularly on the bones and muscles in our hands.



This week we have been learning about 'the Fall' and the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit. Next week we will be learning about how God helped humans be closer to him again.



This week we have been learning about the continental drift. Next week we will be learning about Italy as part of culture week.



This week we have been learning about Stone Age tools. Next week we will be learning about Italy's history as part of culture week.

Friday 30th September

Important Dates

Swimming and PE - Every Thursday for both classes

Wednesday 5th October - Harvest festival service at church

Week beginning Monday 10th October - Language and Culture Week

Tuesday 11th October - Ashdown forest trip



This week we have written a book review of the story Ug and begun the new text 'Stone Age Boy'. We have been writing expanded noun phrases. Next week we will be focusing on descriptive writing.



This week we have been learning how to compare and order numbers to 1000. Next week we will begin learning about addition and subtraction.



This week we have begun learning about the human skeleton and about the word: vertebrate, invertebrate, exoskeleton and endoskeleton. Next week we will be learning about muscles.



This week we have been learning about what we believe God wanted for creation. Next week we will learn about the Christian friendship with God.



This week we took on the role of hunters and gatherers by looking at what Stone Age people would have eaten. Next week we will learn about tolls used for hunting.


Friday 23rd September 2022


Important Dates

PE and Swimming will take place every Thursday.

Ashdown forest trip - Tuesday 11th October. We are awaiting further information from the coach company before sending home the information.



This week we have had fun creating our comic strips of our new version of Ug! Next week we will be reviewing the story of Ug.



We have continued learning about hundreds, tens and ones using place value counters and pictures to support us. We have also been finding 10 and 100 more or less than numbers to 1000. Next week we will be comparing and ordering numbers to 1000.



This week we have been learning about what a healthy and balanced diet looks like. We had a go at making a healthy plate! Next week we will be learning about skeletons and muscles. 



This week we have been reflecting on the miracle of creation and what Christians believe about God and creation. Next week we will be learning about what God wanted for creation.



This week we have been learning about four well known mountains in the UK and ordering them from highest to lowest. We have also learnt the difference between a mountain and a hill.

Friday 16th September


Important Dates

PE and Swimming will take place every Thursday.

Ashdown forest trip - Tuesday 11th October. We are awaiting further information from the coach company before sending home the information.



This week we have been continuing our learning around the story of Ug: The Stone Age Boy Genius! We have been describing the main characters using adjectives. 



This week we have begun learning about 3-digit numbers using hundred, tens and ones. 



We have begun our learning on animals including humans by focusing on diet and nutrition. 



We have begun learning about mountains and have used an atlas to locate different mountain ranges and mountains.

Friday 9th September

We have had a fantastic first week back! Reading and spelling assessments will be continuing next week, so please bear with us whilst we get through the children. Friday 16th September will be the start date for spellings and home learning.

Important Dates

PE and Swimming will take place every Thursday.

Meet the teacher: Wednesday 14th September - 9AM ish.

