
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Weekly Newsletters

4th July


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Please find the below the information which was sent out by email on 3rd July with some clarifications. Please note that production ticket forms are being emailed out. If you are unable to print the form out, please just jot down the information on a piece of paper and send in with your child/children on Monday 8th July.

We apologise for any confusion and hope this clears a few things up!



Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July - Beacon Transition Days - Students to go directly to Beacon with adults or siblings. The children wear their Fermor School Uniform (no leavers' hoodies) and should have been informed already about their tutor groups.


End of Year Production

We will have two performances on Thursday 11th July for Parents to come and watch the much-anticipated End of Year Production. The performance will run for an hour. We are excited and proud of what they have achieved already in rehearsals - Shakespeare Rocks - will Rock! Please can we ask that you come into school by the Swimming Pool entrance - there will be a sign in sheet for you for both performances.

Monday 8th July - Costumes to be brought into school in a named bag please - children have been advised of what they need to wear, it should be things that already have or can be borrowed. We are working on sourcing costumes for those who have not been given any costume information.

Wednesday 10th July at 9.30 - Dress rehearsal - Just Year 6

Wednesday 10th July at 1.30 - Dress rehearsal - Whole School

Thursday 11th July at 9.30am - Parents and Carers

Thursday 11th July an evening performance starting at 6pm - Parents and Carers

ALL children must be back at school in their costume for 5.30pm please.

Tickets for the production. The children will be bringing home today a slip for you to complete with your requests and preference of performance, which we will do our utmost to accommodate. You will be able to request 2 tickets per child across both productions. If you would like to request more, there will be an option to request on the slip and we will do our best once everyone has requested their tickets. If we could please ask that this is returned on Monday 8th July - we will then confirm your ticket allocation and timings.

This has now been emailed out to parents - we apologise for the inconvenience! 


Friday 12th July - Leavers BBQ and Rounders Match against the Staff. Please can the children come into school in their PE kits on this day and Leavers Hoodies. We will be having a rounders match after break with a picnic lunch. Unfortunately, we are not able to invite parents to this event. If the children can please request a sandwich lunch or bring in a light picnic lunch as we will stay on the field of a picnic all together after our match. In the afternoon we will be having our leavers BBQ - burgers and hotdog will be served around 2ish.


Monday 15th July - Forest School for the whole of year 6 with their buddies. Please can you the children wear their Forest School Clothing.


Tuesday 16th July - House Captains are running the Bake Off. If you would like to contribute a baked good, please send this in with your child that morning.


Wednesday 17th July - Donate a uniform day. Any Fermor uniform you would like to donate to the second-hand uniform shop, please send in with your child in a carrier bag. 


Friday 19th July - Church Leavers Service - Our Leavers Service will take place at 8:45 at All Saints Church - all Year 6 parents are invited to attend. In the afternoon the children will be able to sign each other's T Shirts and Parents and Carers are welcome to come into the playground at the end of the day to take and photographs that they would like of their children.


Reports will be sent home the last week of term. Included in this will be your child/children's SATs result and a letter explaining how to read the results (they are not given as a raw score).

Friday 14th June


The children have been incredibly busy this week preparing for our end of Year 6 Production.  We don't want to give too much away, but we are super excited about sharing our performance of, 'Shakespeare Rocks' with you on Thursday 11th July. There will be two performance: one in the day and one in the evening.  

We will be sharing with you information next week with regards to costumes and how you can request, the muchly sought after tickets, for what we are sure will be a show stopper! 

The children have enjoyed their Forest School experience and it was wonderful to open our sensory garden that they have helped shape, leaving their own legacy, from painting pots and stones, planting and gardening and some DIY as well!  Well done Year 6!


Please note, next week in RE we will be gathering ideas about life after death. If this is a sensitive subject for your child/children, please pop a note into their contact book. If it is a sensitive subject, children will be given the opportunity to take a break from the lesson if need be.


Key information for next week.


We are looking forward to Sports Week and are hoping that the weather will be kind to us.  Unfortunately, we won't be swimming on Monday as previously communicated - however, we are very excited that Mr Bennett we be coaching the Year 6's - I am sure they will love the idea of football for the afternoon.  Let's hope we can be celebrating England's Sunday Success as well. 

The children can come into school each day in Sporting Attire. (No branded football kits please)


Wednesday - Sports Day

Friday - Aquathon - We are delighted how many of the children want to take part. 


