We are delighted to announce that the CEO of Tenax Schools Trust, Ian Bauckham CBE, has been awarded a knighthood by His Majesty the King in recognition of his services to education at a national level.
Alongside his leadership of the Tenax Schools Trust, including our own teacher training and Teaching School Hub, Sir Ian has played a leading role as chair of the Oak National Academy, which was initiated to provide good quality remote education during the pandemic. He also serves as chair of Ofqual, which has overseen the successful reintroduction of examinations after the disruption of the pandemic and has led important national reform programmes in initial teacher training, relationships and sex education (RSHE) and the teaching of modern foreign languages.
Commenting on the announcement, Sir Ian said: “I was surprised and humbled to receive this honour. It has been a huge privilege to have worked alongside so many exceptional leaders and colleagues in all areas of education where I have been able to make a contribution in recent years.
To bring about change and improvement is rarely easy and always requires clear vision, collective effort and resilience. I am very grateful both to those who have given me the opportunities to play a part across a range of roles and projects, and to those who have worked incredibly hard to deliver in the interests of our young people.”
Sacha Strand, Executive Headteacher expressed her good wishes to Sir Ian.
"We are thrilled that Sir Ian’s wider services to education, as well as his continuing work with our Trust schools and with the Kent Teaching School hub, has been recognised with a knighthood. Our warmest congratulations."