
Sir Henry Fermor Church of England Primary School

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Sir Henry Fermor

Church of England Primary School

Tel: 01892 652405

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Year 1 – 1P and 1R

Welcome to our Year 1 Information Page


On this page, you will find all the general information that you will need to know about Year 1. Click HERE for our weekly newsletter where you will find photos from the week's learning and dates for your diary.


There are two parallel classes in Year 1- 1R and 1P; our two rooms are opposite each other and we share a fabulous middle area space that we use for creative activities, intervention groups and enhanced provision. The enhanced provision activities are a selection of engaging and relevant weekly focus activities linked to our Maths and English learning, which smaller groups of children can choose from whilst other groups of children are working in focus groups.


                                       Year 1 Class Teachers



                           1R                                              1P

                     Miss Rose                               Miss Podlasin                                     



Our teaching assistants are:


                     Mrs Stutchbury                                          Miss Crush 



Timetable and curriculum.


Here is a sample of the Year 1 Timetable. 




  • Children must have the appropriate house colour top, plain blue shorts, plain blue or black jogging trousers and trainers for PE.
  • When we do PE we will be having lessons outside where possible so you may wish to provide a zip-up top or jumper.

Please ensure all kit is named clearly. 


 Year 1 will swim on a Wednesday afternoon, alternating between each class. This will continue until the end of the academic year.

Forest School


Forest will run on Tuesday mornings and will alternate with each class. Please make sure your child comes to school dressed in their Forest School clothes - weather appropriate, warm and named. Please ensure all items are named. Your child will also need waterproof jacket and trousers as well as wellies. These can be kept in school. They can stay in their forest school clothes all day.

Home learning

Home learning will consist mainly of Phonics practice, reading and spelling. We will begin to send out home learning once the children have settled in later in this term.


We would welcome any volunteers to hear readers or help with a variety of activities. More information to follow at the Meet the Teacher sessions.


Click here  for information on home learning. 