Heatree is nearly upon us:  so please make sure all forms have been submitted, payments please to have been organised and any medication comes into the office labelled.  We are super excited and are busy making sure that everyone has the most fabulous week away. As a reminder - you DO NOT need to send a duvet itself,  just the cover and if the children have had a practice at making their bed, alternatively they can use a sleeping bag for the week.  

Friday 7th June 



Key Dates for this Term


Monday  10th June - Whole school photographs

Wednesday 12th June - Church - EYFS will be leading our worship

Thursday 13th June - 6M will have their Forest School Day.  Please come dressed in outside clothes  (they might get dirty.)

Monday 17th June - 21st June - Sports week

All of Year 6 will need their swimming kits on Monday 17th June as we will be going to Goldsmith for our final swim.  On Friday if they are taking part in the aquathon - they will need a swimming kit. 

Wednesday 19th June - Sports Day

Friday 21st June - Hoodie presentation

Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June - Heatree Residential 

Week commencing 1st July - Transition days at Secondary School Places - Information will come direct from your chosen schools.

11th July - Year 6 production performances  - Morning and Early Evening.

12th July - Year 6 BBQ

19th July - Leavers worship







Friday 10th May


What a glorious week we've had, where possible we have tried to enjoy the sunshine and take our learning outside; the maths hunt was a success.  The children have worked incredibly hard revising for their SATS  - we are very proud of them and are excited for them to showcase all of their hard work at Sir Henry Fermor next week. 


It has been a joy watching the children progress in their PE - we have many buddying Badminton players and they are working hard on stamina during Athletics; triple jump was harder than it looked, nevertheless the children demonstrated perseverance practising the hop, step, jump sequence.

The children have been learning songs from end of year production and are already sounding wonderful - we are all in for a treat. 


Wishing you all a restful weekend.  The children's homework for the weekend, is to relax and get some good sleep so that they can be at their best for Monday!


Notices for Next Week


 Our SATS breakfast starts from 8am the children to come in through the swimming pool entrance. 

We will be going on to Goldsmiths Park on Friday.  If you are able to volunteer to join us we are looking for parents to come from 11am. Please contact either Mrs Mintram or Mrs Keene. 

Friday 3rd May


What a week we've had in Year 6! We would first like to mention how proud we are of all our year 6 students - it's very evident just how hard everyone is working as we head towards SATs. Well done to everyone on their hard work so far - keep up the focus and concentration just a little longer now!


This week in year 6, we have been learning about sonnets. We've found out that it wasn't just Shakespeare who wrote them; we read one sonnet all about Mr Twit's hatred for Mrs Twit! Next week children will have a go at writing their own sonnets - be sure to check out the home learning page for further information.


**Please note: Homework Club (normally on a Thursday) will not run this week due to staff training.**


Important Notices


Heatree Information Evening

This event will be held at 6pm on May 8th in the KS1 hall (please enter at the doors by the swimming pool). Parents and students are invited to this event as there is much information to share. Information packs including packing lists and medical forms will be handed out during this session as well. Information shared will be published on our class page on Thursday, and any packs not given out Wednesday evening will be sent home Thursday as well.



Bikeability is swiftly coming upon us! Bikeability workshops will be held each day between May 20-24. Remember, the number of places available are limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.



Friends of Fermor have kindly offered to pay for leavers' hoodies again this year - hooray! Forms have recently gone out. Please ensure it is filled out and returned to Mrs Keene or Mrs Mintram. Thank you!


Heatree Residential Trip

24-28 June. New and important information will be shared here as/when needed.

Friday 22nd March


The children have worked really hard this week, they were a credit to Year 6 demonstrating impeccable behaviour during their mock SATS in the hall on Monday and Tuesday.  We have had another busy week of learning  - in English the focus has been  on how to write a biography.  The children have been exploring texts; learning about the features that they will need to include in their Hot Task next week when they will be writing Charles Darwin's biography. 

Thank you to everyone for coming along to Parents evening, your continued support is invaluable.  It was wonderful seeing all the children making their own rules on Friday - they enjoyed the squash in water bottles and snacks in class!  We ended the week with a friendly Inter-House dodgeball game, this was due to the rain, although I think we found a new favourite, slightly noisy, with a pinch of competitiveness PE game! 


Important Notices and Date Changes


Victorian Day 

As time seems to be flying (at the speed of light, we're quite sure), we have made the decision to postpone Victorian day to the second day back after the Easter break. It will take place 16th April instead. Be sure to find your best Victorian costume and come ready for Victorian learning and (eek!) punishments!*


*Punishments will only be role-played.



