Welcome to the Year 1 class page. If you would like to see an overview of the year group and the content we cover, please check our Year Group Page or curriculum pages.
To access our Year 1 home learning or newsletters, please click on the relevant icon below.
Drop Off
All Key Stage 1 children should enter the school building using the red gate entrance, where they will be greeted by their class teacher.
This gate will be open from 8:45am and closed promptly at 8:55am. Once they arrive, your child should hang their coat on their individually labelled peg and then go to their classroom to be greeted by their class teaching assistant and begin their early morning work.
What to Wear and What to Bring
Children are expected to attend school in full summer school uniform, please see our uniform page for further details. In addition, children should bring in their PE kit in a named red school drawstring bag and a book bag containing only the following items:
A pack of disposable tissues;
A named water bottle; and
A contact book, a reading book and reading record book (these will be given to your child in the first week).
Children are requested not to bring any toys or equipment from home except under special circumstances and prior agreement with your child's teacher.
We request that your child should not bring a rucksack but this can be negotiated under special circumstances and with prior agreement with your teacher.
Thank you for understanding that we are only able to offer a school lunch at the moment in Key Stage 1. The children cannot bring in a packed lunch unless there is prior agreement with Mrs. Edwards. Please speak to your class teacher if you have concerns about this.
Collection Arrangements
Your child finishes school at 3:15pm and the school gate will be opened at this time to allow you to collect them from the exit door on the same side of the school building. Please be aware that you must complete a new pick-up arrangements form for this academic year. This can be emailed back to the school office or handed to a member of the class team.
Forest school will take place on a Tuesday with Mr Woods.
More details to follow this week via email.
Home - School Communication
During the drop off and collection times, there will always be a member of the year group team on hand who will always do their best to support with any questions or concerns. However, the most effective way to communicate with the class teacher is using your child’s contact book or by emailing the school office who will forward the message on.
If there is anything of a more confidential or sensitive nature, you can email the safeguarding team direct on DSL@fermorschool.org.uk
We hope the information on this page has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 1 team. It is our goal to ensure every child is settled and happy in Key Stage 1 and enjoying their journey through primary school.
Many Thanks
Miss Rose and Mrs. Podlasin
Here is a copy of the meet the teacher slides which were shared in Week 2.