If you have any ideas for fundraising events please email us at friends@fermorschool.org.uk - we're always looking for fresh ideas!
Alternatively, you're welcome to share your ideas at our committee meetings, which are on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
We’re excited to announce that our next school disco is on Thursday 13th February.
This time we’re having a NEON theme – think fluorescent colours and glowsticks!
Tickets are available to purchase on ParentPay.
About the disco
There will be two sessions:
The cost is £5 per child, and tickets must be purchased in advance from ParentPay.
As well as the disco, children will receive a small gift and snack. Please let us know about any food allergies when you purchase your ticket on ParentPay.
Please remember to bring a water bottle, to take their coats back home with you and no are wheelies allowed.
Dress code is party outfits (think neon/fluorescent colours!), no wheelies are allowed.
Please provide your child with a named bottle of water and you’ll be asked to take their coat home with you when you drop them off.
Drop off/pick up points
In order to speed up the sign in/sign out process, different year groups will arrive and exit at different points:
EYFS/Key stage 1 disco (4.30pm to 5.30pm)
Key stage 2 disco (6pm to 7pm)
We’re still looking for volunteers to help on the night, so if you’d like to join us then please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/MBwVHEZ
One of our most popular events!
On Shrove Tuesday every child will have the opportunity to see how many pancakes they can flip in our annual competition.
Sponsorship forms will be coming home in bookbags or you can download one here:
All children who wish to take part must bring a completed form into school - even if they haven't collected any sponsorship - as this is also the permission slip for them to take part.
Please bring the form to school on the 4th March, they should be handed to your teacher on arrival.
The form will be sent home at the end of the day so you know how many flips your child completed.
We need volunteers to help us count the pancakes at this event. It's great fun and one of our few volunteering opportunities where it's all sitting down! Perfect for parents, carers or grandparents. If you're able to help at our morning and/or afternoon session, please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/CPJHaJR
Further details coming soon.
Further details to follow.