Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks.
But of course, if you look deeper, it’s really how it works.”
Steve Jobs
Design and Technology Curriculum Statement
Design & Technology at Fermor School aims to provide opportunities for all children to engage in ‘real world’ activities that are challenging, relevant and motivating. It is a distinctly creative subject that combines intellectual (investigation, research, analysis, evaluation and critical reflection) with practical skills and techniques, through purposeful practical activities, resulting in the making of good quality products.
D & T links well with other subjects specifically maths, art, science and computing, but can also be used for literacy writing skills; model making for history, geography or music. Thus, an enthusiasm for D & T provides a natural focus for many other subjects and can motivate, enhance and support a child’s learning journey through these meaningful links.
The emphasis for Early Years children is on the enjoyment of exploring and working with everyday materials and construction kits whilst having opportunities for simple cutting and joining techniques. From Years 1 – 6, units of work are planned to ensure balance and progression in the areas of: food processing ; textiles; mechanisms – wheels, axles, levers, linkages, cams, gears, pulleys- and structures; electrical systems. Each unit focuses on investigating products, focused practical tasks, designing and making assignments and evaluation. Children are taught the safe use of tools and equipment and teachers insist on good practice.
A crucial aspect of all design and technological activities is that they provide access to all children, so that they can be both confident and proud of their own achievements.
‘Inspire, Believe, Achieve’