SATs will be sat the fifth week of Term 5, beginning Monday May 13th and running through Thursday May 16th. If you've missed the first SATs information session, there will be a drop-in session Friday 19th April from 9 - 9:30 for any questions answered, or you can look in the Important Documents section of our class page for a PDF version of the slides that were shared.



Bikeability is swiftly coming upon us! They are scheduled to come to Fermor in week 6 of Term 5 - the week following SATs. Info/permission forms will be distributed at Parents Evening (and sent home at the end of the week for any who are unable to attend). Please note that spaces are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.


Come Dine we Me

We have postponed this to be the week after SATS - last week of next time. 

Exploring Biographies

Friday 15th March


Wow... what another busy week we have had in Year 6.  We are so proud of the children who represented the school singing at the Albert Hall on Tuesday - what a fabulous experience and a memory that will last forever.  


It was also 6M's turn for a trip to Peacehaven Wastewater Works - 6K did a tremendous job of keeping all the smelly details to themselves! It was wonderful to learn how our wastewater travels all across Sussex to be treated at the plant - and what happens to every part of our wastewater. The year group is now armed with ways to support the environment around them and keep the wastewater system a happy one. Watch this space for photos of the amazing kit one dons to tour the site!


Friday was Science day - with a focus on Time.  The children explored Charles Darwin's 'Theory of Evolution' to bring the this to life the children role played 'The survival of the fittest', creating Peppered Moths and House predators eating those that were not camouflaged! 


Thank you to those were able to come to our SAT's briefing, we hope you found it useful.  Please find a copy of the slides, we will also be holding a further briefing on Friday 19th April after drop off. 





SATS Briefing -Friday 15th March

Friday 8th March


This week the children turned into directors on World Book Day - bringing their storyboards alive and putting their filming skills to the test.  The school was filled with wonderful characters from all worlds, times and books on Thursday.  It was as ever, a fabulous day, with stop drop and read, the children created their own animals inspired by our book The Flooded.  Thank you for the incredible potatoes and photographs you sent in.  Well done to Charlotte Cashmore for winning KS2 potato. We will be working on the editing and finishing touches of the video and look forward to sharing it with the school. 

Friday 1st March


We have had another busy week of learning this week. Worship this week felt a little bit different with a Quiz on Tuesday (ahead of our school trip) about what happens after we flush the toliet!  We were then treated to a concert on Wednesday with three incredibly talented musicians who played the piano, drums and bass - their were able to play 'Baby Shark' in Jazz, Rock, Pop and Classical genres - wowing their audience. 

On Thursday,  6K travelled to Peacehaven to visit the Waste Water Working Site as part of their geography learning;  exploring  the importance of Water.    The children enjoyed the tour of the Wastewater site in their protective clothing and hard hats.  They were given the challenge of how they could help support our environment - considering how to 'Slow the Flow' of water, as well as considering how they could make an impact by reducing the amount of water and items that should not be going into our; storm drains, sinks and our toilets.



Photos of 6K trip

Friday 23rd February


We have had a wonderful first week back - our English book seemed remarkable apt for the weather outside - 'Floodland'!  The children explored what features create fabulous sequels, exploring what might have happened next with Goldilocks and Three Bears. In Science we explored what is meant by the term, 'Offspring' and discussed the differences between inherited and environmental characteristics. 

During Geography the children looked at the water cycle, preparing for our school trip to see what happens with all of our water water in East Sussex.  The children will be advertisers this term - producing a promotional video for World Book Day - they enjoyed reviewing some of the adverts played during the Superbowl. 


A reminder that 6K will be going this Thursday, 29th February.  Please remember to order a packed lunch on by Tuesday, if you would like the kitchen to prepare a lunch,  in readiness for our trip.


It is a dressing up term for Year 6 - so start having a think about your costumes. 


World Book Day - 7th March dress up day 

Victorian Day - Will be held last week of term - day tbc. 

Cooking Day - DT day - Aprons if possible please - day tbc.


In addition to dressing up children can create a book character from a vegetable at home and bring during World Book Week.  It would be lovely if we could have as many photos of themselves reading in the most interesting places to put up around the classroom. 



Friday 16th February


We hope you have had a restful half term and are ready for Term 4.  A few reminders and key dates for the upcoming term.


