1K 1P
Mrs. Koch Miss. Podlasin
Mrs. Stutchbury in 1K Miss. Crush in 1P
Here is a sample of the Year 1 Time Table for Term 1.
Please ensure all kit etc. is named clearly. This then makes it easier to reunite lost items with their owners.
Year 1 will swim on a Friday afternoon, alternating between each class. This will continue until the end of the academic year.
Forest will run on Thursday morning starting on the 8th September 2023Please make sure your child comes to school dressed in their Forest School clothes - weather appropriate, warm and named. Please ensure all items are named. Your child will also need waterproof jacket and trousers as well as wellies. These can be kept in school.
Homework will consist mainly of phonic practise, reading and spelling. We will begin to send out homework once they have settled later in this term.
In addition each term we will be giving the children an opportunity to complete a big "project" for homework - further details to come.
We would welcome any volunteers to hear readers or help with a variety of activities. More information to follow at the meet the teacher sessions.
Click here on your class page for information on homework.