School Uniform
At Sir Henry Fermor we believe that respect for other begins with respect for oneself. When our children look smart, they feel smart and they learn smart. We feel therefore, that it is important for children at SHF to be a part of the 'smart' team and we expect all children to wear correct, smart uniform.
Our Uniform can be purchased from an online company called Brigade.
EYFS (Reception classes)
When your children first start school, they should be able to dress and undress themselves but to help this process in school, they have their own polo shirt with the school logo.
Grey shorts or trousers
White school-logo polo shirt (at least one)
Red school-logo jumper
Black or dark grey socks
Black shoes, suitable for running ('Velcro' fastenings are ideal)
Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers
White school-logo polo shirt (at least one)
Red school-logo cardigan
Red or grey tights, or white socks
Black shoes, suitable for running ('Velcro' fastenings are ideal)
In Terms 1,5 and 6, girls may choose to wear a red check summer dress
Key Stages 1 and 2
Girls: Winter (Terms 2,3 and 4)
Grey pinafore dress, grey skirt or grey school trousers
White blouse
Red tie (tied tie for KS2, elasticated for KS1)
Red cardigan with school logo
Red or grey tights
White or grey socks
Black shoes, suitable for running in the playground
Girls: Summer (Terms 1,5 and 6)
Red check gingham dress or playsuit
Red cardigan with school logo
White socks
Black shoes, suitable for running in the playground
Boys: Winter (Terms 2, 3 and 4)
Smart grey school trousers – these may be short or long
White shirt
Red tie (Tied tie for KS2, elasticated for KS1)
School logo jumper
Grey/black socks
Black Shoes, suitable for running in the playground
Boys: Summer (Terms 1, 5, and 6)
Red check gingham shirt, top button undone, no tie
Smart grey school shorts (or trousers)
School logo jumper
Grey or black socks
Black shoes, suitable for running in the playground
PE Uniform
Blue school PE Shorts
House Group T- Shirt with school logo
Joggers + sweatshirt in winter (dark blue or black) - optional
All clothes must be clearly named. We recommend short sleeved blouses and shirts for the younger children (it prevents having to scrub white cuffs!) Summer uniform should be worn from Easter through to the October Break. (Terms 5, 6 and 1) School clothing with logos should be purchased through Brigade or through our well-stocked pre-loved uniform cupboard.
Hair reaching shoulder length or longer should be neatly tied back with red, white or hair colour discrete bands. No large bows.
Our full uniform policy can be found by clicking here.
We have a preloved uniform shop, where we sell items for as little as £1.00. To enable us to continue to provide this service, we request that any good quality items that your children have grown out of - especially logo items and gingham shirts - are donated to the school office, so that other children (and the environment) can benefit. Thank you.