Our PE days will be Wednesday and Friday this coming term - please can you ensure that your child comes to school with their PE kits.  This term we will be outside for Netball and Fitness: you might want to include tracksuit bottoms and a jumper just incase we do have colder weather.  We will be running some booster swimming lessons on a Monday afternoon, from the second week of term with some children,  we will be in touch if this applies for your child. 


Reminders for the Term:


Pancake Flip Challenge               Tuesday 20th February

6K - Southern Water Trip             Thursday 29th February

Church Worships                          Wednesday 6th and Thursday 28th March

World Book Day                           Thursday 7th March

6M - Southern Water Trip             Thursday 14th March

Science Day (Time)                       Friday 15th March

Mock SAT Week in Hall                 Week 18th March

Parents Evenings                          Tuesday 19th March and Thursday 21st March


Royal Albert Hall - Choir Only      Tuesday 12th March

Dance Competition - Club Only    Tuesday 26th March 

IRock Assembly Concert              Wednesday 27th March


Our DT journey the children will be designing a three course meal and preparing this at the end of the term.  We will be sending more information shortly. 


We are looking forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.  Enjoy your weekend.

Year 6 Team. 

Friday 9th February

What a busy term the children have had - well done for all of you hard work and we wish you all a restful half term.  

The children have written a balanced argument; they have worked hard in maths focusing on fractions and decimals. We have learned about the history of Sir Henry Fermor School and begun to think about what it would be like to be a child in Victorian times through dance. The children have investigated circuits: considering how voltage may impact different components by designing their own enquiry questions. 

Electricity Investigation

Friday 19th January


The children have worked hard all week and we are very proud of how they all focused during their mock assessments.  We will be sharing with the children over this week how they got on, ready for our next mock assessments in March.  


We finished our 3 weeks of Disco and will post shortly a video of their performance.  The children have also been enjoying their Music lessons with our new Music Lead, Mrs Greening.



We have sent out letters for new Early Birds with the children and look forward to seeing as many as possible.



A Happy New Year to everyone 


We hope that you all have enjoyed a restful break and are looking forward to 2024.  We are looking forward to welcome the children back on Wednesday 3rd January with Early Bird Groups starting the week of the 8th January.  We will communicate any changes via email by Friday 5th January to the groups.

Our PE days remain on a Wednesday and Swimming on a Friday. This term we will be rotating alternative weeks for swimming, 6M will swim first on Friday 5th January, followed by 6K on Friday 12th January.  Please ensure your child has the correct kit for these days.  For more curriculum information please see our Term 3 &4 update and Weekly Timetable on our Year 6 page.


Our first Church service will be Wednesday 10th January.  


We would really appreciate if you are able to volunteer to help during swimming on a Friday afternoon or if you can spare any time to read with children on a one-to one.  If you are able to help, please let us know either by an email or a note in the contact books. 

Homework club will continue this term on a Thursday until 4pm.  Please can you ensure the children are completing their reading journals for you to initial, spending 3 mins, 5 times a week on TT rockstars and remembering to bring in both their reading and contact books daily. Maths and Grammar homework is due every Friday.  


We have added onto our website a section call SATS Revision Support.  The aim is to give some extra support for the children to use at home to help prepare them for their SATS in May. All of the documents are linked to Youtube tutorial videos of past SATS papers.  If your child would like to focus on an area that they find more challenging, they would be able to find the subject easily, try the questions and then see the walk through and answer for an explanation.  If you need any further guidance or support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support.  We are looking forward to a fabulous 2024. 

Friday 8th December


The children have had a busy week, working hard on mastering fractions and stepping into the Christmas Carol during English.   They enjoyed Christmas lunch with their buddies and spending time in the KS1 playground.  The children were brilliant buddies again on Friday; dancing with them, making reindeer food and seeing Father Christmas - we hope you like the photographs. 


Reminders for this week:


There will be NO earlybirds or homework club this week. 

Monday 11th December - Secret shopping room

Wednesday 13th December - KS2 Carol Concert 6pm

Friday 15th December - Church 




First, I would like to say Hello! My name is Elliott Stevens, and I am the owner of Swim Stars South East and founder of Heathfield Swim School. I am also one of the teachers that are now delivering swimming lessons and a new swimming programme to your children at the school. I just wanted to spend some time to give you all a quick update regarding the progress of your children this year to date. So far, the last two terms that me and my team have been delivering lessons at the site we have seen a huge increase in water confidence, technique, and swim skills so to everyone who has been participating I just want to say a HUGE WELL DONE, you are making excellent progress.


