Children learn in different ways and not every strategy to learn spellings will suit all. Please see below a variety of strategies to try when supporting the learning of spellings. Scroll down for the weekly spelling homelearning.
Week beginning 10th February 2025
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthews group C
construction addition affection connection direction possession percussion passion |
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthews group B
Mrs Summers and Miss Simmonds group A
Week beginning 3rd February 2025
Mrs Goldings/Mr Morris and Miss Matthews group C and B
group C group B
antiseptic antiseptic
antifreeze antifreeze
anticlimax anticlimax
antibody antibody
antiviral antiviral
Week beginning 3rd February 2025
Mrs Summers and Miss Simmonds group A
Week beginning 27th January 2025
Mrs Summer's group A and Mrs Goldings/Mr Morris and Miss Matthews group C
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
interact |
internet |
interrupt |
intervene |
interlude |
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthew's group B spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
interact |
internet |
interrupt |
intervene |
interlude |
interfere |
international |
intermediate |
Week beginning 20th January 2025
Mrs Summer's group A spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
thud |
length |
strength |
oath |
with |
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthew's group B spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
guard |
guide |
guest |
guessed |
guise |
gust |
guardian |
guitars |
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthew's group C spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
guard |
guide |
guest |
guessed |
gust |
Week beginning 13th January 2025
Mrs Summer's group A spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
scene |
complete |
extreme |
seen |
breathe |
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthew's group B spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
scene |
| |
seen |
male |
bawl |
rein |
breath |
reign |
Mr Morris/Mrs Golding and Miss Matthew's group C spellings
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
scene |
| |
male |
bawl |
breathe |
Week beginning 6th January 2025
Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check!
Tick the columns as you follow the instructions from left to right. Make sure you spell the words in the ‘write’ column. If you spell the word incorrectly, write it again in the correction column.
spelling | look | say | cover and write | write | check | correction |
mixture |
adventure |
capture |
feature |
moisture |
nature |
picture |
vulture |
Week beginning 27/11/2024
Mrs Summer's groups Spellings
Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check!
Tick the columns as you follow the instructions from left to right. Make sure you spell the words in the ‘write’ column. If you spell the word incorrectly, write it again in the correction column.
spelling | look | say | cover | write | check | correction |
beautiful |
because |
believe |
both |
break |
Miss Williams/Mrs Goldings or Miss Matthew's groups spellings
Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check! Tick the columns as you follow the instructions from left to right. Make sure you spell the words in the ‘write’ column. If you spell the word incorrectly, write it again in the correction column.
Week beginning 18th November 2024
Week 3 Spellings in- & im-prefix |
inactive |
incapable |
incredible |
inaccurate |
immature |
immobile |
impossible |
impatient |
impolite |