The National Curriculum states:
'English has a pre-eminent place in education and in society. A high-quality education in English will teach pupils to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others, and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them.'
The main components of English come under these skills:
These skills form the foundations for the ability to learn in all other areas. In order to fully immerse children in their learning, our English is cross-curricular; strongly linked to our learning journeys.
To find out about reading at Sir Henry Fermor, please visit our reading page:
Writing is taught through studying rich texts and identifying the 'wow factors'. The children can then 'magpie' ideas from these quality texts and, through shared writing and modelling, emulate these techniques in their own pieces. We encourage children to be creative and imaginative. Throughout their time at school, the children learn about range of writing genres. Below is the overview for Terms 1 and 2:
Term 3 and 4:
Through studying a range of rich texts, we want to develop curiosity in the children and encourage in-depth discussions. There are many occasions during the week where students are given the forum to discuss and formulate opinions and ask all important questions. In addition, English is the perfect platform for role play, hot seating, writing and acting out playscripts and performing poems.
Rather than this being taught as a discrete area, it is integrated throughout all of the children's learning. We ensure that there are opportunities for the children to experience rich quality texts that expose them to examples of powerful vocabulary, and high-level punctuation.