On this page, you will find all the general information that you need to know about Year 4. Please see our class page for weekly updates and information and our curriculum page for an overview of our learning each term.
class or curriculum pages.
4M is taught by Miss Matthews
4WG is taught by Miss Williams and Mrs Golding
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Summers and Ms Simmonds
Timetable and Curriculum
This is an example of our weekly timetable for your child:
PE in Year 4 is on a Monday & Swimming is on a Friday. Please ensure your child has a fully labelled kit. This should include: their house t-shirt, school regulation shorts, socks and trainers or plimsoles. In colder weather, children may wear sweatshirts and jogging bottoms.
Please ensure the children bring a swimming kit on that morning that includes a swimming costume or trunks/shorts, a swimming hat, goggles and a towel.
Home Learning
We expect your child to read and practice times tables regularly at home. Spellings will be set and tested weekly. There will also be other tasks set which will connect to the current learning.