A small overview on what we have been doing:


Year 6 – Have been working on improving technique across all strokes, improving swim fitness and developing stamina.


We will be adding in a Water Safety element to all classes over the next two terms to include personal survival skills, lifesaving skills and how to stay safe when in and around the water. I look forward to seeing you all continue with the great progress and want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Friday 17th November 


We have had another busy week of learning.  The children have shown a great growth mindset in maths whilst we have been learning how to divide by one and  two digits, using the long division method. We have continued our learning journey in English, looking at formal and informal devices in preparation for the children to  write their own travel blog.   

In readiness for the Christmas Fair the children have been designing a  'Steady Hand Toy'.  We are looking forward to sharing these with everyone in the KS2 Games Room at the fair. 



If you have any red ribbon at home that you are happy to donate for our Christmas Crafting this Friday, it will be much appreciated. 


Please can you remember to send PE kits in with the children.   Swimming (Monday/Friday) and Gymnastics (Wednesday).


Finally, we have re-opened the Christmas card shop until 24th November if you had forgotten to order your child's design.   Orders already placed, we are hoping to receive these this week and then we will send home with the children. 

Trip to Ghyll Park


We are sorry that we have had to postpone our trip to the Ghyll today.  We are hoping to re-arrange as soon as we can.   Thank you 



Friday 10th November


We are so proud and impressed by our Year 6 cohort this year. They shared a fabulous message in church on Wednesday on our class values of gentleness and self-control. This was, of course, followed by our (emotional) tie-ceremony. Thank you to all of the parents and family who were able to attend this special moment.




This week, we started our Science topic in earnest by finding different ways to classify toys. The activity was a hit and our students came away with a practical understanding of the different ways that living beings can be grouped and sorted.





Important Notices


Watch this space for more information on the Heatree final cost and payment schedule, this should be with you shortly. We are extremely excited to be a step closer to this fun event.


Please remember to have swim kits in on Fridays. Some need to have kits in on Mondays as well; please check for an email from Miss Newman to double check whether your child/ren has been invited to join a swimming booster session.

Friday 3rd November 


What a busy first week we have had! 

We have started our learning journey writing blogs and in geography we have begun our new topic on 'population'. The children have been preparing for our Year 6 Church Service this Wednesday 8th November, writing a class poem and prayers.  We are really looking forward to sharing this with as many parents and carers who can attend. 

We finished our busy week making poppies. 

Poppy Making



The children's Christmas Designs look beautiful printed.  We have sent home your child's card with them this week.  This includes details on how you can 'Shop' for any items you would like to buy. All funds raised will be going towards Art Enrichment. 


The deadline for any orders is 15th November.   Please make sure you check your child's details - this will be printed on the back of the card.   We will then distribute from school as soon as we have received all of the orders

Parent Helpers 

We would love to hear from you if you are able to help us with any of the following:


Trip to the Ghyll:  To join us on Tuesday 14th November, exploring living things and their habitats. 

Swimming:  Either on a Monday or Friday afternoons.

Reading:  Anytime that would suit to come in and listen to readers. 



Christmas Fair - 25th November


Year 6 have a fantastic opportunity to run the 'Games Hall' at the Christmas Fair.  Please can you make a note in the children's contact books or we will be sending home 'helper slips' so that we can make a rota. ensuring the children will also have time to go and see the rest of the fair.  The children will be making their very own 'Steady Hand' toys in D&T the week before the fair. 

Friday 20th October


What a busy last week of term!

Firstly, thank you to those parents/carers who came to parents evening this week. It was lovely to see all of you and get to chat about your wonderful children. 


We've spent this week wrapping up many of the topics we have been learning about this term, finished by a lovely visit with our buddies this afternoon. We were so busy we even forgot to take pictures! It was lovely to see the older students engaging the younger ones in all different types of play.



Please remember the deadline to apply to secondary school is rapidly approaching. Apply by 31st October in order to secure a space.


November 8th will be our Year 6 church worship on our class values of Gentleness and Self-Control. We would love to have parents along, particularly as we will be presenting our Year 6s with their Year 6 tie following the service. We anticipate the whole service (including the tie ceremony) will last about 45 minutes.

Friday 6th October


We can't believe it's already October!

This week we celebrated our Harvest Festival not once but twice! Although we enjoyed joining in with the whole school worship on Wednesday, it was a special moment getting to join our EYFS buddies for their very first church service on Thursday.

