This page will contain all important dates organised by term. Be sure to check back frequently - more dates and events will be added throughout each term.
Wednesday 11/09/2024: Meet the Teacher Session at 9:00am in 6JP
Please enter through the Year 5/6 exit door
Date TBC: Registration for secondary school opens
Date TBC: Deadline for reserving your child's spot on the Heatree residential trip by paying the deposit on ParentPay (this payment will go live on ParentPay on TBC)
Date TBC: Registration for secondary school closes
November 6: Year 6 Church Service & Tie Presentation
November 30: Christmas Fair
March 17th: Year 6 Parents' SATS Talk 18:00
May 12-15: Year 6 SATs
May 19-23: Bikeability
May 22: 18:00 Heatree Information Evening
May 22: Heatree Information Evening
July 7-11: Year 6 residential trip to Heatree