Our spelling focus for this week is all about homophones, or words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings.
Our spelling focus for this week is all about the use of hyphens, so all of our words are hyphenated!
Our spelling focus for this week is all about the rule "i before e except after c" and, of course, some exceptions to this!
As we have set more pages than usual for our English homework this week there are not specific words for the children to learn this week. Our spelling focus for this week will be the use of apostrophes and this will be covered in class. Of course, we would always encourage children to continue to familiarise themselves with the statutory spelling lists although there will not be a spelling test this week.
Our spelling focus for this week is on prefixes and how they change the root word they are added to.
This week the children have been tasked with setting their own spellings! They will go through their English book identifying words that have been highlighted as incorrectly spelt over the last term and will choose 10 of them to focus on learning this week.
Alternatively, they can choose to focus on 10 words from the Year 5/6 spelling list that they find particularly tricky.
The statutory spelling lists for Year 5/6 and Year 3/4 are pasted below to help.
Our words for this week are all homophones - pairs of words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. Take care to learn the correct spelling for each meaning.
As we will be carrying out mock SATs this week (please don't worry, we are building familiarity with the style of SATs as mentioned in this week's newsletter) we would suggest that children spend some time looking at the list of Year 5/6 words and perhaps some words from earlier years as well. The SATs spelling paper consists of 20 questions so we would recommend that children refamiliarise themselves with some of the words they find tricky words as well as reminding themselves of common spelling rules.
Our words for this week are all plurals! We will be looking at the rules for making plurals using -s, -es and -ies.
1. inches
2. families
3. glasses
4. copies
5. crashes
6. supplies
7. accidents
8. libraries
9. carpenters
10. merchants
Our words for this week are all "tricky" words with no specific rules to follow. During the week we will look at some strategies you may like to use to help you remember words that don't follow a particular spelling pattern:
Our words for this week all end in the suffix -sion. During the week we will look at the rules relating to which root words take this ending.
Our spelling focus for this week will be words ending in - ly.
As it is the first week back at school, we are taking it gently and will not be having our usual spelling test on Friday. However, the following words have been set for the children to learn and we will have a quiz on Friday to see how they have got on with them.