After walking back to school with them, we spent the rest of the morning reading stories to them outside - some Year 6s even went the extra mile and acted the story out at the same time! Both sets of buddies were thrilled with the morning.






Please remember today is the deadline for handing in Heatree slips and to have the deposit paid on ParentPay. Please feel free to catch an adult on the door if you'd like to discuss anything about the residential trip.

Once numbers have been finalised we will be able to determine the final cost and send this information out.


We have had a few kerfuffles with swim kits - could everyone please double check kits which went home to ensure everyone only has their own kit? Many thanks in advance!

Friday 29th September


It's been another busy week! We have fully settled into our work and new roles as Year 6 leaders. This week in English we have studied one act from Romeo and Juliet and have learned about Romeo and his mischievous friends Mercutio and Benvolio.

We have taken our model text and turned it into a story map in order for us to be able to tell the story better by ourselves. Our students practiced (and some even performed!) the model text until they could tell the story of this scene independently.



Next week are are looking forward to celebrating the Harvest Festival at church. Please remember to drop students into All Saints on Wednesday.


In exciting news, the Harvest Festival is a little different for Year 6... On Thursday 5th October, EYFS will be attending their own private Harvest Festival just to get used to church by themselves before joining the rest of the 'big kids' next month. However, as their buddies, we get to join them at church on this day too to 'show them the ropes'!


Year 6 will be attending both the whole school worship on Wednesday and the EYFS service on Thursday. Please drop your child/children at All Saints on Thursday as well so we can have this special experience with our buddies.




Swimming has begun! Please ensure swim kits are sent into school (ideally by Thursday) ahead of our swimming day on Friday.


The deadline for Heatree is rapidly approaching! Thank you to those who have had a chat with a member of the Year 6 team about any questions or concerns. Please have forms in and the deposit paid by October 6th, at which point we will be able to determine the final cost.

Friday 22nd September


This week in English we have delved further into the world of Shakespeare. As part of our study, we looked at some famous Shakespearean phrases and some not-so-famous Shakespearean phrases. 

To help us understand the meanings of some of them, we took to the stage - or at least the front of the room - to act them out.




This week we have also started to prepare for our upcoming Harvest Festival at lunch. We made 'thankful apples' after discussing all the things we are grateful for. To encourage our artistic abilities, we went hunting for leaves and then tried to replicate them using chalks.






Please remember to send it your child/children's Heatree forms and pay the deposit on ParentPay by October 6th. If you have any concerns about the residential and would like to speak to a member of the Year 6 team, please call the office to arrange a time or catch one of us on the door.


Swimming should be going ahead next Friday (thank you for your understanding in the delay), so please ensure your child/children has their swim kit in school.


Harvest Festival is coming up on October 4th! We look forward to celebrating this event!

Swimming Update! - 20th September


Dear Parents/Carers, 


Unfortunately, our swimming pool has had to close unexpectedly and at short notice. As such, we will not be starting our swimming sessions this week. Instead, they will begin next week on September 29th. Please ensure you child/children have their swim kit here for that day. Thank you for your understanding!


Mrs Keene and Mrs Mintram



Friday September 15th 


Our second week back has been a success!

Year 6's have dived into their learning this week: we've continued to tackle our art projects and will soon be ready to show them on display. In Science this week we learned about the direction light travels in with the aid of a light box. Students are learning to think scientifically and made decisions on what variables to change in the experiment and what results they would observe and measure.




In English our students have honed their art of persuasion by writing persuasive letters about which Year 6 job they should hold - the results of which will be announced next week.




Swimming begins this upcoming Friday. Please ensure swim kits are brought into school.


Heatree deposit forms are due in by October 6th - please remember to pay the £35 deposit on ParentPay.

Friday 8th September


What a fabulous first week of Year 6 we've had! 

Well done to all Year 6 students for settling so well into their new role as oldest in the school. Both classes have set amazing examples for the rest of the school and should be very proud of a successful first week - during a heat wave, no less! 


This week, we have talked about what personality traits we have and what our interests are. These have formed the basis of two exciting projects for a first week of school: Year 6 job application letters and all-about-me art projects. Watch this space for pictures of the completed art projects!


Next week, we are excited to welcome parents and carers in for our annual Meet the Teacher session. This will take place at 9:30 on Tuesday 12th September. Please enter through the Year 5/6 door, where you'll be directed to  6M. If you are unable to attend, the slides used for the session will be posted under the Publications tab for reference. We look forward to seeing all those attending!
