
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Year 2 – 2C and 2K

Welcome to our Year 2 information page


On this page, you will find all the general information that you need to know about Year 2. Please see our class page for weekly updates and information.

Class page

Year 2 teachers

                        2C                                                               2K

                Mrs Crumbie                                                  Mrs Koch

Year 2 TAs

                     Miss Barnes                                              Miss Dance


 Timetable and curriculum

This is an example of our weekly timetable for your child: 




PE in Year 2 will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a fully labelled kit. This should include: their house t-shirt, school regulation shorts, socks and trainers or plimsols. In colder weather, children may wear sweatshirts and jogging bottoms. 



You will be notified separately when your child will be swimming.

Please ensure the children bring a swimming kit on that morning that includes a swimming costume or trunks/shorts, a swimming hat, goggles and a towel. 


Forest school

You will be notified separately when your child has Forest school. This is an outdoor activity so your child will need: wellies, warm, waterproof clothing to change into, spare socks and a coat.


Home Learning 

Each week, we expect your child to read at home daily and practise phonics and spellings. 

Each term we have additional Maths activities and a

Home Learning 'Big Project' which will relate to the term's learning.

Click here to access Home Learning




