
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Welcome to our English homework page!


Homework is set on a Friday to be completed and handed in on the following Friday morning. The most recent homework will always be displayed at the top of the list below.


Term 4, Week 1-2 (Set 28th February)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 62-65 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on spelling and considers plurals and prefixes.

Term 3, Week 5-6 (Set 7th February)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 58,59 and 80 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a mixed focus and includes some work on recognising word families.

Term 3, Week 4-5 (Set 31st January)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 81-83 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on synonyms and antonyms.

Term 3, Week 3-4 (Set 24th January)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 72-75 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on homophones and words with silent letters.

Term 3, Week 2-3 (Set 17th January)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 40-42 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on correct sentence punctuation.

To assist with our work for Science next week it would also be helpful if children could make a list of any animals they see around the local area during the week.

Term 3, Week 1-2 (Set 10th January)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 36, 56 and 57 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on the use of formal versus informal language and semi-colons.

Term 2, Week 6-7 (Set 13th December)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 52 and 53 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on the use of brackets, dashes and hyphens.

Term 2, Week 5-6 (Set 6th December)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 54 and 55 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on the use of colons.

Term 2, Week 4-5 (Set 29th November)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 32, 46 and 47 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on the use of active and passive voice as well as inverted commas.

Term 2, Week 3-4 (Set 22nd November)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 43 to 45 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on the use of apostrophes.

Term 2, Week 2-3 (Set 15th November)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 22 to 25 of their workbooks this week please. This work has a focus on phrases and clauses.

Term 2, Week 1-2 (Set 8th November)

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 29 to 31 this week please. This work has a focus on tenses.


Term 1, Week 7-8 (set 18th October)

Yes, you've read it correctly on the newsletter - the long awaited homework books are here and all children have been given their own copies, so no printing at home is required!

In addition to reading for pleasure throughout the week (and ideally discussing their reading with you) we would like the children to complete pages 2 to 5 this week please. 

Term 1, Week 4-5 (Set 27th September)

A huge thank you to everyone who submitted poems for the Wonderverse competition, we have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all and look forward to hearing how they get on in the competition!

As we will soon be starting a new writing unit involving diary entries our English homework this week will enable the children to refresh their knowledge of conjunctions, which are an important feature of this style of writing.

Below are two question sheets, one about coordinating conjunctions and one about subordinating conjunctions.  We would expect that at least one sheet is completed but ideally both if possible.


Term 1, week 3-4 (20th Sept)

Thank you to those children who have been planning and drafting their poem for the Young Writers poetry competition. Children have now been given their official entry sheets so can work on creating their final, neat poems to be entered into the competition.

We would very much like the children to spend this week working on their amazing, original poems and to bring their completed sheets into school next Friday so we can collect all the work together and send it off as a school entry.

All the information about the competition is on the printed sheets but if children have any questions about their poems please encourage them to ask their teacher.


Have fun letting those creative juices flow!!

Term 1 Week 3 (set 13th September)

Our English homework for the next 2 weeks is a bit different as, to coincide with our current poetry topic, we would like to encourage the children to write a piece of poetry that could be entered into the Young Writers National Poetry Competition called "Wonderverse".

Each child will be provided with an official entry form on which they should write their poem, but this week we would like them to concentrate on drafting their ideas (to show to their teacher when homework is traditionally marked on Friday).


Here are the details of what to write about:

"The Wonderverse competition is about encouraging children to explore their creativity and express themselves through poetry on any theme and style. From pets, heroes or class topics, to the weird and wonderful, children are encouraged to view paradise, change the world, make a wish, touch the stars, and unlock magic." (Young Writers)


When planning their poems children should think about elements such as:

  • The topic they are going to write about (eg animals, emotions, space, seasons, friendship, history, cultures, nature etc)
  • The poetic style they will use (such as: acrostic, riddle, kenning, free verse, narrative)
  • The features they will include - similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition.


We will provide children with their entry forms in due course, but if you would like to find out more now, all the details of the competition can be found here.  

